

Blackwing Lair Raider
Also for those who haven't figured it out yet warsong commander gives minions the charge buff immediately to minions with 3 and under power so things like bloodsail raider and an enraged raging worgen can still charge even after they've been buffed.


Unelected Mod
Do you still want to continue you silly faggot? =)
Stop doubling down on your own stupidity and admit you were wrong about the blood imp. I know it is your natural reaction to lash out, but seriously, stop being stupid.

Also, feel free to look anything up. You can't scare me away by threatening to call me gay. I'm not 11 years old.


And you are also by your own admission gay.

Whats to be scared about you already admitted it to the whole board.

Lucky for you there is a whole section for your kind here on FOH =)


It seems like only you are obsessed with that. Look it's never going to happen, I know you tried real hard in PM's asking me out, but I'm not into your kind.

There are plenty of gay people here on FOH, you don't need to try to convert the whole human race.


Blackwing Lair Raider
E L E!
If the next mother fucking post isn't about hearthstone to the shaw with you.


Trakanon Raider
I had 4 pyroblasts going into this patch, all of which I disenchanted, and I got another from a pack this afternoon. With my new dust stockpile, I'm torn on if I want to get a legendary, or craft a bunch of key rares I'm still missing like SI:7 agents, holy fire, siphon soul, stuff like that. I'm leaning towards the rares just so I can try out some more deck types, but I've wasted a ton of dust already since in the past month or so, I've dusted many duplicate argus, commanders, drakes, etc from the last big rare batch I crafted.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So last night I was watching a stream from Reynad while he did constructed at rank 2ish. When I tuned in, he was playing control warrior and giants warlock, but he was on a losing streak. He lost something like 6 of the 7 games I watched. In frustration, he created and played a generic murlock warlock deck. With the murlocs, he instantly turned it around and at rank 3 he won something like 8 out of 10 games, with it not even being close.

It was strange to watch, since me being ranked in the teens, my decks laugh at murlocs, but these rank 3 through legendary decks, with extreme budgets were just getting raped by a cheap murloc deck game after game.
The meta shifts as you rank up. Responding to the meta of your rank, and noticing when it shifts, is a big part of why the top players rank up so much faster.


It's not particularly strong. Assuming you place your minions with it in mind, it generally either kills 1 or 2 of your weakest minions, or damages your strongest. That's not very strong for a situational card.

It can occasionally get fantastic value, but it's also a dead card pretty often.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was sitting on my extra cards until the update because there was an Argus in there. Logged in and DE'd them earlier, now under crafting its showing me that alert like I have cards to DE, for the same amount, but I can't click the button to DE them or make it go away.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Constructed mode doesn't feel really compelling. I basically just log in to play arena and pick whichever class that I have a daily for. Only time I play constructed is if I have to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh shit, seems getting new quests is bugged. I just closed a 40g one to try and get a higher gold quest and it didn't give me another quest.


Trakanon Raider
Fuck. Minion swapping bug is worse than ever now. They need to fix this shit. Balancing cards can fucking wait. Fix the fucking bugs.


Vyemm Raider
I had 4 pyroblasts going into this patch, all of which I disenchanted, and I got another from a pack this afternoon. With my new dust stockpile, I'm torn on if I want to get a legendary, or craft a bunch of key rares I'm still missing like SI:7 agents, holy fire, siphon soul, stuff like that. I'm leaning towards the rares just so I can try out some more deck types, but I've wasted a ton of dust already since in the past month or so, I've dusted many duplicate argus, commanders, drakes, etc from the last big rare batch I crafted.
Definitely the key rares/epics. being able to craft a bunch of well-rounded solid decks will serve you much better than than one big legendary that falls out of flavor next week when everyone runs the counter to it. and if youre relying on basic cards to protect that one big guy, you'll find that it's likely not as much protection as it needs and it gets removed quick anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After a shitty night last night, ended up doing five wins on hunter for daily tonight and actually really enjoyed it, despite being my least played class previously. UTH being only two mana now opens up some fun shit. I feel like the class has some decent tools to run a balanced curve, whereas it used to seem like an aggro only class. Sometimes it seems rushy, but sometimes I end up with a couple later beatsticks. Probably just a fluke and I'll suck with it next time I try, but it was pretty enjoyable to play tonight. Most of my losses were pretty competitive.