Health Care Thread


Seems to be going ok for those who have coverage now that didn't before. But hey, I agree, let's scrap this thing and get on single payer like the rest of the civilized world.
All 3 million? AT THE SAME TIME? Well damn, it must be working then right?
The results finally came in. As of April 15, only 67% of individuals and families that selected a plan had paid their first month's premium, data provided to the committee by every provider in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace shows. Insurers informed the committee that, by the same date, only 2.45 million had paid their first month's premium for coverage obtained through the FFM.
Obamacare: Saying 'it's working' doesn't make it true -


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sure, the ACA is a giant black hole - but guess what, that's how the AMERICAN INSURANCE INDUSTRY WORKS - that's the problem.

Either you want single payer or you want a black hole of some variant - the only difference to the "black hole" now versus then is that the Fed is reporting a ton of numbers on it that were less consolidated because they weren't involved before - if you went to all the individual health policies and added them up the difference is negligible before and after. (In fact according to some reports healthcare costs since the ACA have raised at HALF the rate that was projected)


I'm on board with scrapping Obummercare, busting up for-profit medical insurance companies, and implementing single payer, universal healthcare. How about you Merlin? You are really good at saying shit sucks. Tell us what you would replace the ACA with since you are such an informed voter.
Ohhh VA healthcare for everyone? That sends a shiver down my leg.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I agree with you but can you possibly shutup for a minute and let Merlin answer a very simple question...what kind of healthcare system would he like to replace Obamacare with since it's an obvious failure?


Without the sarcasm, those rich assholes in healthcare were raping everyone. No fucking shit. But prior to Obamacare, our heathcare was affordable and covered everything we needed. Since Obamacare, the wife and I, instead of paying ZERO for the birth (hospital stay, surgery etc..) now owe $800 out of pocket when we registered, and another $800 after the birth. Our premiums have increased $400 a month, and we are now receiving less coverage. So double the cost, and half the coverage. That isn't fucking WORKING. Not in my eyes. And we are not the outlier, it appears to me this is standard. I'm hearing this all over the fucking country. So don't tell me Obamacare is working. Its not. Its just lining Uncle Sams pockets instead of some fat cat executive.


I agree with you but can you possibly shutup for a minute and let Merlin answer a very simple question...what kind of healthcare system would he like to replace Obamacare with since it's an obvious failure?
Honestly, I don't know. I don't hear singing praises from the European model. Brain drain, long waiting times, etc.....Obamacare sucks. Maybe a mix of the two? I'm honestly not educated enough in that to even pretend to form an opinion on the perfect model Beagle.


All 3 million? AT THE SAME TIME? Well damn, it must be working then right?

The results finally came in. As of April 15, only 67% of individuals and families that selected a plan had paid their first month's premium, data provided to the committee by every provider in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace shows. Insurers informed the committee that, by the same date, only 2.45 million had paid their first month's premium for coverage obtained through the FFM.
Obamacare: Saying 'it's working' doesn't make it true -
I enrolled about 75% of my applicants in March and April. Their first bill wasn't due until April 28 (if they enrolled the first 2 weeks of March) or May 28 (if they enrolled after that). So that might have something to do with why so many people hadn't paid by April 15. But let's not let facts get in the way of your agenda.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well that's good for you, but for most Americans health care has not been adequate, did not cover what was needed, and was way too expensive. It IS working. Your premiums were increasing before Obamacare and will continue to increase either way. Bring on single payer, bro.

Did you seriously have another kid since Obamacare passed? Dude, wrap that rascal up.


Well that's good for you, but for most Americans health care has not been adequate, did not cover what was needed, and was way too expensive. It IS working. Your premiums were increasing before Obamacare and will continue to increase either way. Bring on single payer, bro.

Did you seriously have another kid since Obamacare passed? Dude, wrap that rascal up.
Yea twin girls. Its "taken care of now" but fucked my last semester. D, D, D, A- (Oddly enough Sociology by a professor so liberal he makes ReRolled look Conservative).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well that's good for you, but for most Americans health care has not been adequate, did not cover what was needed, and was way too expensive. It IS working. Your premiums were increasing before Obamacare and will continue to increase either way. Bring on single payer, bro.

Did you seriously have another kid since Obamacare passed? Dude, wrap that rascal up.
Nah, the more kids he has the more government aid he gets.

The same government aid that he doesn't think anyone but him should get.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Honestly, I don't know. I don't hear singing praises from the European model. Brain drain, long waiting times, etc.....Obamacare sucks. Maybe a mix of the two? I'm honestly not educated enough in that to even pretend to form an opinion on the perfect model Beagle.
Again, thx for answering the question and using your own thoughts instead of digging something up from the Blaze. It was a nice change from a lot of your other posts.

But. You do realize that actively shitting on something, especially a program as important and far-reaching as Obamacare without offering a viable alternative is childish and doesn't serve any good at all right? This is what your leaders in the Tea Party are doing and they are encouraged to do this by the people that vote for them.

If you truly want a healthcare system that works for everyone, and I believe that you do, then why not start working with the other side to either fix what's wrong with Obamacare or come up with a solution that works? Because the Democrats aren't going to magically disappear and voting to repeal Obamacare 47 times doesn't do anyone any good and is just political grandstanding.


Again, thx for answering the question and using your own thoughts instead of digging something up from the Blaze. It was a nice change from a lot of your other posts.

But. You do realize that actively shitting on something, especially a program as important and far-reaching as Obamacare without offering a viable alternative is childish and doesn't serve any good at all right? This is what your leaders in the Tea Party are doing and they are encouraged to do this by the people that vote for them.

If you truly want a healthcare system that works for everyone, and I believe that you do, then why not start working with the other side to either fix what's wrong with Obamacare or come up with a solution that works? Because the Democrats aren't going to magically disappear and voting to repeal Obamacare 47 times doesn't do anyone any good and is just political grandstanding.
Actually I think its to late to repel, and I have no problems with the government helping those who are unable to get health insurance. I am NOT for repelling Obamacare. My frustration is in how it was written. God help us when politicians supervise the writing of a bill in something that costs 1/6th of our nations economy and is so important, like healthcare. I would like to see Obamacare handed over to healthcare PROFESSIONALS, tell the politicians to GTFO of the process, and let them fix the fucking thing. I am NOT for single-payer (I am prior service and avoid the VA whenever I can) just for that very reason. And I DO want a working healthcare system. My wife has worked in the healthcare industry for 16 straight years. Trust me, we know how those fucks at the top do nothing, make 44x what everyone else is making, and fuck the working class (RN's, etc...) every chance they get. I just wish it was more about making the healthcare industry work, and less about votes or politicians lining their pockets.

So you're up to 7 now? Or was the 5 including the twins?
If I don't include my 3 girls who have graduated high school already, its 5....sigh


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Without the sarcasm, those rich assholes in healthcare were raping everyone. No fucking shit. But prior to Obamacare, our heathcare was affordable and covered everything we needed. Since Obamacare, the wife and I, instead of paying ZERO for the birth (hospital stay, surgery etc..) now owe $800 out of pocket when we registered, and another $800 after the birth. Our premiums have increased $400 a month, and we are now receiving less coverage. So double the cost, and half the coverage. That isn't fucking WORKING. Not in my eyes. And we are not the outlier, it appears to me this is standard. I'm hearing this all over the fucking country. So don't tell me Obamacare is working. Its not. Its just lining Uncle Sams pockets instead of some fat cat executive.
Well, then you're likely stupid (no surprise) because nothing has changed in regards to birthing costs except INCREASED COVERAGE especially focused on those that qualify for other government assistance programs like WIC. (And note: $0 to $1600 isn't double except in Merlin-math) In fact if you paid attention to some of the Rush articles you apparently zone out on, that's a huge complaint Rush voices from time to time, that "birth costs" can basically be free which encourages people that really can't afford kids to try to keep them since they know the initial cost is zero for them.

As for premiums increasing $400/mo - average premium increase last year which was the first one allowed for the past FOUR YEARS because there had been a freeze on them being legally allowed to modify them except in extreme cases while the ACA was being finalized - was right around 10%, so unless you were paying $4000/mo in premiums beforehand (which being $48000/yr - around the entire income your family earns - seems unlikely), yes you were an outlier - an extreme outlier.

And note, before the ACA the projection was that during the same time frame we'd see close to a 20% increase instead. So it came in around HALF what was projected beforehand. So in your "it increased by $400" case you'd be complaining we did nothing because it increased by $800 if the CBO projections if we didn't do anything were accurate.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Actually I think its to late to repel, and I have no problems with the government helping those who are unable to get health insurance. I am NOT for repelling Obamacare. My frustration is in how it was written. God help us when politicians supervise the writing of a bill in something that costs 1/6th of our nations economy and is so important, like healthcare. I would like to see Obamacare handed over to healthcare PROFESSIONALS, tell the politicians to GTFO of the process, and let them fix the fucking thing. I am NOT for single-payer (I am prior service and avoid the VA whenever I can) just for that very reason. And I DO want a working healthcare system. My wife has worked in the healthcare industry for 16 straight years. Trust me, we know how those fucks at the top do nothing, make 44x what everyone else is making, and fuck the working class (RN's, etc...) every chance they get. I just wish it was more about making the healthcare industry work, and less about votes or politicians lining their pockets.

If I don't include my 3 girls who have graduated high school already, its 5....sigh
Merlin - The idea of "having the industry self-regulate" is how we got to where we're at right now - previous to the ACA (which doesn't regulate it THAT much) - almost every ounce of healthcare law and regulation came from the AMA, either directly because it was a topic they were given the authority to rule over or indirectly because they tell Congress "We need you to do X for us" and they'd do it.

If that model worked, we'd not have considered the ACA in the first place.