Been having fun with J4CKIECHAN's Yogg druid. Casually went from rank 12 to 6 this weekend. The deck is the most fun deck I've played in a long while. Hilarious wins out of *almost* nowhere. Beats a lot of meta decks. I'd say there's no matchup below 50% really, but without tracking my games it's hard to say exactly. Only losses are to super-fast aggro that get god draws... still can win against fast decks though, just depends on draws.
Here's the exact list:
Yogg Token Druid Guide by J4CKIECHAN - Hearthstone Decks
One of the best wins I had was playing against a Ramp druid..
He was able to get board early and has Druid of the Claw taunted.
I have an insignificant turn, might have played Nourish for cards, can't remember.
He was able to win the joust with Master Jouster
I play a minion (forget which) and pop the DS with my face.
He drops Ysera
I play Wisps of the Old Gods + Innervate + Soul of the Forest
He plays Ancient of War and goes face.
I play Power of the Wild+Roar+Roar(acquired from Raven Idol)+Hero Power. 47 power represented: 1 wisp into Jouster, 2 wisps into AoW, 2 wisps into Ysera, 1 wisp into Druid of the Claw. Hit Druid's Face for 11 damage, he's at 14 health.
I have 14 power still on board and he surrenders.
I love the control games. If I can get to turn 9 and do Wisps+Innervate+Soul, the game is usually won.
Every game is a little different which makes the deck so fun. Sometimes you just keep spitting out tokens and minions, other times you hold until a big power turn. Very fun deck and requires a lot of thought. I've used Wrath for card draw in lieu of clearing opponent board many times. The deck is similar to Freeze Mage in a way, it's more about card draw and getting into some big combo turns than playing tempo.
And for the most bullshit RNG (but didn't matter since I still won): Was the end of a super tight game against tempo mage. I had 7 wisps on board with Soul of the Forest. I'm at 8 life. Just enough to avoid Fireball+Ping. He uses ARCANE MISSLES. ALL 3 HIT MY FACE.
He didn't have Fireball or any other damage so I still win. 3x 1/8 chance .............. I was so pissed and thought I lost for sure.