Health Problems


Mr. Poopybutthole
sleevedraw sleevedraw how serious is an h. pylori infection? Seems like not a big deal from the reading I've done. They took biopsies to test for that during this mornings endoscopy and I'm really hoping for a simple easily fixable solution as to why I have acid reflux that stopped responding properly to PPIs.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Got my MRI results. I have issues with some kind of “clusters“ at the top of my neck. That’s what’s causing headaches. I have no idea how it will be treated. Just more things to worry about.
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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
sleevedraw sleevedraw how serious is an h. pylori infection? Seems like not a big deal from the reading I've done. They took biopsies to test for that during this mornings endoscopy and I'm really hoping for a simple easily fixable solution as to why I have acid reflux that stopped responding properly to PPIs.

It's not a "big deal" in the sense of it putting you immediately at risk for death like a heart attack, but it very significantly increases gastric cancer risk over the long term (eightfold increase by some studies), so it is something you want to get treated.

Treatment is kind of a pain because most antibiotics have issues working at the acidity level of the stomach (and H. pylori is innately a pretty resistant bug), so you typically need to take 2 antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor like Nexium/Prilosec. Sometimes treatment fails and they need to add a 4th drug. The duration of treatment is pretty short, though - about 2 weeks - not several months like TB.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's not a "big deal" in the sense of it putting you immediately at risk for death like a heart attack, but it very significantly increases gastric cancer risk over the long term (eightfold increase by some studies), so it is something you want to get treated.

Treatment is kind of a pain because most antibiotics have issues working at the acidity level of the stomach (and H. pylori is innately a pretty resistant bug), so you typically need to take 2 antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor like Nexium/Prilosec. Sometimes treatment fails and they need to add a 4th drug. The duration of treatment is pretty short, though - about 2 weeks - not several months like TB.
Well that's not exactly what I wanted to hear but it beats trying to piece together information from web searches into an accurate picture. I suppose after seeing your answer I'd prefer it wasn't that, although that would leave it a complete mystery as to why omeprazole stopped working (and pantaprazole never worked at all).


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Well that's not exactly what I wanted to hear but it beats trying to piece together information from web searches into an accurate picture. I suppose after seeing your answer I'd prefer it wasn't that, although that would leave it a complete mystery as to why omeprazole stopped working (and pantaprazole never worked at all).
Maybe there's some potential to take a look at your gut micro biome ? I wonder if all the meds you've been on to treat the other stuff you've been going through has fucked your shit up.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Most of us have some H pylori in our stomach and gut. Bad diet, PPI, antibiotic, various other medications will fuck up the balance of your microbiome.

Antibiotic, aka nuking everything will reset it, but it will come back if you don’t change some of that.

People that ever had H pylori and keep taking PPI have a much higher chance of various shit including stomach cancer.

Anyway after any antibiotic course you should work extra hard to rebuild your gut microbiome. A shitty diet and worse, PPI will make that impossible, and the result is increased risks of pretty much everything chronic. Auto immune, cancer, alzeihmer,..
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Avatar of War Slayer
Not gonna lie, I felt like I got hit by a truck. I would say my energy levels did not feel normal(ish) for about three weeks. The first 10 days were the worst.

I poopsocked hard during the first two weeks, played more video games in two weeks than I had in the last year. I had to take Tums after every meal or my feet/ankles would get a really weird tingly feeling. I still get that feeling from time to time when I go to bed, I just get up and take some Tums and feel better in about 15 minutes.

been a week now. have no energy or appetite and it has been a chore to even drink enough. they certainly didn't go over this part of the recovery. guess been lucky and not gotten ill or anything. have periods where i feel really antsy and have to lay down for it to pass. when i am able to walk around the neighborhood i feel pretty good, but pay for it afterwards.

only hurts when i yawn or cough, so that is good. middle of my lower lip still numb/tingling. incision is a bit puffy, so maybe that will clear up over time.
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<Gold Donor>
been a week now. have no energy or appetite and it has been a chore to even drink enough. they certainly didn't go over this part of the recovery. guess been lucky and not gotten ill or anything. have periods where i feel really antsy and have to lay down for it to pass. when i am able to walk around the neighborhood i feel pretty good, but pay for it afterwards.

only hurts when i yawn or cough, so that is good. middle of my lower lip still numb/tingling. incision is a bit puffy, so maybe that will clear up over time.
My scar/incision is just starting look "good?" I am right at the 4 month mark.

This was the only surgery I can think of that I used all my pain meds. It wasn't even pain related, I just felt blah and the perc or whatever it was just made me feel numb which was an improvement.


<Silver Donator>
So, I've been waking up recently, and just dry heaving for no reason. I stay hydrated all day, take my vitamins, I probably started eating once a day, with some snacking or a little light lunch or vice versa. This happened after my accident and being on all the multitude of painkillers. I used to be able to eat seconds massive plates of food, and I still cook in the manner that I used to eat, but I can't sit and do it. I guess it's nice with food prices being what they are, because between the wife and I at least a couple of steaks will last us two or three days.

I just sometimes wake up in the morning and the very first thing I wanted to do is puke. I don't know if it's necessarily the way I'm sleeping and maybe it's acid reflux or something. But it's gotten to the point where every goddamn morning when I wake up I'm sitting there on pins and needles wondering whether I'm going to puke up nothing. Sometimes it's some bile, born in the middle of the night I always have a big glass of ice water next to me, I'll have a few sips throughout the night when I wake up, and that gets expunged. That's just happening more frequently in the middle of the night.

I don't know. Trying a bunch of different things. Not really cooking anything right now thinking it's my diet. Just eating simple stupid foods and nothing fun. Probably need to go in and see a doctor, but my last experience with the medical industry and was a nightmare and I really don't want to piss away money people that are just going to make me kiss away even more money.

Any advise or help would be appreciated. Figured I would ask.

Sorry talk to text


<Gold Donor>
So, I've been waking up recently, and just dry heaving for no reason. I stay hydrated all day, take my vitamins, I probably started eating once a day, with some snacking or a little light lunch or vice versa. This happened after my accident and being on all the multitude of painkillers. I used to be able to eat seconds massive plates of food, and I still cook in the manner that I used to eat, but I can't sit and do it. I guess it's nice with food prices being what they are, because between the wife and I at least a couple of steaks will last us two or three days.

I just sometimes wake up in the morning and the very first thing I wanted to do is puke. I don't know if it's necessarily the way I'm sleeping and maybe it's acid reflux or something. But it's gotten to the point where every goddamn morning when I wake up I'm sitting there on pins and needles wondering whether I'm going to puke up nothing. Sometimes it's some bile, born in the middle of the night I always have a big glass of ice water next to me, I'll have a few sips throughout the night when I wake up, and that gets expunged. That's just happening more frequently in the middle of the night.

I don't know. Trying a bunch of different things. Not really cooking anything right now thinking it's my diet. Just eating simple stupid foods and nothing fun. Probably need to go in and see a doctor, but my last experience with the medical industry and was a nightmare and I really don't want to piss away money people that are just going to make me kiss away even more money.

Any advise or help would be appreciated. Figured I would ask.

Sorry talk to text
Have you done any reading on Gastroparesis? Assuming it is not something more easily explained like dehydration or acid reflux, I would look into Gastroparesis. No I am not a Doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once in 2009.
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<Silver Donator>
Have you done any reading on Gastroparesis? Assuming it is not something more easily explained like dehydration or acid reflux, I would look into Gastroparesis. No I am not a Doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once in 2009.
Thanks, I'll definitely check that out. I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is without necessarily having to go to the goddamn doctor. I just aren't cooking anything right now other than stupid simple plan foods thinking that maybe it was my diet but I don't think that's the case. Just never experienced anything like it in my life. Try to do a bunch of Googleing, and it's kind of hit and miss.

There's no way I'm dehydrated which was the biggest thing that I was trying to tell me, I'm always drinking water, and I buy this electrolyte stuff that you put in your drink. I also keep bottles of Gatorade or whatever around splash and with my water just to add some flavor, and usually the stuff is too sweet on its own.

I know my mom has issues with diverticulitis, and I talked to her the other day asked her about all of that. I don't know maybe it's some hereditary deal. Who knows maybe I've got super hyper cancer, but I didn't get vax.

Apart from breaking legs and stuff I'm a fairly healthy individual I never have any issues, but this is a pretty oddball ordeal, but I'm just trying to figure it out.

Thank you though.
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Avatar of War Slayer
There's no way I'm dehydrated which was the biggest thing that I was trying to tell me, I'm always drinking water, and I buy this electrolyte stuff that you put in your drink. I also keep bottles of Gatorade or whatever around splash and with my water just to add some flavor, and usually the stuff is too sweet on its own.

i drink around 50oz of water with each meal, another 25oz around 8pm and when i go to bed. there is still a chance for me to pee light amber in the morning. at that age where i have to pee at some point during the night, but no clue what color that is normally. if i drink 50oz when i go to bed, will be near 100% of normal yellow in the morning, but will feel like i am floating.
i would just mentally track it for a few days to make sure staying in the good.

had any gallbladder issues? for years i was treating various stomach issues till i got a super stomach infection that put me in the hospital. the doctor realized what my issue was and worked hard to get it removed.

stomach shit sucks
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<Silver Donator>
View attachment 542263
i drink around 50oz of water with each meal, another 25oz around 8pm and when i go to bed. there is still a chance for me to pee light amber in the morning. at that age where i have to pee at some point during the night, but no clue what color that is normally. if i drink 50oz when i go to bed, will be near 100% of normal yellow in the morning, but will feel like i am floating.
i would just mentally track it for a few days to make sure staying in the good.

had any gallbladder issues? for years i was treating various stomach issues till i got a super stomach infection that put me in the hospital. the doctor realized what my issue was and worked hard to get it removed.

stomach shit sucks
I don't even know what a gallbladder issue might be. Like I said I've never had anything like this in my entire life, and I'm normally very healthy, we don't eat a lot of processed stuff, only thing we do is enjoy our cocktails on the weekends but not a daily deal.

I do have to get up and piss probably two three times a night, but every time I pee it's just flat yellow, nothing on the dehydrated area.

I don't know I just figured I'd ask because everybody is typically pretty helpful when it comes to stuff on the forum, and if I can diagnose it and figure it out without having to go get a bunch of stupid tests done, then I would be very happy.

Thank you though.


<Gold Donor>
*trying to be funny here* maybe you're preggers? Hey it's 2024 and men can for fact get pregnant now. And yes , I did just assume your gender! ;)

Seriously that sucks. Reason I asked, is in 2013 I thought I was going to have to stop working. I was going light headed, then could barely walk, then I'd have explosive diarrhea for 3 days. Rinse repeat. Got to the point that I listed the symptoms and my full medication list and showed to any doc, regardless of discipline and asked their opinion. A general surgeon we went to visit for my wife funnily enough, looked at it and told me I was having an allergic reaction to all the pain medication I was on. That's when I got over myself and had back surgery #3.


The Scientific Shitlord
So, I've been waking up recently, and just dry heaving for no reason. I stay hydrated all day, take my vitamins, I probably started eating once a day, with some snacking or a little light lunch or vice versa. This happened after my accident and being on all the multitude of painkillers. I used to be able to eat seconds massive plates of food, and I still cook in the manner that I used to eat, but I can't sit and do it. I guess it's nice with food prices being what they are, because between the wife and I at least a couple of steaks will last us two or three days.

I just sometimes wake up in the morning and the very first thing I wanted to do is puke. I don't know if it's necessarily the way I'm sleeping and maybe it's acid reflux or something. But it's gotten to the point where every goddamn morning when I wake up I'm sitting there on pins and needles wondering whether I'm going to puke up nothing. Sometimes it's some bile, born in the middle of the night I always have a big glass of ice water next to me, I'll have a few sips throughout the night when I wake up, and that gets expunged. That's just happening more frequently in the middle of the night.

I don't know. Trying a bunch of different things. Not really cooking anything right now thinking it's my diet. Just eating simple stupid foods and nothing fun. Probably need to go in and see a doctor, but my last experience with the medical industry and was a nightmare and I really don't want to piss away money people that are just going to make me kiss away even more money.

Any advise or help would be appreciated. Figured I would ask.

Sorry talk to text
Time to science that bitch up. This sounds like maybe a mild allergy, or maybe you are just getting old and can't process things the way you used to. Rotate through the food groups and just stop one for 2-3 days and see if you feel any better. Start exercising more as well.
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<Silver Donator>
Time to science that bitch up. This sounds like maybe a mild allergy, or maybe you are just getting old and can't process things the way you used to. Rotate through the food groups and just stop one for 2-3 days and see if you feel any better. Start exercising more as well.
Tried a variety of different things. I guess our routine is typically whatever type of cuisine whether it be Asian, Mediterranean, American, Mexican etc. and very rarely have processed foods, other than some egg rolls and stuff from trader Joe's. All of our meals are home made. I love my vegetables, and enjoy good solid protein. Go look at the cooking thread. I might not plate the stuff up properly, but it's wholesome healthy meals.

I also walk the dogs everyday, try to ride my bike out to fish, or at least just feed my ducks and BS with the old people I typically see out at the park. It's been pretty goddamn hot lately, so I've only been doing that a few times a week.

My work day keeps me extremely active, but it's also been slow thanks to Bidenomics.

I don't know I probably need to go in and get a physical, I just really hate the God damn medical industry. My last experience with them was an utter nightmare, I don't want to have to go through it again if something is fucked up.


The Scientific Shitlord
Tried a variety of different things. I guess our routine is typically whatever type of cuisine whether it be Asian, Mediterranean, American, Mexican etc. and very rarely have processed foods, other than some egg rolls and stuff from trader Joe's. All of our meals are home made. I love my vegetables, and enjoy good solid protein. Go look at the cooking thread. I might not plate the stuff up properly, but it's wholesome healthy meals.

I also walk the dogs everyday, try to ride my bike out to fish, or at least just feed my ducks and BS with the old people I typically see out at the park. It's been pretty goddamn hot lately, so I've only been doing that a few times a week.

My work day keeps me extremely active, but it's also been slow thanks to Bidenomics.

I don't know I probably need to go in and get a physical, I just really hate the God damn medical industry. My last experience with them was an utter nightmare, I don't want to have to go through it again if something is fucked up.
Doctor can give you an allergy panel. But you can still try to suss it out yourself. Stop meat for a few days. Stop dairy for a few days. Stop frying foods for a few days. Etc.
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<Silver Donator>
Doctor can give you an allergy panel. But you can still try to suss it out yourself. Stop meat for a few days. Stop dairy for a few days. Stop frying foods for a few days. Etc.
That's pretty much what I've done. My wife is pretty Keen on that sort of dietary stuff, we've been waiting out certain things just to see what might be the problem. Only protein I'm really been eating lately has been just white meat chicken, lots of vegetables, which isn't anything out of the ordinary, but for a couple of weeks I've just been having like salad, contact cucumbers things like that. Eating avocado for healthy fats, taken on my vitamins stuff.

I'm really craving something like a bacon cheeseburger though, but I have a feeling it'll screw up something fierce.

Wonder if maybe picking up some salmon I just doing a simple bake in the oven would be okay. Maybe just some wild rice, steamed veggies.

That's the screwed up thing because that's typically stuff that we on regular, and I don't necessarily know when this started happening. Maybe about a month ago, and I don't remember the meal that we had, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

Fucking sucks though. I haven't cooked anything in almost a month, that's one of the things that makes me happy,. Love spending time in the kitchen, making good meals for the two of us or family and friends. Just so hesitant right now to try to eat anything because I don't know, maybe there's some real bad stuff going on. Guess I'm just scared to go find out.