"Quest cards start in your opening hand"
Wonder if that means they automatically help thin out your deck.
Quest cards have the "Spell" identifier underneath which you can see at 6:12 in the video.
7 Deathrattles is a lot but the fact it is guaranteed to be in your opening hand means you can start working on the quest from the beginning. Only downside is you miss out on playing a 1-drop, unless you have coin. Sometimes this is relevant, especially in the current atmosphere.
Reddit people commenting how they hate the Mage Legendary, but I like it. I made some N'Zoth Mage decks before and this card fits really nicely in it. It's another value card which mage has a ton of at the 5+ mana spot but very few early game value cards.
Shaman spell is neat but doesn't replace Elemental Lightning at all imo, which is being lost next rotation.