- All 3 developer suggestions (more thresholds, win-streaks to legend, and more bonus stars) are good ideas
- Ladder anxiety is a big problem, people w/ limited time who are competitive don't feel they can experiment
- Thresholds at 15, 10, and 5 would help segregate between new and old players better and make the climb experience better with more opportunity to experiment (ie Duelyst)
- Thresholds might dilute Legend value, but the trade-off for more experimentation is a + for everyone and older Legend players can still brag about getting Legend before Ranked overhaul (ie pre WoW nerfs)
- Right now, vanilla stats and back-and-forth trading is dominant and that's boring
- Not enough room to draft synergistic cards b/c there's no guarantee to get synergies and you're forced to play all cards you draft (ie draft Ancient Watcher, don't get synergies, now a dead card)
- Arena pool can't always be Ever-Growing, because eventually it will hit a card pool size that's just too big for drafting synergies/playing around opponent cards
- Dev suggestion to go to Standard arena has appeal for making synergies reliable, but takes away format's appeal in being able to play with old cards
- Blizzard already has a better way to fix the problem by making custom draft pools for every new expansion (taking away certain cards, but on a much larger scale than what they did in the past, ie SolForge)
- Gives more control over balance, synergies available at a given time, makes drafting more exciting b/c it's always changing
- Could test the waters with Tavern Brawl?
- More complicated b/c you have to communicate to veteran players, but they can enjoy studying the optimal way to draft in a new format, and what's excluded is irrelevant for new/casual players
- Arena Leaderboard is a great idea for dedicated Arena players
- While talking w/ Blizzard pre-Standard about how to keep HS fresh, he said nerfing cards sucked and they should make a core set
- Stands by that, nerfs to Molten Giant, Leper, Blade Flurry, FoN permanently killed decks, class identity, and hurt people's interest in playing the game, esp. Wild
- Same deck being good for 20 years is boring, having so many Evergreen cards goes against that (Not Kibler, but VS stats dropped today showing 50% of all Constructed cards played are Evergreen)
- Need to have a much smaller Evergreen set with only basic, core class-identity cards like Innervate, Wild Growth, Fireball, Frostbolt
- Cards/Cores like Alex, Auctioneer, and Ragnaros are good for a while, but they need to rotate eventually b/c they push out other draw engines and big drops while getting stale, or else we need powercreep
- Wants <10 Evergreen cards per deck for more dynamic deck design
- NEED more support for Wild (ie actual tournament support), so that there's less sting when Evergreen cards do rotate
- We should have Standard-start nerfs reverted and those cards rotated to Wild; cool to see old powerhouse decks go up against new powerhouse decks
- Pirate package (STB + Patches) is too good/oppressive
- Doesn't come at enough cost, Pirate Package doesn't need a deck designed for it, just put it in a deck with weapons
- Cheap weapons are already some of the most busted cards in the game b/c of versatility, strength, low-cost, snowball-iness and Ooze's mediocrity vs. them, Team5 should maybe look at rebalancing this too
- The rate of STB makes it more broken than Patches, biggest problem card since Undertaker
- Agrees w/ developers that playing vs. Pirates plays too similar, games feel too same-y
- All other early game is irrelevant b/c of Pirate package power, too good vs. anti-aggro options
- Nerf STB's Attack or Health by 1, either way it's not ideal