Health Care Thread


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My opinion/experience of why they postponed the employer mandate is because there were a ton of businesses that hadn't done shit in preparation and were going to get sued for improper employee notifications and/or pay fines... that seems absolutely reasonable to me and yet day after day i hear the same absolute fucking idiots that went on about the exemption for congress talk about how it was some big conspiracy where obama was blowing ronald mcdonald.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
"If you like your plan, you can keep it. PERIOD."

None of your lies and misinformation can fix that blatant deception by Obama. For at least 30 million Americans, and most probably more, they will NOT be able to keep the plan that they like.
RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE, does it piss you off that you are a south park caricature?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
"If you like your plan, you can keep it. PERIOD."

None of your lies and misinformation can fix that blatant deception by Obama. For at least 30 million Americans, and most probably more, they will NOT be able to keep the plan that they like.
Why would you want to keep a terrible health plan?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
"If you like your plan, you can keep it. PERIOD."

None of your lies and misinformation can fix that blatant deception by Obama. For at least 30 million Americans, and most probably more, they will NOT be able to keep the plan that they like.
Grim did you read all the facts that i posted up above? This is what exactly what i'm talking out. You're so fucking invested in hating obama and being a republican you can't form an opinion, be informed, or reasoned with. You really need to take a step back and realize you're ignorant, and either listen or get educated.

No one is arguing about the keep your plan business. It's a fact.. Obama lied. What now? Republicans win?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Grim did you read all the facts that i posted up above? This is what exactly what i'm talking out. You're so fucking invested in hating obama and being a republican you can't form an opinion, be informed, or reasoned with. You really need to take a step back and realize you're ignorant, and either listen or get educated.
He voted for Obama supposedly.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why would you want to keep a terrible health plan?
Lol, you still believe that lie. It is amazing how stupid you are. I love watching morons like you being led around like a dog by the Obama spin machine.

The plans that are being canceled are because they don't have the mandated coverage that ObamaCare requires. Mandated coverage like prenatal care for 70 year olds and all the other idiotic things that Obama says we have to have.

The employer plans that will be cancelled next year will be for the same reasons. And the 30 million (or more) Americans who have those plans like them as they are.

But keep on keepin on sucking Obama's cock. You love it soooo much.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Grim did you read all the facts that i posted up above? This is what exactly what i'm talking out. You're so fucking invested in hating obama and being a republican you can't form an opinion, be informed, or reasoned with. You really need to take a step back and realize you're ignorant, and either listen or get educated.

No one is arguing about the keep your plan business. It's a fact.. Obama lied. What now? Republicans win?
Lol, you lose. I'm not a Republican. I'm an old school Democrat that has watched his party turn into a retard machine where idiots like you fumble over yourselves trying to climb up Obama's ass.

It is the far left and the far right that is fucking America over. And you are just one of their idiotic minions.


Karazhan Raider


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Lol, you lose. I'm not a Republican. I'm an old school Democrat that has watched his party turn into a retard machine where idiots like you fumble over yourselves trying to climb up Obama's ass.

It is the far left and the far right that is fucking America over. And you are just one of their idiotic minions.
An old school democrat.

Outline for me what you don't like about the ACA, please.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Has anyone mentioned yet that if businesses do drop coverage that it should be accompanied by a decent raise for each of those workers? You can blame Obamacare for fucking with businesses and forcing them to drop coverage that doesnt meet the mandates. Or you can even make the point that viable plans that already existed had the cost of their premiums go up, thus making them inviable for businesses to support.

But any business that offered a plan and no longer offers it, whether due to it either being too expensive or not falling within the coverage requirements in the new law, better fucking offer a raise to their employees based upon the savings from cancelling health coverage.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Lol, you still believe that lie. It is amazing how stupid you are. I love watching morons like you being led around like a dog by the Obama spin machine.

The plans that are being canceled are because they don't have the mandated coverage that ObamaCare requires. Mandated coverage like prenatal care for 70 year olds and all the other idiotic things that Obama says we have to have.

The employer plans that will be cancelled next year will be for the same reasons. And the 30 million (or more) Americans who have those plans like them as they are.

But keep on keepin on sucking Obama's cock. You love it soooo much.
Obama said we have to have prenatal care for 70 year olds?

I would love a link on that and other "idiotic things" that are mandated


Vyemm Raider
Has anyone mentioned yet that if businesses do drop coverage that it should be accompanied by a decent raise for each of those workers? You can blame Obamacare for fucking with businesses and forcing them to drop coverage that doesnt meet the mandates. Or you can even make the point that viable plans that already existed had the cost of their premiums go up, thus making them inviable for businesses to support.

But any business that offered a plan and no longer offers it, whether due to it either being too expensive or not falling within the coverage requirements in the new law, better fucking offer a raise to their employees based upon the savings from cancelling health coverage.
most businesses won't give raises.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Lol, you lose. I'm not a Republican. I'm an old school Democrat that has watched his party turn into a retard machine where idiots like you fumble over yourselves trying to climb up Obama's ass.

It is the far left and the far right that is fucking America over. And you are just one of their idiotic minions.
Just curious, do you get legal papers when you officially divorce reality?


Karazhan Raider
I think what truly blows my mind more than anything else is, after watching the incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity being displayed in what is only the early stages of a colossal government fuck up, there are people out there, and particularly on this board, who still have jizz running down their legs with the thought of full on government controlled healthcare.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
I think what truly blows my mind more than anything else is, after watching the incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity being displayed in what is only the early stages of a colossal government fuck up, there are people out there, and particularly on this board, who still have jizz running down their legs with the thought of full on government controlled healthcare.
Large projects always have hiccups, bro. This project was intended to serve tens of millions of people. Relax. It will get worked out.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Stalin would be saying the same thing during the first part of his 5 year plan.
Good point. He never quite nailed down the laser like efficiency of Hitler's Final Solution.

See, I can make up stupid hyperbole too.

By the way, Social Security took years to smooth out the kinks in the system. You guys are having a shit fit only after a few weeks and over what? A broken website and some "promise" that no one really gives a shit about except those who are looking to score political points?

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I think what truly blows my mind more than anything else is, after watching the incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity being displayed in what is only the early stages of a colossal government fuck up, there are people out there, and particularly on this board, who still have jizz running down their legs with the thought of full on government controlled healthcare.
The USA=Not smart enough to do what other countries have done successfully. It's not just government that isn't intelligent enough to do it either, it's our public sector as well not being intelligent enough because they are the ones that have failed with the website. That is basically what you are saying, personally I think we can pull it off.


Obama said we have to have prenatal care for 70 year olds?

I would love a link on that and other "idiotic things" that are mandated
(1) IN GENERAL.-Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary
shall define the essential health benefits, except that such
benefits shall include at least the following general categories
and the items and services covered within the categories:
(A) Ambulatory patient services.
(B) Emergency services.
(C) Hospitalization.
(D) Maternity and newborn care.
(E) Mental health and substance use disorder services,
including behavioral health treatment.
(F) Prescription drugs.
(G) Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices.
(H) Laboratory services.
(I) Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease
(J) Pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
So that is what every plan HAS to cover.

(D) ensure that health benefits established as essential
not be subject to denial to individuals against their wishes
on the basis of the individuals' age or expected length
of life or of the individuals' present or predicted disability,
degree of medical dependency, or quality of life;
Can't discriminate based on age so if you are 70 or 18 you need it.

I don't pretend to read things and understand them 100% when it comes to complicated legal stuff so in no way am I saying that it is backing up what he is saying. I just know that it is part of the EHB and the EHB is mandatory for ALL plans.