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Molten Core Raider
Weekly card release would be really good. Keeps things interesting.

Barely 2 months into release and people are bored as shit already which I think hasn't happened before.

April till next expansion is a joke having to endure 2 more months of this meta.

Fuck Ben Brode and the Dev team. Completely ruined this game. HS could have been amazing but it's a pile of shit atm and will be for the next 2 years since Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is undoubtedly the worse expansion of them all.

Fuck this game.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
'Ben Brode on how long until Pirates walk the plank'

Just reading this literally makes me angry. Ben Brode is a fucking idiot. It seems like that entire team is full of idiots. It's like giving the keys to a Porsche to your 16 year old kid.

Yep, even more proof they don't test at all or even have a clue how CCGs actually work. I can almost guarantee the main testers were not MTG players. He can get whiny as much as he wants but their testing group is shit. To literally think spirit claws was not going to be good in aggro shaman says it all. To not test how the combination of cheap weapons, a free 1/1 that thins the deck, and that buccaneer could be broken is idiocy. He is literally Paul Barnett for Blizzard. He hypes shit up but has no clue how anything works.

I also like thew weekly card release. Gives these guys more experience in card interactions and an ability to adjust more quickly. If you nerf a card that just came out, who cares? It's one card. Great idea Ravishing.
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Molten Core Raider
HS could have been amazing but it's a pile of shit atm and will be for the next 2 years since Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is undoubtedly the worse expansion of them all.

I mean... game cards/play/mechanics aside, there's so much good lore surrounding the Warcraft universe and they go with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan for an expansion? Are they fucking retarded? Seriously...
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Molten Core Raider
Actually, thinking about it a bit more carefully, I am not confident Ben Brode and his team can correctly handle something like a weekly card release.

If they did, most weeks, you will probably get cards like Magma Rager, Am'gam Rager (hurhur), Pompous Thespian etc etc..

They are that incompetent.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know how any of you guys ever played this game for more than the dailies or arena. Resources like Heathpwn and Hearth Arena ensure everyone plays the same decks. That is never going to change and the game is always going to be bland as fuck. The only time it is actually 'fun' is the week a new expansion drops.
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Molten Core Raider
The only time it is actually 'fun' is the week a new expansion drops.

It wasn't even fun for one week this time round because it was obvious that pirate warrior will be OP as fuck during card release. Aggro Shaman got solved on the second day after release.
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<Bronze Donator>
OP as fuck = 51.5% win rate? Pirate warrior isn't much fun to play against but they're only a tad bit out of balance. Aggro shaman is approaching a win percentage that's too high.

What kind of meta do you guys want?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
OP as fuck = 51.5% win rate? Pirate warrior isn't much fun to play against but they're only a tad bit out of balance. Aggro shaman is approaching a win percentage that's too high.

What kind of meta do you guys want?

It's a variety of things.
  • The very nature of the ladder makes playing faster decks preferable.
  • The existence of Jade Druid creates a ceiling that keeps control decks unusable.
  • The speed of Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman squeeze out most midrange
This creates a situation where the meta is extremely tight and effectively eliminates entire classes of decks. A lot of us would like to see features implemented that encourage more things to be tried out and used.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Kun c'thun druid looks so good when they get the combo with ~15 cards remaining, I just know one of the pieces would be in the bottom 3 cards every time if I tried playing it.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
OP as fuck = 51.5% win rate? Pirate warrior isn't much fun to play against but they're only a tad bit out of balance. Aggro shaman is approaching a win percentage that's too high.

What kind of meta do you guys want?

OP isn't the right word for sure, the Kibler video explains it very well. When you are against the same "package", even though it's with different classes, it's way too "samey". Rogue/Shaman/Warrior all with the same basic package is very uninteresting, worse is that it's all "cancer" decks. I define cancer decks as simply being "face" decks. They require very little thought to pilot, and playing against them means very little you can do as well. It's all decided by RNG basically.

On the opposite side of the coin is having 3 classes with Reno. Reno decks are great but also too "samey". They are more strategic which I definitely enjoy but they do push out mid-range decks. So you basically have Cancer vs Reno as the only meta. Like 6 decks and it really feels like 2 decks.
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<Bronze Donator>
Yes, that's definitely a bigger problem than single decks being out of balance. Midrange still has a niche with dragon priest, dragon warrior, and midrange shaman. Despite hating priest, I'd pick dragon priest as my favorite standard deck if standard was worth playing currently. Grind is just not worth it. Shorten the grind or up the rewards. A few golden cards is not enough.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Yep, Small time buccaneer is a huge problem, but Jade Idol is almost as big a problem, since one card shouldn't be able to invalidate an entire archetype (control).

The fact that either one got past even a rudimentary round of play testing is baffling.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Hey, thanks, I made a post on reddit cause of the 2 likes here, maybe it'll get seen:
Suggestion: Weekly Card Release • /r/hearthstone

That one guy didn't seem to get it. Talked about releasing one card at a time as a trigger warning to players. Oh no! They released an aggro card this week! How will the meta survive! You already mentioned releasing something to counter the next week. Whew, poor guy. I do agree with the comment that they won't do it because of the money reasons. Good idea either way.

Yep, Small time buccaneer is a huge problem, but Jade Idol is almost as big a problem, since one card shouldn't be able to invalidate an entire archetype (control).

The fact that either one got past even a rudimentary round of play testing is baffling.

Yeah, I can't beat jade druid with a control deck except with a very lucky set of circumstances. Midrange jade shammy and dragon priest are the only decks I play. Both have a decent matchup with most decks without being the shitty aggro cancer. I sample Reno decks after I ladder and it's no longer to 5. Fuck 5 more levels of shit to get a little more dust. I'd rather be less invested at this time.
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Trakanon Raider
Back online if anyone has challenge a friend quest and wants to trade. Morrowgirl1685

Cmon, bring me that extra gold. Now thatI've tasted the double challenge a friend, I can't go back. Who has the quest. Bring it forth hence
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Why the fuck would he think the meta would slow down?
I assume that he doesn't and such spin is aimed at his employers. People who could fire Ben Brode but don't play Hearthstone at all so they ask him how things are going.

IMO Ben Brode is an office politics bullshit artist doing 24/7 damage control.
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Trakanon Raider

First Shaman draft of the expansion and was planning on going 12, had the deck capability too. This game was obviously over as well, despite his clench revenge. But NOPE. Disconnect.
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Trakanon Raider
You know, we've been giving Ben shit for awhile, but he only somewhat recently became team leader. He was the most active dev with the community, so we saw his name a lot.
I think he means well, but didn't have full control and was covering for things he didn't agree with previously. At the same time, he seems to be mostly following the same logic they operated under before. He's interacting with the community more and addressing their concerns, but not in the way we would like. It's like they aren't smart enough to do the things that are needed, but they THINK they are smarter then is needed, so they do something different then the obvious fixes.
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