Health Care Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Even the CBO gave up Vaclav. The law is so convoluted no one can figure it out.
Rather than just calling you stupid, I'm going to explain why you're stupid to take that statement to mean what you're trying to say it does...

They're not saying they can't assess it or that it's "too convoluted" - it's that many of the changes are on such a minor scale that they're nearly impossible with current reporting to track properly - some of these things include REVENUE as well as COST. It's not actually something that happens rarely at all, and even happens on relatively simple things when it touches on an complicated system. (Like when it's something that's a minor tweak to tax data from someone - look at their estimates on the "Bush Tax Cuts" and you'll note that they claimed a high margin of error and ignored a few sections because they were overly complex to assess accurately)

You've got this problem of deciding what the answer is then looking for something that gives you that answer which sometimes leads to you jumping to a conclusion with a bad piece of data. While yes the things they're no longer tracking are because they're "too complex" it's a net problem of being too complex where the system that the ACA adjusted was already complicated and difficult to track - so even pre-ACA that was a figure they didn't bother with. Believe it or not, a lot of medical records coding and IRS records are incredibly complex. And with the amount of things on the CBOs plate, it's not worth their time taking months to analyze the data especially with how frequently people like you would be harassing them for updates on X/Y/Z minutiae in an attempt to find condemnation for the ACA.

Not to mention, complexity to a law doesn't really indicate good or bad - many of the worst bills in history have been narrow and some of the best have been quite expansive. (WIC that you seem to enjoy using is quite lengthy for something that only touches on one small subject "proper nutrition for infants" is THIRTY EIGHT pages in its initial portion of its bill in 1966 and has had at least a few pages added every few years - seems really complex for such a "simple" concept that only does one thing, eh?)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You do realize you just used a lot of polysyllabic words in an attempt to explain something to Merlin...right?


HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDE. The fucking CBO gave up trying to figure out Obamacare and your calling ME stupid? If some of the smartest guys in the fucking world can't make heads or tails of it you don't think theres a problem? But yea, just point and laugh.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDE. The fucking CBO gave up trying to figure out Obamacare and your calling ME stupid? If some of the smartest guys in the fucking world can't make heads or tails of it you don't think theres a problem? But yea, just point and laugh.
They didn't say they "can't figure it out" they said that the data is too hard to parse out of some already hard data to parse like tax numbers.


They didn't say they "can't figure it out" they said that the data is too hard to parse out of some already hard data to parse like tax numbers.
So they can't figure it out?

"The provisions that expanded coverage established entirely new programs or components of programs that can be isolated and reassessed. Isolating the incremental effects of those provisions on previously existing programs and revenues four years after enactment of the ACP is not possible." - See more at:CBO Quietly Drops Forecast That Obamacare Will Cut the Deficit | The Fiscal Times


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So they can't figure it out?
Jesus Christ, do you speak the English language? They're saying that because of how complicated things like the Tax Structure is and how many different things can possibly effect X/Y/Z element of the tax structure they don't want to stand up and say "It absolutely costed/generated $X" because they honestly can't be sure because there's dozens (or more) of different factors that changed every single year.

Do you ever do itemized taxes for yourself? (Probably not with your income level, but I'm hoping for ease of explaining)

Because if you have, you know all those dozens of forms with a bazillion lines to fill out for just the limited things you have to deal with? Well businesses and people with large investment portfolios need to deal with at least three to four times that, maybe even more (mine since the trust have tripled personally, and from when I didn't need to itemize pre-college it's something around a hundred times more) - now imagine having to dredge through an aggregate of every single one of those 40+ pages per citizen and business of paperwork and compare one year to another to figure out what the differences were and then to parse out exactly why X/Y/Z was different.

Then take and imagine on top of that, you've got a ton of mouth-breathing assholes that are desperate to have something to point at to say "Haha! It's failing because of (X/Y/Z stupid reason)" that would constantly be harping on them for doing one minor element wrong, or demanding a recheck, or whatever other harassment that would cause them to do the ridiculous amount of effort to try to get those numbers all over again, month after month after month.

It would literally turn the CBO into something that did nothing but verify the ACA numbers for the rest of eternity while getting nothing else done, because of the hard-on you types have for "Haha! It's failing because..." nonsense.


Gunnar Durden
HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDE. The fucking CBO gave up trying to figure out Obamacare and your calling ME stupid? If some of the smartest guys in the fucking world can't make heads or tails of it you don't think theres a problem? But yea, just point and laugh.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Great job vaclav.

If there's anything society needs right now it's for people like Merlin to realize they're too stupid to be concerned with politics or anything beyond surviving.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Heh, don't get me wrong - I think shit like the figures make sense to look at every so often to get a general idea - and it would be great for them to run them 100% fully. But when you've got people like him running ANY negative article constantly and the media that feeds him such "needs" to constantly run things like that to get his "business" to continue keeping them alive it makes this fervor where something we could realistically get cost reports on every 4-5 years to see how it's progressing into something that people demand detailed reports on monthly, that probably takes them almost a full month to put together by itself.

It's rather funny how some people that want things assume government has infinite manpower and resources for doing whatever they want, even when it's minutiae like this. (While themselves complaining about the government wasting resources on silly things - which in this case is a wonderful oxymoron - not that due to privacy issues most of the data the CBO uses for determining things can even be handed off to their assistants I'd wager though)


Great job vaclav.

If there's anything society needs right now it's for people like Merlin to realize they're too stupid to be concerned with politics or anything beyond surviving.
Or maybe people like yourself should finally admit that Obamacare is a giant clusterfuck. Its a fucking black hole where you throw money and no matter how much money you keep throwing at it, its appetite is neverending, it always wants more. It was written by a bunch of fucking retards and it makes no fucking sense and the only point to it was for the federal government to take over healthcare. So it achieved its goal but now we as Americans are left to deal with yet another of the governments wasteful, ridiculously expensive, non-working programs. (Edit, actually I believe it was intended to fail from the beginning so Obama could just jam single-payer down our throat, but thats another conversation).
Vaclav, I admire your passion for defending, no matter the cost another one of the governments clusterfucks, but there is no way to defend it. It isn't doing what it was sold as, its already doubled in expected costs, its not working, and no one knows how to fix it. But it won't matter because no matter the cost, us Americans are going to have to foot the bill.

It turns out the Obama team has delayed the individual mandate to buy health insurance - though the announcement was quiet and roundabout, to minimize the embarrassment.

What we're left with is a US health-care system whose engine has been partly disassembled - and a mechanic who doesn't know how to make his plan for rebuilding it actually work, even as he insists we're already better off.
till, President Obama's lawyers told the Supreme Court that the individual mandate is vital to making the whole law work, and they surely meant it. So the suspension of the mandate means the administration has quietly given up on making the thing work, at least for now.

All they're looking to do is keep the shell in place while they make up talking points about how it really is succeeding, and/or ways to change the subject. They won't even ask Congress to fix it, because they'd have to admit they had no idea what they were doing in the first place.
The Obama team quietly gives up on making ObamaCare work | New York Post
P.S. I'm not the only one who thinks this thing is just FUBAR

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Or maybe people like yourself should finally admit that Obamacare is a giant clusterfuck. Its a fucking black hole where you throw money and no matter how much money you keep throwing at it, its appetite is neverending, it always wants more. It was written by a bunch of fucking retards and it makes no fucking sense and the only point to it was for the federal government to take over healthcare. So it achieved its goal but now we as Americans are left to deal with yet another of the governments wasteful, ridiculously expensive, non-working programs. (Edit, actually I believe it was intended to fail from the beginning so Obama could just jam single-payer down our throat, but thats another conversation).
Vaclav, I admire your passion for defending, no matter the cost another one of the governments clusterfucks, but there is no way to defend it. It isn't doing what it was sold as, its already doubled in expected costs, its not working, and no one knows how to fix it. But it won't matter because no matter the cost, us Americans are going to have to foot the bill.

P.S. I'm not the only one who thinks this thing is just FUBAR
You being to stupid to be concerned with politics or even simple addition has nothing to do with Obamacare being good or bad, unfortunately you are too fucking stupid to understand.


Buzzfeed Editor
Seems to be going ok for those who have coverage now that didn't before. But hey, I agree, let's scrap this thing and get on single payer like the rest of the civilized world.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I'm on board with scrapping Obummercare, busting up for-profit medical insurance companies, and implementing single payer, universal healthcare. How about you Merlin? You are really good at saying shit sucks. Tell us what you would replace the ACA with since you are such an informed voter.