

its after the first turn now idiot...

btw my edit was to also to include that not only is the health a nerf, but it also doesnt give all cards health.


<Silver Donator>
Patch notes, they're not magnets. Blood Imp has been nerfed to do what the Priestess does, +1 health to a random minion at the end of each turn. It is mostly shit now.


It no longer gives health when you lay the card down jackass, what don't you understand..

Hence the when your turn is done it gives you health... How can you possibly think that is anyway close to being the same...

Do you lick walls for a living??

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
WotC have managed to keep their cardboard business strong for the last decade by creating an inferior online product. I think it's getting very close to biting them in the ass. Unless of course Hearthstone just creates a legion of new card players that will eventually move on to MTG in search of a more skill intensive game - that could happen too.
According to WotC themselves Magic has been growing massively for the last couple of years, so I dont think they are close to any kind of problem. I do agree that they have always sucked big time at the internet. It's getting better but they evolve slower then the internet itself so they are perpetually behind. MTGO is especially laughable compared to computer games made by actual computer game companies.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Column, you are wrong, saying after the first turn I thought you meant it did nothing the first turn and it did it at the beginning of the next turn.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When he says "first turn" he means turn one right? So if there's no other minions on the board, then of course it doesn't do anything yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That wouldn't make any sense because if you look at it that way the old one didn't do anything "first turn" either. And in before "you could coin a flame imp/leper gnome/priestess", if you look at it that way they both still do something "first turn".


Unelected Mod
Column, you are wrong, saying after the first turn I thought you meant it did nothing the first turn and it did it at the beginning of the next turn.
Yeah, Column being an idiot again and cursing at everyone who points it out.

Dude even got schooled by Astrochuck on the tv forums today. Shit is sad. Who the fuck can be more wrong about a tv show than Chuck? Column, that's who.

The Ancient_sl

Incidentally the blood imp nerf isn't as bad as I thought it was since they can buff each other now and put themselves well outside sweeper range. I've been absolutely demolishing warlocks still using them today, but it's fun to see them sitting there at 0/5 each.


Yeah, Column being an idiot again and cursing at everyone who points it out.

Dude even got schooled by Astrochuck on the tv forums today. Shit is sad. Who the fuck can be more wrong about a tv show than Chuck? Column, that's who.
Aren't you the guy I outed as a faggot in the rickshaw? Was even asking me out at one point in PM's

At then end you admitted you love sucking cock...

Still following me around looking for revenge? That shit was like 6 month's ago, everyone knows you're one of the gay people on FOH, just let it go.
You were bound to come out of the closet eventually.

Also I destroyed Astrocreep in that thread, which isn't that tough given it's astrocreep.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Aren't you the guy I outed as a faggot in the rickshaw? Was even asking me out at one point in PM's

At then end you admitted you love sucking cock...

Still following me around looking for revenge? That shit was like 6 month's ago, everyone knows you're one of the gay people on FOH, just let it go.
You were bound to come out of the closet eventually.

Also I destroyed Astrocreep in that thread, which isn't hard giving its astrocreep.
So is this your admission that you were wrong/confused about the Blood Imp?


Unelected Mod
Aren't you the guy I outed as a faggot in the rickshaw? Was even asking me out at one point in PM's
I am not sure who you are talking about, but please feel free to quote some imaginary PMs bro! If I wanted to ask you out, I would do it in public.

Unfortunately for you, someone who can't even figure out how a blood imp works isn't someone I consider smart enough to date.


I'm sure I can get those quotes from the rickshaw if you want to play that game. Its in the thread where I trapped your butt budy Hodj for a whole day.

Do you still want to continue you silly faggot? =)