The past 2 days I've had very brief bouts of what can only be described as a 'clogged vein' in the back of my right leg. If my shin is 12 and my calf is 6, it's occurring at about 4. It happened about four times yesterday. It doesn't really feel like a cramp, as it's very very localized (like I could probably put my finger on exactly where it feels weird), and when it happens, there's a bit of pain and I can kinda feel my pulse (hence the sensation of a clogged vein). It lasts for maybe 1 second, then it goes away and the left back portion of my neck tingles, like a mini shiver. Always right leg, and always left neck side.
I'm not sure when I first experienced it but I wanna say it's been over a year. The past few months I haven't had it at all, only in the past few days did it start acting up again, albeit more often than before, hence me finally making a post about it. Anyone got an idea what it could be, and if it's serious?