Had a friend in college who always had this "mildew" smell about him. Like this really strong smell of "moist dirty clothes" that was very off-putting. He was a great guy though and we got along well. I met up with him again a few years later, same deal, still had the mildew odor. Was too polite to ever bring it up. Noticed when I went to hang up my coat on the wall next to his coat, his coat had the full mildewy smell. So I had to hang my coat up like four spaces down from his. If it was something with his clothes, he should have been able to detect it, which made me think it was some sort of personal issue.
I happen to be by my hometown recently and one of the people I go say hi to is this guy. His place of residence smells fine, no mildew smell, not even on the blankets on the couch. Just him and whatever he's wearing. The smell (in a cloud going out about 2-3 feet around his body) is worse than ever and he absolutely reeks of moist dirtyness. Guy tells me about how he hasn't had a GF since college (which is now going on 15 years ago) and how rough it is and he isn't sure why he just doesn't have any luck with girls.
Even just shaking the guy's hand, I walk away with my hand reeking of mildew smell (and his hand itself was a bit moist).
Any ideas what the guy's problem is? Wondering if it's a health condition, a hygiene issue, or a laundry issue. For a while I thought maybe the guy just didn't have a dryer and was wearing wet clothes or something, but the fact that his issue has persisted and worsened over 15 years with him living in a completely different place, and even his hand leaves a strong mildew smell if you shake it, has me thinking it's some sort of bizarre medical condition.
Worst thing is, the guy seems to be completely unaware of it. I don't even know how to broach the subject to tell him about it, and it's honestly none of my business, but...yeah. It appears that it's really messed up his life if he hasn't been able to get a second date (or even the time of day) from women all this time.