Blackwing Lair Raider
This. Animated armor + wee spellstopper and it's pretty much gg.Got the five win daily done with an aggro freeze mage variant. Animated armor is the best card you can get in this type of brawl.
This. Animated armor + wee spellstopper and it's pretty much gg.Got the five win daily done with an aggro freeze mage variant. Animated armor is the best card you can get in this type of brawl.
Eh, its mostly predictable for the classes that can do it. Druids, obvi. Freeze mage, you know when he has you by the balls. Tempo mage, easy to track the fireballs and bolts. Zoo, pretty easy to estimate if he has DG's and PO's etc, they can burst some but they generally get forced to play more minion trading and attrition. Secret pally, priest, warriors don't really have burst out of hand. Murloc pal you can see it coming a mile away, just depends who had the draws and if you have any way to defend like taunts or Loatheb. Aggro pal and hunters tend to be more sustained relentless burst than a 15+ burst turn.The amount of burst in this game has gotten out of hand, you just have to assume your opponent always has 15+ damage in hand.
It was actually worse before, this is the least bursty the metagame has been since beta. Since you're relatively safe with an empty board and at 20 life, a druid needs 4 specific cards to do it (roar x 2, force, innervate/emperor) and murlock paladin needs to practically play their entire deck before they can do it. Miracle rogue and handlock pre-leeroy nerf, and patron just a little while ago could kill you if you were at 20 life with an empty board and they were a lot more reliable at it.The amount of burst in this game has gotten out of hand, you just have to assume your opponent always has 15+ damage in hand.
Arcanite?I've lost to warriors running double gorehowl in THIS meta, should definitely be playable post-rotation. Need something to make up for losing death's bite, king's defender damn sure isn't gonna cut it as much as I'd love to use my golden playset.
But yes, there should probably be either a second brawl or geddon in the deck. Like I said, first draft, can't even playtest it until the new set comes in and gvg/naxx rotate out so it's pure theorycrafting.
It feels like we just got lightbomb, funny how little the card was used when gvg came out. I started using it and said how powerful it really is, but I thought that was because no one played around it. Well now everyone knows to play around it and its still used/very powerful.Hate to theorize anything before seeing the new cards but good warrior decks would probably include the Giant+Faceless combo or go the Elise route.
I like Obsidian destroyer for sure.
Maybe Varian sees play since Lightbomb will be gone.
Only battlecry in the deck is Justicar, and that's just because of how amazing Justicar is in control warrior. Hell that's why I cut two taskmasters and subbed inner rage in. Depending on how the meta shakes out I'd also consider ditching armorsmiths for fierce monkeys, or something else more durable in the 3-4 spot.Hate to theorize anything before seeing the new cards but good warrior decks would probably include the Giant+Faceless combo or go the Elise route.
I like Obsidian destroyer for sure.
Maybe Varian sees play since Lightbomb will be gone.
eh, reaper is pretty bad in control. Gorehowl may be two turns slower but it gets well over twice as much value. If I were to cut a gorehowl, I'd just run with 3 weapons rather than putting a reaper in. Unless the next xpac yields something playable of course.Arcanite?
I think it will be aggro fest, especially early on.Greedy as hell but I think the format will slow down enough that you can afford to be greedy.