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I'm probably nowhere near your age. But even I've noticed lapses in my memory that just dont seem to recall what stuff is called. Like Im thinking of this process that I used to deal with daily in my old career. But I cant for the life of me remember what its called. How can I forget a word that I used.. daily.. for years?..My memory keeps getting worse. At first it was all short term stuff. Did I eat a short time ago and stuff like that. EMS had to come yesterday and of course they ask a 1,000 times "When is your birthday?" I've noticed at other times and it was the same. I couldn't remember but I knew where to find it. "Look on my drivers license". Kind of like if I want to remember the name of someone I will know where they worked or where I can look them up to find it but will have no idea of the name.
But I can remember odd things like my 9th grade school locker combination. Also can remember the job number and the weight, size, and sheet numbers the plates were on for a bridge I drew in 1992. My girlfriend thought I was crazy. I could remember her home address I mailed a few letters to her after we first met in about 1985. She knew I was right because it was her parents address. I never forget a phone number. If I have called someone more than 2-3 times I know their number. Lot of it was before smart phones but I normally just remember a number and don't put it down as a contact. That seems to be working okay still. Just for the hell of it I called some numbers from 35-40 years ago and about 1/4 had someone still living there that knew the person or was the same business. Almost half were not in service at all anymore.
I feel like I used to be a lot more clear headed in the past. I was talking to my cousin this morning via voice messages. She's all into the gym thing and she knows Ive been doing it for a while now. She's struggling with pull ups and was really embarrassed that she could barely do them. Not only did I completely blank on what a pull up was at first, (Yes, its obvious now that I know what its in reference to.) But when Im explaining the different muscle groups, I mixed up Bicep Curl and Pull Up's in a sentence. I didnt mentally mix the two up, but I mixed them up in speech. This happens more than I want to admit, and probably more than I realize. When I catch it, I feel like a moron.. because I must confuse the shit out of people at times.
I just dont remember having issues like this, ever. Im the healthiest Ive been in years, physically and in diet. So Im a bit worried its something deeper?...