Health Care Thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You guys make it try to sound like it was "Oops, we goofed - this happened" when it was obviously quite deliberate. Even one insurer went on the record in the WaPo print article I was reading yesterday stating that they INTENTIONALLY wanted to force people to the exchanges and even if they are allowed to reextend old policies they won't, because they DON'T WANT TO KEEP THEM.
well yeah both the insurance companies AND the law makers wanted that to happen, the exchanges can't work without destroying the individual market and forcing them onto the exchanges. it's not an either/or both the insurance companies and the lawmakers wanted that exact thing to happen for different reasons.

Fundamentally the individual market is dysfunctional if companies are forced to take pre existing conditions, so yeah the law is definatly encouraging them to do as you described.


Elisha Dushku
According to WaPo print the other day - at least one insurer stated that they felt the ACA exchanges would be more profitable to them, and wanted to edge people into them for that reason. (And they have no intent even if allowed to reinstate policies that the "ACA cancelled" to reissue them because of that)

As for the administration, I think they dropped the ball big time - I'm not going to dogpile on someone being assaulted to an inappropriate degree over it though, while another facet of the problem is ignored by the majority however.
I like how you've totally bought into Obama's "blame the insurance companies, not me" bullshit.

1. Of course companies are going to start rentseeking if that's what it takes to make a profit.

2. Under Obamacare companies had no choice but to throw people off their plans if they wanted any hope of making money. Therefore they threw people off their plans.

Don't blame companies for trying to make money that's what they're supposed to be doing, blame the President and Dems who told them you can only make money our way.

It's like blaming the dog for shitting on your lawn, when it was the dog's owner who put the dog on your lawn. Dog is going to take a crap, it is what dogs do, the blame is properly the owner's for giving the dog no choice but to take a crap on your lawn.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not the Dems who are going to lose their seats in 2014. It's a pretty big deal to them.

Nor to the 40+ million who will have their insurance cancelled when the employee mandate goes into effec - and now you know why the Obama administration illegally suspended the employer mandate for a year.

Nor to the families that had decent insurance and are now being forced to pay 5x the amount for ACA insurance.
You honestly believe 40 million people will have their insurance cancelled when the employee mandate goes into effect?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
2010 was the peak of tea party frenzy
2012 was a good indicator of the way people felt about it by then
2013 with ted cruz, government shutdown, etc. people have really began to get worn out by then.

an election like 2010 happens once, maaaaaybe twice in a century


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
You honestly believe 40 million people will have their insurance cancelled when the employee mandate goes into effect?
In light of what just happened in the individual market why is this implausible? I'm not saying it will be 40 million cancellations, but I'm asking why you think there wont be a disruption of an exponentially larger magnitude once the employer mandate goes live?

And then there's this quote from the Federal Register:

"The Departments' mid-range estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013," wrote the administration on page 34,552 of the Register. All in all, more than half of employer-sponsored plans will lose their "grandfather status" and become illegal. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 156 million Americans-more than half the population-was covered by employer-sponsored insurance in 2013.

I'd like your opinion on what makes this so ridiculous a notion considering we just had 5 million cancellations of a much smaller market and the employer mandate hasn't even gone through yet.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
By cancellation I assume there's concern that people will be without coverage. Or are we worried our plan will be cancelled and immediately switched to one that includes mammograms?

Is there a reason to suspect that 156 million currently covered under employers will throw their hands up and say fuck it after their old plan loses grandfathered? Or just these huge 500% rate hikes we've been seeing?


Karazhan Raider
God Damn blakkheim we know the website sucks and they're having a shit fit over it. We'll get through this together man. All this cancelled policy shit isn't reason to panic because they're still selling policies! He was full of shit when he said everyone could keep their plan, we know. Do you think consistent plans for everyone will have benefits with billing etc down the road? Half the shit I've filed it's random whether they actually pay it or I have to appeal.

This policy cancelled panic is not a big deal and everyone fucking knows it.
You are one cool-aid drinking mother fucker.


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
I dont see how that gif applies to Picasso.

It totally applies to Blakkheim as him and everyone else are spazzing out over the website. "OMG< DID YOU HEAR THAT OBAMA USED PIRATED CODE!?!?!?!?!"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You honestly believe 40 million people will have their insurance cancelled when the employee mandate goes into effect?
Why not?

Worst case numbers I heard is 54 million will have there plans canceled. So far 4 million have lost coverage in a segment that only covers 5% of population. Employee based plans cover 49% of population so the 40 million seems to be a fairly reasonable number if employer provided health insurance follows the same path as individual health insurance.

As I understand it part time workers working less then 30 hours a week will automatically have there plans canceled and be sent to individual health insurance system.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The CBO predicted months ago that at least 30 million people will lose their work based insurance because of ObamaCare. And it is possible that close to 100 million people will be negatively effected. That's one of the main reasons the employer mandate was pushed back until after the 2014 elections. If you think the rage is bad now wait until over 30 million people have been fucked over by Obama and his lies.


EQOA Refugee
I'm curious, what do you think was the motivation of the insurance companies to cancel these plans intentionally?

And if the administration knew that these plans were going to be canceled with the initiation of the ACA, what was their motivation and why are you not holding them accountable in the same way that you're holding the insurance companies accountable?
Their motivation was simple. Cancel plans of people that were 1. High risk and 2. Had made prior claims that they had to pay out on this making the plans they had not worth what they paid. All along insurers intended to dump these people into the exchanges to increase their bottom line. What's so hard to understand about this part?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why not?

Worst case numbers I heard is 54 million will have there plans canceled. So far 4 million have lost coverage in a segment that only covers 5% of population. Employee based plans cover 40% of population so the 40 million seems to be a fairly reasonable number if employer provided health insurance follows the same path as individual health insurance.

As I understand it part time workers working less then 30 hours a week will automatically have there plans canceled and be sent to individual health insurance system.
1. Because typically employers don't buy the cut rate or outright scam plans that people are exposed to
2. Even if they do get cancelled due to grandfathered status do you think the firms will stop offering insurance? Will there be some lack of competition when 50+ person firms start looking at standardized plans in one central location that easily pay out 25k/mo in premiums?
3. Do you think small businesses will forego the 40% or so premium tax credit awarded 2014 and 2015? Will that not perhaps even create some additional business?
4. Do you think the small businesses that will be able to negotiate as a large collective on the SHOP program will not be able to find as competitive rates?
5. Do you think the employer having to pay a fine for not offering health insurance, or having an employee go through the exchange will make them look into providing it?

5. The only thing you understand are typical lies, misinformation, and other outright fanatical horseshit everyone spews that loves to hate this program without reading anything about it. Employers with over 50 employees will have to pay a $2000/FTE penalty for every FTE (30+ hr) over 30 starting 2014. If they already offer insurance, no one cares because ACA WANTS EVERYONE TO HAVE/PAY INTO insurance. There is a legitimate concern that every employer on earth will cut everyone to part time to avoid the thresholds of 10, 25, and mainly 50 FTE.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"If you like your plan, you can keep it. PERIOD."

None of your lies and misinformation can fix that blatant deception by Obama. For at least 30 million Americans, and most probably more, they will NOT be able to keep the plan that they like.