

Vyemm Raider
I get so frustrated playing this game. I've watched a shit ton of Trump and Kripp on twitch, and I feel like I make a lot of the right moves, but I continually lose arena at 2-5 wins, and constructed is a nightmare. It just amazes me how either I have the perfect counter for what they have, or they have the perfect counter to what I have. I'm somewhat over simplifying it, but it really feels like the first card that comes out that you don't have an answer for is where you might as well concede.

an accordion_sl

Feel like every deck at rank 15+ has at least 3 or more legendary's, every time a match feels close the dude just shits out legendary after legendary and I lose.


plus one corruption and mortal coil. 5-0 then lost a game to four fireballs, two polys, two frost bolts, a flamestrike, and a pyro just because since i was dead on board. Couldn't build any tempo v his retarded removal. Deck is terrible and I won all my games off warlock card advantage and 90% of the deck being midrange threats I can just throw away till their hand is gone.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Saw something interesting again in Arena... Person has Ysera out for 4 draws - has only played one card from her so far (a Laughing Sister).

Plays one of the THREE cards left in his hand - but it wasn't a Dream card.

Scratching my head over that oddity. [Not that Swipe vs. most of the Ysera possibilities would've changed the game's outcome - I think Ysera's 5 pt to all but her + her melee would've killed me alone - but it's certainly odd]


Saw something interesting again in Arena... Person has Ysera out for 4 draws - has only played one card from her so far (a Laughing Sister).

Plays one of the THREE cards left in his hand - but it wasn't a Dream card.

Scratching my head over that oddity. [Not that Swipe vs. most of the Ysera possibilities would've changed the game's outcome - I think Ysera's 5 pt to all but her + her melee would've killed me alone - but it's certainly odd]
Which hero?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Eh, it's a corner case that probably means nothing - wouldn't be worth recording, but wife was watching it too and agreed with me that it was 4 turns. (Which was easy to track mentally with her HP - 12 to start (card 1), hit her with a 4 power down to 8 (card 2), had no critters from the sweeper still 8 (card 3), hit her with a lightning bolt with the just flipped spell damage totem out)...

Actually shit, you're right I think typing it out - she was about to get another card, she'd been out for four turns - but she doesn't get the card until the end of turn AFTER I'd conceded.... If she got it at beginning of turn I'd have been right but she gets it at the end, not used to stuff getting it at end of turn from MTG I guess. Heh.

I was shaman, he was druid - but I think typing it out that I was just thinking of her draw at the wrong end of the turn.


Drives me insane when you have a whole list of DDs or AoEs that would finish the game for you but they dont fucking show up.
I've been playing about a week and a half. Have a pretty good understanding on things. Just a couple questions, if anyone happens to know.
1. Are Arena matchups random, or based on some hidden Elo type rating?
2. Same question for standard play mode, I guess. In normal mode I find I'm having a very good win rate (mostly due to the other player burning all their cards too soon, and only having 1-2 cards available per turn), but I'm not seeing many people with Legendary cards.
3. Is there some reason I don't ever see anyone else using the Demolisher card? I currently have it in all my decks, and it's giving me good consistent damage when I can get it behind a taunt. Fairly beefy for an early game draw as well (as far as I can tell).


Molten Core Raider
Man the randomness of this game sometimes irks me, like from a competitive standpoint. I know games like MTG has coin-flip cards, but they got rid of "random discards" because well random sucks. A whole lot. From Rag's targetting to Mekkatorque's Squirrel or Devilsaur. From Crazed Bomber guy to Mind Control Tech. All this randomness that decides outcomes of games instead of my decisive gameplay. Did I just Mind Control Tech that taunter you just dropped which means I can swing for lethal? Go me! Quality strategy on my part.

I'd like to see the RNG gone - all of the steal random X, or get random X, or whatever. They can be replaced by choices, or limitations to make it strategic rather than luck based. Ragnaros? Prioritizes minions from highest health to lowest. Mind Control Tech? You pick what you grab. Mekkatorque? One or the other, or make it a 2/2 to balance out the fact that you are basically destroying target card and replacing it with something worse.

Will go a LONG way towards making this game more competitive and less luck based. I lost a game today because a guy Deadly Shot my only taunter from a choice of 5 minions. Why not just have it read "Destroy minion with the highest health among your opponents minions." Restrictions that let me make calculated decisions are much preferred to tossing the dice.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I've been playing about a week and a half. Have a pretty good understanding on things. Just a couple questions, if anyone happens to know.
1. Are Arena matchups random, or based on some hidden Elo type rating?
2. Same question for standard play mode, I guess. In normal mode I find I'm having a very good win rate (mostly due to the other player burning all their cards too soon, and only having 1-2 cards available per turn), but I'm not seeing many people with Legendary cards.
3. Is there some reason I don't ever see anyone else using the Demolisher card? I currently have it in all my decks, and it's giving me good consistent damage when I can get it behind a taunt. Fairly beefy for an early game draw as well (as far as I can tell).
It will try and match you to someone who has an identical record for their current deck. So if you're 3-2, you're playing against someone who is 3-2/3-1/3-0.

Casual mode doesn't have an ELO system. Ranked obviously you're playing against people who are close to your rank and there is a hidden MMR system for that, as well.

Because it has to live at least one turn to get any value and good players will try and keep your board clear.
Haven't played HS for a while but knew that the warrior OTK combos had been nerfed so didn't expect this warrior I was playing against to pull another OTK combo on me that worked like this: stall and card draw until he got the combo, a Gurubashi Berserker he dropped a turn earlier, 2 Armor Smiths, 1 Pyromancer and then used Commanding Shout + 2 Whirlwinds and Inner Rages on the Berserker to buff his attack to stellar heights and just went to town all the while having his armor buffed


New Hunter is fucking rapey I think. Bit too early to meta it but the interaction between beaver, vulture and token spam is hilarious. It plays just about backwards from the usual deck but it seemed to be way strong just fucking about in constructed. Kills can be tricky but the drawing potential is disgustingly good now and you can set up two turn win/dominance at least.

Now, my two attempts to get a working hunter *arena* deck were fucking catastrophically bad but that means nothing. Needs a few cards and a lot of drawing to work. I'll stick to staple strong cards/hero power for arena. Then, as I'll get stomped anyhow around 6-7 wins I imagine rather than at 1-4!


Trakanon Raider
Ummm okay. Interesting game. Just ALMOST lost to a Paladin with my new Hunter deck using the new UTH and he left my 2 Buzzards alive and I almost ended up losing because of his heals and the fact that I milled so quickly. Got the 2 buzzards out by turn 3 and he just ignored them.At first I thought he was just dumb and then I was like. fuck, that's pretty smart. I had to avoid dropping my beasts and stall and couldn't do much with the lower attack/health Buzzards against taunt etc.

Edit: PS. I noted yesterday that abandoning quests was working fine for me opposed to the person that said it was broken, but today I lost my quest by abandoning it and it won't be coming back, so be warned.


Trakanon Raider
I know netdecking is Morrow's favorite subject but both Kungen and Reckful were both streaming Hunter rush decks yesterday so you're going to be seeing a LOT of them over the next day or two until the streamers move on to something else. Strifecro's anti-aggro deck does pretty good against Hunter rush. There's enough board clears, a couple of key taunts, key silences and heals in the deck to shut down Hunter Rush pretty effectively. The downside, as I have said, is that it fails hard against the OTHER popular netdeck out right now (Warlock Giants).


Trakanon Raider
I'm missing today's daily. Normally they show up in my log by the time I get up. Yesterday I got one no problem (and despite only being 40 gold I didn't try to exchange it) but haven't received today's yet. I know they're bugged so just relating my experiences.


Trakanon Raider
And my quest just showed up after about 3 games (including one against a Murloc Rogue who played Kidnapper at one point...) It's a 60 gold Priest/Warlock win one


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Looks like I didn't get a daily today. Haven't had issues getting or replacing them since update until today. Maybe patching in the half ass fix to Argus swapping fucked up daily quests! Yay for open beta "soon"?

And my quest just showed up after about 3 games (including one against a Murloc Rogue who played Kidnapper at one point...) It's a 60 gold Priest/Warlock win one
Ah, ok then, will probably show once I play games.

Client froze twice trying to queue up, third time I restarted my daily showed up and I was able to get a match.