

Trakanon Raider
Anyone got Challenge a Friend quest? Usually I just give it to the first friend online not in a game, but hey, if I can get 80 gold out of it that'd rock. Morrowgirl1685
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<Bronze Donator>
Anyone got Challenge a Friend quest? Usually I just give it to the first friend online not in a game, but hey, if I can get 80 gold out of it that'd rock. Morrowgirl1685
I'm the same way. I added you. If we don't get it done in the next few minutes I'll be gone for a little over 8 hours and we can trade tonight
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Trakanon Raider
God.. I think I'm either the most inconsistent arena player or the unluckiest. I've gotten more 12win runs in the last week then I had lifetime previously, but I'll have a few runs in a row where I can't even get over 3 wins, even an 0-3 thrown in the mix, then suddenly I get a few 9-12 wins in a row. Meanwhile, if I watch really good arena players, they rarely ever get below 5 wins on a run.

I know mage is still good, but I seem to have forgotten how to play it. The last 4-5 runs I did with mage have all been bad. But, all my warlock runs are 7+, including a 12-0 and 12-2 in the last two days.

I'm so confused.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
God.. I think I'm either the most inconsistent arena player or the unluckiest. I've gotten more 12win runs in the last week then I had lifetime previously, but I'll have a few runs in a row where I can't even get over 3 wins, even an 0-3 thrown in the mix, then suddenly I get a few 9-12 wins in a row. Meanwhile, if I watch really good arena players, they rarely ever get below 5 wins on a run.

I know mage is still good, but I seem to have forgotten how to play it. The last 4-5 runs I did with mage have all been bad. But, all my warlock runs are 7+, including a 12-0 and 12-2 in the last two days.

I'm so confused.

I'm the same way. I haven't done too many but my only great deck was a warlock one with 10 wins. The other three were priest, pally, and mage. with 3-4 wins each. I'm sure I'm part of the problem but the Lock deck had better options in the 30 picks.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm the same way. I haven't done too many but my only great deck was a warlock one with 10 wins. The other three were priest, pally, and mage. with 3-4 wins each. I'm sure I'm part of the problem but the Lock deck had better options in the 30 picks.
The frustrating part is not being able to differentiate when my luck determined the outcome or my own skill did. That goes for a lot of hearthstone, really.
To play 'good' you figure out situations where doing A is right 70% of the time, doing B is only right 30%, and then doing A. But, then when your opponent has the things that would have made B the right move, you feel like you screwed up and made a mistake in your calculations. You start thinking maybe B was actually 70%. Its very difficult to analyze your own play in that way, at least for me.

Also, the news they might make arena standard is great. I think that is part of the problem, theres so many potential blowout cards that you cant play aroud them all and then you DO get wrecked by them at times. Then, when a similar situation comes up later, you play around that thing but they dont have it and you lose because you played around it.
Arena seems to be boiling down to two people playing solitaire, but whoever plays their own broken combo wins faster. I rarely feel like my opponent outplayed me, or vice versa really, just that their cards lined up better for what i was doing or mine did.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The frustrating part is not being able to differentiate when my luck determined the outcome or my own skill did. That goes for a lot of hearthstone, really.
To play 'good' you figure out situations where doing A is right 70% of the time, doing B is only right 30%, and then doing A. But, then when your opponent has the things that would have made B the right move, you feel like you screwed up and made a mistake in your calculations. You start thinking maybe B was actually 70%. Its very difficult to analyze your own play in that way, at least for me.

Also, the news they might make arena standard is great. I think that is part of the problem, theres so many potential blowout cards that you cant play aroud them all and then you DO get wrecked by them at times. Then, when a similar situation comes up later, you play around that thing but they dont have it and you lose because you played around it.
Arena seems to be boiling down to two people playing solitaire, but whoever plays their own broken combo wins faster. I rarely feel like my opponent outplayed me, or vice versa really, just that their cards lined up better for what i was doing or mine did.

Yep, I've felt that most of the games I played. It's like, how did you get that combo in your hand in arena? With the gigantic card selection? I also agree about making it standard. I think cards like dragon operative might become ridiculous but it's really hard to pick Play A as being right with so many cards.

Quick question. Have they already lowered the number of certain cards showing up? Is the larger card base doing that job for them? I just haven't seen very many flamestrike and I used to see them constantly 2 years ago. I've averaged about 4 mage opponents the past 4 arenas so I've seen plenty of them but not flamestrike. Portal seems to be less frequent based off earlier posts from it's release. Have I just gotten lucky?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've basically entirely stopped playing HS besides hitting my quests - Direwolf Digital has two digital CCGs in beta - Eternal and Elder Scrolls - enjoying both. Both are basically completely different from the other.

Eternal is really close to a "Hearthstoned" MTG. And the Elder Scrolls one is closer to Hearthstone proper but still has some substantial differences. Not sure if the player pop is doing good/poor on either - but they're both fun (free thusfar as well for me).
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I've basically entirely stopped playing HS besides hitting my quests - Direwolf Digital has two digital CCGs in beta - Eternal and Elder Scrolls - enjoying both. Both are basically completely different from the other.

Eternal is really close to a "Hearthstoned" MTG. And the Elder Scrolls one is closer to Hearthstone proper but still has some substantial differences. Not sure if the player pop is doing good/poor on either - but they're both fun (free thusfar as well for me).

Will give it a look. Outside of some arena, and the occasional new deck I'm also just doing quests and my daily Hearthranger stuff after I go to bed. Just crafted Finja and enjoying the hell out of Murloc Pally until I hit 500. Then probably more dragon pally to 500 and done for a while. Both are at around 460 wins so that will probably be done by month's end. I might get my last 50 with shammy but I've grown tired of it.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Fuck this game with an aids dick. That is all.
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Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Yup. I just grind to rank 5 and quit most seasons, now with the mega cancer of patches decks its just gotten that much worse. reno decks are fine but i keep getting other reno decks when i change and bleh, even when you win it feels like you lost just because it took 20 minutes to finish.
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Molten Core Raider
I log on, check quests, drop the 40g quests and do the others. Log off, turn on Twitch and watch one of the enjoyable streamers. That's the extent of my Hearthstone atm.

Overall, i think that this meta is better than the pre-MSG one, but i still think the game is in a poor state atm.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Thank god for Jade decks being a good counter to Reno.
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Molten Core Raider
I honestly keep trying to get into the game, but it's impossible. The game is just trash.

I've gotten to the point where i'd even consider myself decent. I've put in time. I watch streams daily, i actually watch in order to learn. When i play, i think moves through, i actually sit there strategically going through the why and how, etc. Half of the time i stop myself and think: How fucking retarded am i to even want to play this game at this level?

The game is designed in a way where no matter how good you are, you will lose a large percentage of games in a way that completely disregards your play. He got his N'Zoth's First Mate on one, Alextrasza's Champion on two, Frothing on three, Kor'Kron on four and Reaper on five. You had an opening hand of two SW:Death, Azure Drake and PW:Shield and you drew dickall by turn 5. You can suck a dick all the way to the moon, you aren't going to win that game. By the time you can play your Azure Drake, you're at like 5 health. It's basically the same shit when you're facing aggro shamans. You finally stabilize at like 6 health, but he top decks a drake which draws him a Lava Burst. Suck a dick, l2p huhuhu!!

So basically, watching the pros play, it's evident that these scenario are evident at all tiers of play. I'm using a caricature of two cancer decks, but there's similar scenarios in most decks. Ultimately, yeah, there is a skill threshold, but this threshold is low and after you reach it, it's just a coin toss. Certainly, there are decks where the threshold is higher and a smaller number of players can reach it, but the ladder is infested by decks that have a low skill threshold and are very powerful.

Anyways, i applaud the people who are having fun playing this game. You guys are certainly doing something right. I, on the other hand, need to gtfo and do something else with my time.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well.. yea..

If you have time, watch Kibler's video:

He is a very upbeat personality and analyzes the state of the game very accurately.

Someone posted a TL;DW:
- All 3 developer suggestions (more thresholds, win-streaks to legend, and more bonus stars) are good ideas
- Ladder anxiety is a big problem, people w/ limited time who are competitive don't feel they can experiment
- Thresholds at 15, 10, and 5 would help segregate between new and old players better and make the climb experience better with more opportunity to experiment (ie Duelyst)
- Thresholds might dilute Legend value, but the trade-off for more experimentation is a + for everyone and older Legend players can still brag about getting Legend before Ranked overhaul (ie pre WoW nerfs)

- Right now, vanilla stats and back-and-forth trading is dominant and that's boring
- Not enough room to draft synergistic cards b/c there's no guarantee to get synergies and you're forced to play all cards you draft (ie draft Ancient Watcher, don't get synergies, now a dead card)
- Arena pool can't always be Ever-Growing, because eventually it will hit a card pool size that's just too big for drafting synergies/playing around opponent cards
- Dev suggestion to go to Standard arena has appeal for making synergies reliable, but takes away format's appeal in being able to play with old cards
- Blizzard already has a better way to fix the problem by making custom draft pools for every new expansion (taking away certain cards, but on a much larger scale than what they did in the past, ie SolForge)
- Gives more control over balance, synergies available at a given time, makes drafting more exciting b/c it's always changing
- Could test the waters with Tavern Brawl?
- More complicated b/c you have to communicate to veteran players, but they can enjoy studying the optimal way to draft in a new format, and what's excluded is irrelevant for new/casual players
- Arena Leaderboard is a great idea for dedicated Arena players

- While talking w/ Blizzard pre-Standard about how to keep HS fresh, he said nerfing cards sucked and they should make a core set
- Stands by that, nerfs to Molten Giant, Leper, Blade Flurry, FoN permanently killed decks, class identity, and hurt people's interest in playing the game, esp. Wild
- Same deck being good for 20 years is boring, having so many Evergreen cards goes against that (Not Kibler, but VS stats dropped today showing 50% of all Constructed cards played are Evergreen)
- Need to have a much smaller Evergreen set with only basic, core class-identity cards like Innervate, Wild Growth, Fireball, Frostbolt
- Cards/Cores like Alex, Auctioneer, and Ragnaros are good for a while, but they need to rotate eventually b/c they push out other draw engines and big drops while getting stale, or else we need powercreep
- Wants <10 Evergreen cards per deck for more dynamic deck design
- NEED more support for Wild (ie actual tournament support), so that there's less sting when Evergreen cards do rotate
- We should have Standard-start nerfs reverted and those cards rotated to Wild; cool to see old powerhouse decks go up against new powerhouse decks

- Pirate package (STB + Patches) is too good/oppressive
- Doesn't come at enough cost, Pirate Package doesn't need a deck designed for it, just put it in a deck with weapons
- Cheap weapons are already some of the most busted cards in the game b/c of versatility, strength, low-cost, snowball-iness and Ooze's mediocrity vs. them, Team5 should maybe look at rebalancing this too
- The rate of STB makes it more broken than Patches, biggest problem card since Undertaker
- Agrees w/ developers that playing vs. Pirates plays too similar, games feel too same-y
- All other early game is irrelevant b/c of Pirate package power, too good vs. anti-aggro options
- Nerf STB's Attack or Health by 1, either way it's not ideal

I'm again at the point where I simply knock out a quest or play on tablet to pass time. I don't think the game will ever hold my attention until something like Tournament Mode is made.
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