Health Care Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
Does anyone else see the disconnect here? Even if we take the governments numbers at face value (lol), we have a mere 8 million people who have signed up for Obamacare. So how in the fuck do you arrive at this fantastic numbers being rolled out? Its a statistical impossibility. We are supposed to believe this huge segment of the population is now insured, even though only 8 million, out of 300 million Americans are even signed up with Obamacare. This is complete horseshit. It laughable. Does anyone actually believe this?
Honestly, why the fuck do you even bother posing these questions? You're just going to ridicule and ignore any of the admittedly uncivil responses you get in the first place.


Unelected Mod
Does anyone else see the disconnect here?
You do realize that this is a drop from the high of 18% to 13.4% right? So that is 4.6% of americans, 18 or older. That isn't some number crazily higher than 8m people.

Just because you can't do the math and therefore want to find something mysterious about numbers you can't understand, please realize that most adults can easily do percentages and multiply and realize nothing crazy is going on here.


Honestly, why the fuck do you even bother posing these questions? You're just going to ridicule and ignore any of the admittedly uncivil responses you get in the first place.
Its statistically impossible to have that big a drop in the amount of people who are uninsured if we use Obamacare as the reason for people now being insured. Only 2.7% of Americans are even signed up with Obamacare yet we are supposed to believe the impact has lowered the national average the largest margin since 2008? Its an impossible statistic. Obamacare numbers even include those who now use Obamacare to sign up for medicaid. So those people are not people who were previously uninsured, they were simply renewing their medicaid for the current year. Lets at least debate numbers from a realistic basis.


Unelected Mod
Lets at least debate numbers from a realistic basis.
Yeah, lets all line up to debate you in numbers. The fact you can't even do simple subtraction isn't the problem. The problem is that you are satisfied with your level of ignorance in all things.


Merlin, how fucking stupid are you? You do realize people can sign up for healthcare off the exchange right? The ACA removed pre-existing condition upcharges and declines, which opened up a huge market. A lot of people didn't qualify for a subsidy, but were previously declined, and they just went direct with the insurance companies to avoid dealing with the ACA problems. If your family makes more than the subsidy threshold there was no reason to purchase an exchange policy rather than going directly through the insurance company.

It's like you lack any sort of critical thinking capability or common sense.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its statistically impossible to have that big a drop in the amount of people who are uninsured if we use Obamacare as the reason for people now being insured. Only 2.7% of Americans are even signed up with Obamacare yet we are supposed to believe the impact has lowered the national average the largest margin since 2008? Its an impossible statistic. Obamacare numbers even include those who now use Obamacare to sign up for medicaid. So those people are not people who were previously uninsured, they were simply renewing their medicaid for the current year. Lets at least debate numbers from a realistic basis.
2.7% of people signed up THROUGH THE EXCHANGES, that's one of four outlets I'm aware of to get healthcare of which all have incentives to them to encourage enrollment.

Employer healthcare I saw an article that said it raised SOME (although it's been a few, I don't remember the figure) - that's not exchange enrollment by and far.
Medicaid enrollment is WAY up (remember you were complaining about it a few months ago?) - that's not exchange enrollment.
Children being covered are WAY up - that's not exchange enrollment.

Only exchange enrollment and their spouses count as exchange enrollment. Assuming an equal split (which there obviously isn't though) it would be 10.8% total.


We are supposed to believe this huge drop in people who are uninsured, even though only 8 million, out of 300 million Americans are even signed up with Obamacare. This is complete horseshit. It laughable. Does anyone actually believe this?
Its statistically impossible to have that big a drop in the amount of people who are uninsured if we use Obamacare as the reason for people now being insured. Only 2.7% of Americans are even signed up with Obamacare yet we are supposed to believe the impact has lowered the national average the largest margin since 2008? Its an impossible statistic.
Wow, those numbersarepretty unbelievable. If you have 8 million people out of 300 million, that is only about 2.7%... Except that poll is only for adults 18 and older. Well, this is getting complicated. Let's Wikipedia some shit.

Using 2010 populations, let's say there are 78 million-ish kids from 0 to 18 (Using 4/5th of the 15 to 19 estimates -> about 9 million per gender, the lower bars all hover around 10 million). Let's also use317 millionas an estimated population. So 317 million minus the 78 million kids leaves us with 239 million people aged 18 or older. This obviously isn't perfect, since we're using 2010 child populations against an estimate of current populations, but let's just go with it for now.

So, 8 million Obamacare enrollees against a considered population of 239 million gets us to 3.3% of the population represented by the graph. So we've gained a small amount of percentage. This isn't huge, but significant in the scales we're considering. Plus, as others have already contributed, the cited graph is not solely praising Obamacare. There are other sources of gains. And you know, those gains are still good things. Maybe some people are getting covered through pre-existing conditions. Maybe some people got a minimal amount of health care through a low-end job, but at least they have something now.

So, numbers. Yeah.

EDIT - Do the Obamacare enrollment numbers include kids 18 and under? I guess that would be a source of inaccuracy also, but probably not a huge one.

EDIT #2 - Also, I wanted to reconsider the shift from 2.7% to 3.3%, or a total of +0.7%. Since we're looking at a total of 4.6% (18% uninsured down to 13.4% uninsured), a shift of 0.7% does constitute about 15% of that range. Woo.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Damn Aligiz, that's WAY too many percentages for Merlin to handle in one sitting. Slow down guy!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Statically impossible! The government almost snuck it by the entire nation but not by merlin.

He has to be a troll.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
merlin, did you not receive your marching orders from Rush yet? Its all about Benghazi now.


Vyemm Raider
Unskewed that for you. (not mine, but I did have to go digging through archives to find it again!)



2 Minutes Hate
Does Merlin also not realize that unemployment numbers have decreased and more people are getting insurance the old fashion way as well?


Vyemm Raider
It was pretty much the last thing they were clinging to in their fight against Obamacare. What were they predicting, that 20% would pay? Or was it 20 people. Something like that.