Health Care Thread


Ssraeszha Raider
Spend years and years advocating for single-payer. Get berated by conservatives over the failings of the healthcare alternative to single-payer they themselves invented and first implemented.

Conservatives. Preventing us from having nice things while simultaneously blaming us for our lack of nice things. I fucking love politics.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
why do you guys even bother arguing with these garglechimps??

even if they were right, there's not a fucking thing they can do about it. talk about crying about spilled milk.

eat shit chimps

later dudes, i got a long day of being awesome tomorrow


why do you guys even bother arguing with these garglechimps??

even if they were right, there's not a fucking thing they can do about it. talk about crying about spilled milk.

eat shit chimps

later dudes, i got a long day of being awesome tomorrow

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Someone gargled bleach in accounting and lost all our money


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fana: You do realize insurers are allowed to charge women differently, right? Age and sex are allowed in determining rates - so assuming they don't suck at actuarial work if they charge identical rates to men and women they're being lazy or manipulating things.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Fana: You do realize insurers are allowed to charge women differently, right? Age and sex are allowed in determining rates - so assuming they don't suck at actuarial work if they charge identical rates to men and women they're being lazy or manipulating things.
This isn't true. It's been illegal for employers offering health insurance to charge their female employees more than men (and vice versa) to participate in their group plans since the 70's. The ACA now makes the same true for individual plans sold by the insurance companies themselves.

Women ultimately pay more than men in the end however because they tend to utilize medical services more frequently than men do.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Fana: You do realize insurers are allowed to charge women differently, right? Age and sex are allowed in determining rates - so assuming they don't suck at actuarial work if they charge identical rates to men and women they're being lazy or manipulating things.
The lift due to age factors has been artificially suppressed as well. There is a limit of something like a factor of 3 separating the rates for young and old even though expected cost differences far exceed that.

A sound actuarial rate implies that individual risk equity has been achieved, which is the very fucking opposite of all the moronic mandates imbedded in this law.


You only lose the potential subsidy when you sign up after that date. So you pay a bit more for a few months on a non subsidy plan that cant turn you down because of a preexisting condition.

2.5% of 60.000 is $1500 or $125 a month if you get sick you may end up with another $1000 a month charge for a non subsidized healthcare plan. Signing up for Obamacare will most likely cost $400-500 a month. So if you don't get sick you spend $125 a month paying penalty. If you sign up for Obama care you spend 400-500 a month. You end up saving between 3300 to 4500 a year by not having healthcare insurance. Your risk is the potential for a $12,000 medical bill if you get sick the day after enrollment closes and your also ill for the entire year.

Math is fairly clear that people in good health are better off dropping coverage and taking a bit of financial risk.
No, you don't just lose the subsidy. You can't enroll in a plan outside of the enrollment window unless there is a qualifying event like getting out of jail, becoming a legal citizen, or if you have a kid in the middle of the year you can add them when they're born. If you could just enroll whenever you want to and just pay a small penalty then that would completely defeat the purpose of an enrollment period.


Spend years and years advocating for single-payer. Get berated by conservatives over the failings of the healthcare alternative to single-payer they themselves invented and first implemented.

Conservatives. Preventing us from having nice things while simultaneously blaming us for our lack of nice things. I fucking love politics.
The Democratic warcry, "MONEY IS NO OBJECT. WE NEED MORE ENTITLEMENTS" Conservatives, "look at Detriot"........$1.8 trillion dollars you fuckers can't even get Obamacare to work. So wheres the motivation for single-payer? Jesus christ........

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
The Democratic warcry, "MONEY IS NO OBJECT. WE NEED MORE ENTITLEMENTS" Conservatives, "look at Detriot"........$1.8 trillion dollars you fuckers can't even get Obamacare to work. So wheres the motivation for single-payer? Jesus christ........
You are one stupid fucker, enjoy leaching off your governments socialist programs, you are just as bad as all the people you hate that are on it as well if not worse.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No, you don't just lose the subsidy. You can't enroll in a plan outside of the enrollment window unless there is a qualifying event like getting out of jail, becoming a legal citizen, or if you have a kid in the middle of the year you can add them when they're born. If you could just enroll whenever you want to and just pay a small penalty then that would completely defeat the purpose of an enrollment period.
No your wrong period end of story. Show one piece of evidence to support what you just said.

If you were right the news would be running non stop that you have to enroll now are you wont be able to enroll after X date for a entire year.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I thought the enrollment period was the window in which you had to be enrolled in a plan of some kind to avoid the first years fine for missing the mandate?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
From your link.

You can submit an application for health coverage outside of the Marketplace, or apply for Medicaid or CHIP, at any time of the year

So you dont use the marketplace (A complete oxymoron by the way because the real marketplace still exists and what government is calling a marketplace is just a government run health plan that subcontracts to healthcare industry for the services) you use a non marketplace based plan that now cant turn people down for preexisting conditions.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
why do you guys even bother arguing with these garglechimps??

even if they were right, there's not a fucking thing they can do about it. talk about crying over spilled milk.

eat shit chimps


Molten Core Raider
From your link.

You can submit an application for health coverage outside of the Marketplace, or apply for Medicaid or CHIP, at any time of the year

So you dont use the marketplace (A complete oxymoron by the way because the real marketplace still exists and what government is calling a marketplace is just a government run health plan that subcontracts to healthcare industry for the services) you use a non marketplace based plan that now cant turn people down for preexisting conditions.
Waiting periods.

New tax credits, available to individuals earning less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $46,000 per year, can only be accessed through new ACA insurance marketplaces. Those who purchase coverage outside the exchanges cannot claim subsidies, even if they qualify for them, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the agency overseeing implementation of the ACA.