The game is random as fuck but the same people keep winning over and over. There must be some other factor involved.
I've watched a lot of pro-player streams over the past 6 months and my conclusions are the following:
1.) You need to not be retarded (and the majority are not),
2.) You need to know the meta,
3.) You need to minimize your tilt,
4.) You need to invest time.
Out of the four, i think the tilt part is maybe the most important. And i think this is most visible in players like Pavel, who's been winning all over the place and doesn't flinch at any play.
I tilt. I lose in some way that is completely out of my control and based on rng, i tilt. I'm done playing with any semblance of reason for the day when that happens, but i continue playing in a lot of cases. Pros don't do that. Win a game, lose a game, queue up again. Over and over and over. Hundreds of games a day. Practice makes perfect.
I'll give you an example of a game that i just had.
Queue up anti-aggro Reno lock, after facing a mix of 3 pirate warriors and 3 aggro shamans in a row over 6 games while playing random decks. Queue into a control warrior. Guy plays Grimestreet Informants. Ok.
The game goes down to the wire after like 25 minutes. His first discover he gets an Ironforge Portal. Ironforge Portal gets him an Eerie Statue. Second discover gets him Rag-Lightlord. At one point he has the two on board, after clearing my board. I kill his Rag-Lightlord and drop Kazakus plus a Second-Rate Bruiser. My best 10 mana potion option is rez 3 and get 3 demons in hand. He kills Kazakus and the Bruiser and hits face for 7. Next turn i drop the potion, it gives me 3 random shits on board and 3 demons in hand. My hand is 9 cards including 5 minions. One of them is a potion-rng Jaraxxus. Meanwhile, my own Jaraxxus is bottom 3 cards. Next turn he Dirty Rats the Jaraxxus from my hand (which is my win condition against him) and Brawls. So on board we have 2 of his minions and 4 of mine. The Eerie Statue wins. He hits me for another 7. Bashes for 3 and attacks with the remaining damage of his Gorehowl and wins.
How the fuck do i not tilt after that?
I friend request in order to call him a cocksucker and complain to him about how Hearthstone takes 0 skill. He accepts and responds with a cyka blyat hieroglyph text that i don't understand. I realize he's Russian and that berating him will accomplish nothing. I log off.