

Blackwing Lair Raider
Having fun playing the handlock deck, only got to play a few games, but seems really powerful.

Oddly enough I played 2 alarm-o-bot decks, beat one with the priest control deck thanks to an early lightwarden, but the handlock deck lost to one when my only play turn 2 was nat pagle and alarm-o-bot pulled deathwing turn 3. Even with him pulling deathwing turn 3 I still was able to drag the game out all the way to turn 10, turn 4 was malygos, and turn 5 was a giant. Its funny, but the alarm-o-bot deck is somewhat viable now because a lot of people are playing really greedy early game.

The Master

Bronze Squire
About a thousand dust from a complete set of cards. Sunk all my gold into packs hoping to D/E the changed cards for extra dust. Got zero of them. One legendary left (Millhouse) and I'm done. Can't grind arena now though, no gold left.


Trakanon Raider
Blizzard confirmed it's a lot worse post-patch. They still say they don't have a solution though... Very annoying.

an accordion_sl


wow sweet


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Missed my first 12 win arena by a single match today because of it - depressing. (Had tons of adjacent effects between 2 flametongues, 1 defender and a doggy)


Molten Core Raider
Alarmobot druid is kinda funny, I had a warlock concede on me turn 3 when I double innervated a Baron Geddon out vs Warlock rush.
Only bad thing is multiple people now run Big Game Hunter main deck. Such a terrible card, but so good vs Alarmo :{

The Master

Bronze Squire
Damnit. OTK might be dead, but Molten Giants on a Warrior are still an issue. Free giant+Charge+Inner Range+Inner Rage+Taskmaster is 16 damage out of nowhere for 5 mana.

The whole game feels different today, all my decks feel wrong somehow. Really annoying.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maybe the Argus bug is just Blizzard'srealway of nerfing the card. They don't know how to fix it without making it worthless so it just randomly moves around.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think that's a big deal, doing 16 damage with 5 cards and a prerequisite life total. That's a lot of conditions for only 16. A shaman could do something like leeroy, windfury, rockbiter, rockbiter for 24 damage with only 4 cards and no special requirements for example, though they're left with a 6/2 (and whelps) at the end, vs a 16/5, but I expect either would die next round if the game wasn't over.

I expected to never see novice engineer again after the patch, but a surprising amount of people still play her. The nerfs to dark iron and argus I didn't think would be a big deal, but I found myself in a losing situation a few times post patch where the extra atk on my creatures would have made a difference.


Trakanon Raider
Just got beta invite 3 hours ago. Was really on the fence about this game but man it has sucked me in .
Good to hear. It's an addictive game for the first couple of weeks. After that you can pull up a rocker and sit out on the front porch with the rest of us while we complain about how the game was in "our day" and yell at kids to get off our lawn.

If you haven't already head here:
General Strategy
Read the Starting Stone series of articles. Some of them are a bit out of date with card changes but they're still good guides to read to point you in the right direction.

Also my recommendation is to get all classes to level 10. If you're like me, there are some classes that don't appeal to you at all but it's best to suck it up and do it now. Beat the AI mode on regular and then again on Expert. Doing those things will get you a small pile of gold right away. You should also jump into Arena since the first one is free. You'll probably go 0 - 3 but doing so will give you a tiny bit of experience and, more importantly, a free pack of cards. Once you do have your first pack of cards, disenchant what you feel is the worst common (grey symbol). The first disenchant gives you 95 free dust in addition to the normal 5 you'd get for the disenchant. That works out to 100 dust which is one rare or 5 commons.


Trakanon Raider
I think it's ironic. Back on page 128 we were debating about the usefulness of Nat Pagle. Our thoughts ran from complete trash to situationally decent. Today, if you listen to people, he's now the most OP Legendary in existence since the dawn of time! (Assuming the dawn of time started yesterday when Novice Engineer was nerfed). At any rate, I'm glad I hung on to mine. I don't use him in all of my decks but I like the ability to toss him in as needed.

Oh and I called it (sort of)

Besides you never know when the meta is going to shift and he (Nat Pagle) suddenly becomes a MUST HAVE IN ALL DECKS kind of guy (unlikely but possible).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, like I said he's good in control decks and more control decks are viable now. I got a gold one I disenchanted and shortly thereafter got a regular one. I still need a cairne and a ysera and currently have about 0 dust, so still got a ways to grind; would also like all 4 ancients for the druid, so yeah quite a bit of dust left to get.


Trakanon Raider
I'm actually not too unhappy with the Blood Imp changes. I hate to say it, but the mechanic is much more "fun" than it was before. It's "fun" ending the turn and watching random minions life pop up. And the 320 dust from finally dumping my 8 didn't hurt either.


Trakanon Raider
Small sample size of course, but early indications are that most of us are correct: Druids are now the go to class. I've just played variants of Strifecro's deck 5 out of 6 times. I've got the dust to craft a Warlock Giants deck which stomps (ha ha) Strifecro's deck hard but not wanting to spend my dust just yet. As always, immediately after a major balance patch, the meta goes into extreme flux and I don't want to craft a deck to counter something that won't be viable two days from now anyway.


*shrug* I spent my dust crafting the Mirey Warrior Control Deck, and two days later it was nerfed. My alexstrasza was a sad use of 1600 dust.


Trakanon Raider
I've always been really conservative when spending in game currency. I tend to hold off as long as possible until I know exactly what I want and then I go all in.