Health Problems


<Gold Donor>
Went to pain management doc and had EMG today. Nerve damage and neuropathy in both legs. Left one way way worse than right. Good news is I can stop looking for options to fix my back/leg pain. Bad news is there is nothing to be done that doesn't involve drugs. So much for getting OFF meds. Getting some sort of shots (in my left side / leg /foot) in 2 weeks to attempt to help. I was in Las Vegas today too and I'd like to think Brandon for coming to town to beg for money. Traffic was all fucked up.
Ok /whine off. I'ma go play with my Seestar now....
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Tranny Chaser
Went to pain management doc and had EMG today. Nerve damage and neuropathy in both legs. Left one way way worse than right. Good news is I can stop looking for options to fix my back/leg pain. Bad news is there is nothing to be done that doesn't involve drugs. So much for getting OFF meds. Getting some sort of shots (in my left side / leg /foot) in 2 weeks to attempt to help. I was in Las Vegas today too and I'd like to think Brandon for coming to town to beg for money. Traffic was all fucked up.
Ok /whine off. I'ma go play with my Seestar now....
What kind of shot?


<Gold Donor>
What kind of shot?
Not really sure. TBH I was way in my own head when he said there was nothing to be done for nerve damage spaced out. Good thing I brought the wife. All I know is they are in the feet/leg and not in my spine.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
lurkingdirk lurkingdirk how's the wife doing bro? I'm guessing / hoping no news is good news.

Man, thanks for asking. It has been quite a ride. She just recently had the planned hysterectomy, outpatient surgery if you can believe it. She's doing quite well, but she still has pretty substantial pain in her chest from the mastectomy. That's not cool. It has been six months and she still has pain. The hysterectomy went like a textbook case. Still some tenderness, but all seems to have went to plan. Simple things are still somewhat painful. Sneezing hurts like a bugger. TMI taking a dump is also painful in the gut.

However, she is amazing. She's trooping on, I have to stop her from doing too much. That's just how she is. And another, very personal, thing is that she has started seeing a counsellor. It's a big deal. She no longer has breasts or a uterus, she's thinking of trying out for the men's Olympic team. It's a big deal for her emotionally. She has apologized to me multiple times that she no longer has tits, as she knows how much I enjoy them. But you know what makes me happier than tits? My wife without cancer.

She is still healing. There is still a substantial amount of pain. But overall she is doing really well.

Thanks for asking. I appreciate it.
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Avatar of War Slayer
fuck me. had ultrasound done the other day as preventive for my kidney stones, had 2 sub-centimeter stones in like april. just got call , they found 5mm and 9mm stones.
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Avatar of War Slayer
saw my pcp and surgeon today.
pcp thinks might be something going on with my heart so get a 7 day heart monitor thursday. also wanted some scan done, but got message that my preferred hospital is booked til October.
the mild scoliosis, nothing really to do about it, but going to get an xray to start tracking it.
plus going to ortho again for tendonitis in right elbow and whatever is causing pain in my left arm (pit to elbow)

surgeon explained in detail everything that could go wrong. other than the normal death/heart attack/stroke stuff, there are 2 nerves that run up and down the throat. if one gets nicked, will be talking like rfk jr, if both, will be a mime.
as for the surgery, the bottom left parathyroid is the prime suspect, but even with the test it isn't 100%. when i get to hospital they will take my pth level. doc will cut a 1" slit and remove the bottom left one, wait 12-15 mins, test pth level again, if it hasn't dropped by 50%, they will look around and remove they next likely one. wait, test, repeat till it drops. can live normally with just 1 parathyroid, but if they take all 4, have to get a shot every month.
anyway, it is set for aug 7th. which is good.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
saw my pcp and surgeon today.
pcp thinks might be something going on with my heart so get a 7 day heart monitor thursday. also wanted some scan done, but got message that my preferred hospital is booked til October.
the mild scoliosis, nothing really to do about it, but going to get an xray to start tracking it.
plus going to ortho again for tendonitis in right elbow and whatever is causing pain in my left arm (pit to elbow)

surgeon explained in detail everything that could go wrong. other than the normal death/heart attack/stroke stuff, there are 2 nerves that run up and down the throat. if one gets nicked, will be talking like rfk jr, if both, will be a mime.
as for the surgery, the bottom left parathyroid is the prime suspect, but even with the test it isn't 100%. when i get to hospital they will take my pth level. doc will cut a 1" slit and remove the bottom left one, wait 12-15 mins, test pth level again, if it hasn't dropped by 50%, they will look around and remove they next likely one. wait, test, repeat till it drops. can live normally with just 1 parathyroid, but if they take all 4, have to get a shot every month.
anyway, it is set for aug 7th. which is good.
Well the one good thing I can say is that it's kind of surprising how quickly you'll forget that you're wearing a holter monitor.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I did the muiilti day halter monitor. I got over it pretty quick.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Well the one good thing I can say is that it's kind of surprising how quickly you'll forget that you're wearing a holter monitor.
did you have any issues with it staying on? did a quick search and saw people talking about sweat can make it lift and they used stuff like kt tape to hold it in place.


Mr. Poopybutthole
did you have any issues with it staying on? did a quick search and saw people talking about sweat can make it lift and they used stuff like kt tape to hold it in place.

Mine was basically that except without the long grey wire. I think I only had it for 3 days but had no problem keeping it on, 7 days might be more of an issue but i had backup patches to reapply it if the first one had fallen off.
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Avatar of War Slayer
mine is like this, it like the size of quarter but about 1/2" thick


so the tech putting it on asked me a bunch of questions. told her the concern is while brisk walking and short jogging. didn't say anything about to avoid sweating. don't think it is going to stay on through the weekend.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I’ve had to do the two week monitors and one of them was nice enough to come with an extra patch ‘cause it sure as fuck ain’t staying on the whole two weeks. The second one I had did not do this and it just stressed me out the entire second week because it was barely hanging on. Not sure how much it affected results, as well.


A Mod Real Quick
Okay boys and girls. Today was the day. Remember my wife had a double mastectomy earlier this year? She had a full hysterectomy today. Ovaries too. she has a syndrome that makes that tissue 60% more likely than most people to develop cancer, and she already had several fibroids developing. So she is once again in bed, and this time the anesthesia is making her sick and barf and barf and barf. Just what she needs. Have surgery in your abdominal area, then spend time barfing. It's not a good combination.

Folks, this is the love of my life. I'm watching her in pain yet again. It fucking sucks. And not only that, she has been "joking" about how with no boobs and no uterus she's not really even a woman at all anymore. When she first woke up today she said, in her anesthesia haze, "oh, I was hoping I wouldn't wake up." We talked a little about this (as much as she is able), and she said she's such a drain on the family. This broke my heart. She is a rock. She is not a drain on the family. Our friends knew she was having surgery today, dinner showed up. And there was a menu included. Our friends are making dinner for us for the rest of this week and halfway through next. Was that necessary? Nope. But it is one thing less that we have to think about. And my wife is usually the one who is organizing things like that. I'm humbled by our friends' generosity.

But I am still watching my wife work through physical and psychological pain. And there's nothing I can do. I can help make her comfortable as much as possible. I can encourage her. But watching someone you love so desperately have to go through pain hurts so much.

If you're the type, say a prayer for my wife. She still has pain in her chest from the mastectomy, and now she has this.
Man I am so sorry to hear all this. This made me sad but you sound like a great support.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Man I am so sorry to hear all this. This made me sad but you sound like a great support.

Thanks man. Just a small update. Her nausea is gone, there is still pain from both the mastectomy and the hysterectomy. But it is manageable. She refused the prescription pain meds, just acetaminophen and ibuprofen. I'll do anything to support her.

I've been married to her for nearly three decades. We have five children. Our whole lives are tied up in each other. I believe you would do the same. For someone you love, for someone with whom you are in love, this is what you do.
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<Silver Donator>
Here's my medical mystery of the week...

For close to 30 years I have had a lump on my head dead center and towards the top/front of my skull. Around 3" around and between 3/4" and 1" tall. I picked it up in a hockey accident in a low skill level league I was goaltending in, a forward couldn't control his ass and after I dove onto a puck he plowed full force into me kicking me square in the top of the head, cracking the mid-tier quality helmet I was wearing at the time, knocking my ass out for a solid 10 minutes. The lump from that never went away, and was soft, my Dr said it was probably a resultant adipose of "fatty tumor" and nothing to worry about so long as it didn't start growing, itching, mutating, or developing a face and telling me to get my ass to Mars. As all the men in my family have, my hair is thinning, I have greatly feared the day I would have to give in and shave my head because I would look like a damn yeti about to have his horn finally emerge.

4 days ago, I was mowing my front lawn. And doing as I usually do when I do this, I was letting my mind chew on various problems I needed to solve for work while my body was doing the mindless walking back and forth. This time I was lost in those thoughts enough I didn't remember about the low branch on one of my magnolias. I plow full force into it, right on the point of my head lump. Hurt like hell, didn't knock me out. Now a couple days later it's still tender, and there's a scratch where I hit that's scabbing over/healing. But I felt my head and realized my 30 year lump had somehow dissipated. The area is still slightly bruised and tender, but healing up.

I'm getting shades of Fred Flintstone and the bowling ball here....
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