

Sparkletot Monger
Brann + Mad Bomber + Madder Bomber! 18 Damage armageddon (assuming Brann Survives the first volley)

Also, Brann + Faceless Manipulator. Great answer for your opponent throwing down Rag.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Seems like the dragon decks benefit a lot from Brann. He might be slow, but at least dragon decks tend to make it to 10 mana and the dragon synergy cards tend to be 3-6 mana. 12/12 Drakonid Crushers, extra card draw on Azure Drake, 4/6 Blackwing Technicians, 6 damage Blackwing Corruptors, 4/6 Twilight Guardians, and 4 spells off Nefarian (who's the only battlecry you can't combo with Brann).

It seems like too much synergy to not try to fit him in.
Not to mention he fits right in since they have flexible three drop slots in Dark Cultist. Definitely worth a try. Cultist isn't too great itself as an empty board drop on curve and is no less difficult to remove at four health. If you have to drop it on an empty board on curve, or even with the opponent having board, its no less a waste than dropping Brann. Thing is, there should be plenty of times when you can mange to do Agent>Brann>Guardian or simply have the mid-to-late game options to drop Brann on the same turn as another battlecry. He also becomes a soft taunt, which dragon priest will like to protect his face for another turn.

That's the only current deck archetype where I'm really sold on him. I can see the usefulness for handlocks, but otherwise there seems little room to cut him for other classes and too little benefit to justify it. Maybe Shaman I guess but that will require more tweaking overall.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Brann + Mad Bomber + Madder Bomber! 18 Damage armageddon (assuming Brann Survives the first volley)

Also, Brann + Faceless Manipulator. Great answer for your opponent throwing down Rag.
With the bombers Brann would assuredly be dead quickly without a huge board. Plus the bombers just aren't great tempo in the meta currently anyway, but cute idea.

Faceless won't do anything except copy itself into the same minion again. It doesn't give you two Rags.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
^^ a lot of these are the epitome of win more though. Brann + stuff like boom, nef, wrynn is totally inconsequential.
Most are not win more. Only Nef/Varian would be win more since you can't play them on the same turn.

Brann, in most cases, will be in decks for that dream 8 mana turn against aggro decks to practically fully heal yourself. In any other matchup where you last to 10 mana you will have many opportunities to combo him out with the bigger threats, like Brann+Drakes or even Brann+Boom. There's many times you just dont get Boom on 7.

Having the situation be available will make him more flexible and usable, but IMO his main purpose will be to combo with healbot.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The second guy, sun raider phaerix, you can silence the rod and stay invulnerable. So if you silence it and can get it stealth somehow you can't lose, not that, that is necessary, but it is possible.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It only shows a price of $19.99, maybe they are switching to cash only or giving cash players a week preview over F2P?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Normal modes are cakewalk, can't try Hard mode till later. Temple boss was cool. I used a Mage with flamewakers/wyrm/antonidas for them all.

First wing of cards aren't too exciting.
Will try Reno in a freeze mage and Paladin decks. Torch also for Freeze mage.
For Warrior I'm planning to sub out a Shieldmaiden for an Obsidian Destroyer
And for fun, I'm definitely going to build a deck around Summoning Stone, but it's going to surely suck ass.
I rated Rumbling Ele as decent but Shaman are still bad. Need some of the other cards released before I can think of building a deck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Had lock daily anyway, put that 2/2 for 2 with the discover-a-one-cost in zoo, replacing haunted creepers. First time I used it, hello extra power overwhelming!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Debating putting the 7/4 for four with the time bomb into aggro druid in place of the Savage Combatant slot. I guess if you had the nut turn with coin and/or innervates it would work, but it just looks so easy to remove otherwise.

The Ancient_sl

That seems like a terrible play, it's rare that whatever kills your combatant survives and activating your hero power each turn at that point in the game is pretty negligible.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, it was just the only meta deck I could think of where that thing has a place. It would be more like an early innervate play, like another mini reaver. Shit, I wonder if you had a reaver out it might also burn away the damage card that the shade places in your deck. Or would it still hurt you when reaver forces the draw?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Had lock daily anyway, put that 2/2 for 2 with the discover-a-one-cost in zoo, replacing haunted creepers. First time I used it, hello extra power overwhelming!
Getting a free mortal coil with your 2/2, also not bad! I guess Voidwalkers and Flame Imps will happen a good bit too. Seems like it could be a reasonable zoo card.


Molten Core Raider
Normal mode was cake walk. Heroic mode was disappointingly easy.

Zinaar - Freeze mage *yawn*
Phaerix - Heal paladin, got iron beak in opening hand to silence the staff so I beat it on my first try.
Temple Escape - Freeze mage *yawn*