My meal schedule is typically one normal sized meal, typically dinner. Sometimes when I'm out traveling for work I'll have lunch with a coworker and that's my main meal, and none of the evening was at work staying in an Airbnb, we do just charcuterie cheese and crackers and vegetables and stuff like that.
Most of the time it's eating a banana or an apple, or maybe a granola bar or something in the morning, but I only really one meal a day. I might grab a snack like some beef jerky or a handful of pretzels every now and then, but dinner is typically my normal deal.
I used to eat a lot more, could put away some food. Used to go with coworkers to buffets and stuff like that, but I can't do it any longer. It's been that way for a couple of years.
I think it happened after the stupid accident. If my wife and I have steak night, it's very rare that I can ever finish 12 or 16 oz ribeye. I might be able to eat half, which is fine I guess I get more bang for the buck out of food would not having the appetite, but I just can't do it.
I mean if I had an ulcer or something, or the other deal what you're talking about which I have no clue what that is, what not necessarily feels something, or is it something that can run silent and deep ? Sorry trying to make a joke please, but I don't know. I mean I'm sad I tried to see just poking on my stomach and what have you and nothing really hurts, and it doesn't feel like there's something there.
I don't think I have an obstruction which was my biggest concern originally, but when I eat I'm able to go to the bathroom no problem, but I've been taking more fiber to just get the works going.
You and
Captain Suave
are right though I probably just need to go into the doctor, again just last experience with the medical industry was a horrific nightmare. I don't trust them and all they did was do their best to fleece me, and I'm still paying off massive amounts of stupid medical debt.
Just tired of this shit.