

Mr. Poopybutthole
Just made a world class play last night, really wish I had a video or at least a screenshot of the board to turn it into a 'how can you survive' puzzle. It's turn 5, I'm playing midrange hunter vs zoo. I have an empty board, I'm at 5 life, he has a 6/5 void terror and an undamaged doomguard on the board. I drop knife juggler, hunters mark the doomguard, cast animal companion, it summons misha and juggler kills doomguard. I eventually go on to win the game.



Still a Music Elitist
Yeah, that was pretty fun to watch and another reason that I'm really happy the class cards in this expansion are common and rare. Crafting epics is expensive.
This is an adventure expansion. You won't be crafting any of the cards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah seemed like it, but I don't remember enough of what it was like before to say how they buffed it.

Do these adventures usually launch at midnight or like 1 PM tomorrow or what?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I completely blew my opponent out in my first game (as Rag). Nothing seemed different from the cards I saw, maybe they nerfed Nef.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
nef starts with less mana... 1 less im pretty sure.
Yep. I still completely dominated with Nef. Not sure if I will do another but this was one of my favorite brawls so might do a few to help push it more. Gotta help Blizz push the somewhat fun ones.


This is an adventure expansion. You won't be crafting any of the cards.
Yeah, you're right, I kinda spaced out on that, only matters for arena picks then.

Edit: I won my five brawls (for daily) straight away, three with Rag, two with Nef. Nefarian starting with one less mana definitely makes a difference since there are fewer blowout starts and Rag gets rid of the weapon one turn "earlier." I didn't notice any cards added or missing, but it has been a while since the first brawl.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't like the random aspect of Voidcaller in handlock, but I didn't realize how necessary they were to keep up with the metagame until I tried cobbling together a vintage handlock list without demons. Could barely win a game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
vintage is ok but aggro meta is always tough, voidcaller or not. Need to mull for Moltens mainly and hope you get your healbots in time.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm really really liking Sneeds over second Shieldmaiden in Control Warrior. Also apparently Control Warrior is pretty good vs agro druid


Molten Core Raider
The big killer for control warrior is midrange paladin. You can't win late game and it's unlikely you can rush them down. The other hard one is midrange druid since they just need a minion on board at about turn 9 to kill you unless you own the board early and get tons of armor up. None of the other matchups seem outright horrible though. Aggro druid is much easier, war axe kills half their stuff and fel reaver is relatively easy to deal with in warrior.


Mr. Poopybutthole
control warrior tends to destroy face hunter and aggro druid because they have no staying power. I might try sneeds over my second shield maiden


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Brann Bronzebeard seems so good in a lot of decks.

16 heal on 8 mana and 2 bodies on board is a huge swing against aggro. IMO most mid & control decks should have Brann+Healbots

Other than that....

Class specific benefits:
Handlock: combo with Twilight Drakes for 2x health gain, Argus grants +2/+2, they also already play 2x Healbots
Druid: gain 2 crystals from Aspirant
Warrior: get 10 armor from shieldmaiden, +4 attack from taskmaster, draw 6 cards from Varian Wrynn
Dragon Priest: +2 attack on Wyrmwrest and Twilight guardian. 6 damage from corrupter, +4 health on Whelp, -4 attack from Shrinkmeister, Technician +2/+2
Hunter: +4/+4 houndmaster, summon 2 beasts from Ram Wrangler.
Mech Mage: 8 random damage from Blastmage, +2/+2 on Tinkertown
Paladin: +4/+4 from Quartermaster, +12 heal from Guardian of Kings
Mill Rogue: Draw 4 cards from Coldlight, Mukla gives opponent 4 bananas
Shaman: Summon 2 totems from Tuskarr, Totemcarver gains +2/+2 per totem, Fireguard destroyer gains 2-8 attack, Fire Elemental does 6 damage,Mistcaller gives all minions in hand & deck +2/+2, Neptulon puts 8 murlocs into hand.

Other Notable Neutrals:
Dr. Boom summons 4 boom bots.
Nefarian adds 4 random spells to hand
+4 attack from Abusive
+1 copy of Echoing Ooze (3 total)
6 & 12 bombs from bombers
6 Heal from Farseer
Steal 2 minions with MCT
Shattered Sun +2/+2
Kezan steals 2 secrets
Bomb lobber does 4 random damage twice
Frostwolf Warlord gains 2x Atk/health (6/6 with 1 minion, 16/16 with 6 other minions)


Golden Squire
^^ a lot of these are the epitome of win more though. Brann + stuff like boom, nef, wrynn is totally inconsequential.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What kind of priest? He's way too slow for Dragon Priest, which is all about aggressively curving out. The only existing deck that gets good value from just dropping him in without changing up the list at all is handlock. Control warrior can slow the game down enough to use him, but he's way too flimsy for the minimal gain you get.


Seems like the dragon decks benefit a lot from Brann. He might be slow, but at least dragon decks tend to make it to 10 mana and the dragon synergy cards tend to be 3-6 mana. 12/12 Drakonid Crushers, extra card draw on Azure Drake, 4/6 Blackwing Technicians, 6 damage Blackwing Corruptors, 4/6 Twilight Guardians, and 4 spells off Nefarian (who's the only battlecry you can't combo with Brann).

It seems like too much synergy to not try to fit him in.