

A nice asshole.
Hatorade, bro, your Bloodfen Raptors are an insult to the Baby Jesus of Hearthstone. Angels are losing their wings as we speak.
I just don't have a better 2 mana neutral card yet, they do really well for some reason so even when I do get more cards I may keep them.

I did get to rank 15 last night but got stomped down to 17 by 1AM
I should have stopped playing before the neckbeards showed up in force.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know how it happened, but I've, suddenly, become terrible at this game. I can't win for shit these days.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know how it happened, but I've, suddenly, become terrible at this game. I can't win for shit these days.
Yeah, had another one of those nights the other night. Those nights where just nothing goes your way and your opponent always gets just the perfect draw.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I played a warlock in arena that Power Overwhelming'd a minion he just played. It was not charge. It died horribly. Thank you, open beta Tuesday!
Man fuck all of you. I just can't get an "easy" Arena match at all even in the first 3 games. I'll get a decent deck but it seems like everybody I'm playing is a paladin that goes coin 3/2, next turn 2/2 shield guy, shields his 3/2 and kills my drop leaving him with 2 guys. Then they start in with Argus etc. and I never get any board presence and it's game over.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I had a couple scrub arena matches last night but otherwise pretty strong opponents and ended up 2-3. Going to try again tonight. I'm sure the amount of new people doing arena first night of open beta wasn't that significant. Maybe more of them will be using their free entries tonight. Plus someone said there's hidden MMR in arena too, so if you do get scrubs its just going to bump you up to be facing winners next anyway if that's true.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah I don't know about MMR in the arena, but maybe there are more good players on trying to take on the scrubs. I've noticed some really bad player, but not enough to significantly impact my success.


Trakanon Raider
Right now I'd say my toughest match up, bar none, is Shaman.

Blizzard's "balance" philosophy of nerfing "unfun" has left Shaman is a really strong state as a lot of their counters are gone now (like Mages for instance which hard countered the entire class). They just do Control REALLY well with a lot of cheap AOEs, and really cheap removal. The Overload mechanic is annoying to them but I, rarely, see it slow them down. And if the game goes on too long, you're looking at a Double Rockbitered, Leeroy Jenkins with Windfury coming at your face for 24 points of damage out of nowhere (since your taunter was just Earth Shocked).


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm seeing a lot of yetis. In b4 the meta shifts to value neutrals. The sole purpose for sylvanas and cairne in control decks is to eat removal to save late game legendaries. I think I'm going to disenchant my sylvanas for ysera and run boulderfist ogre instead.


<Silver Donator>
Well it's not switching, it's just with the Dark Iron nerfed, some people consider that the yeti is now a valid replacement depending on deck. For certain classes 4 drops was already a neutral only slot, generally it was argus(still is) and if you wanted a 2nd card, dark iron dwarf. In some cases Azure Drake or even engineer, but mostly dwarf, and with the dwarf nerfed quite a bit, it makes sense people are checking the yetis. I've seen some people play Senjin too to fuck with the hunter rush decks.

As for Sylvanas yeah I rarely get too much value out of it, but I do force hard removal on her quite often so overall it's a good deal. I don't know if a Boulderfist would force as much removal, it's something you can easily trade for while Sylvanas has to be worked around otherwise you trade a lot more than you should. That said I could see removing her for a more potent legendary, might disenchant her too since I'm not playing much atm so I figure I'd rather have the dust so whenever I wanna play I can craft another legendary, or just recraft her.


Trakanon Raider
I can't bring myself to disenchant my Sylvanas. She was the first Legendary I crafted but beyond sentimental reasons, she's still pretty good in control decks. I've had many occasions, even post nerf, where she has traded 3 for 1 and that says value to me.


Trakanon Raider
I had someone use Totemic Might on his 0/2 worthless totem with no other minions out when I had a 4 dmg minion out just yesterday. My 9 year old son was watching and basically said WTF. On a side note nothing but Hunter rush all over the place. Went from rank 11 to 13 because no matter what deck I tried I was getting rolled by hunters. Often I was 1 turn away from winning or just getting crushed. Whats the anti hunter rush tech at the moment?


<Silver Donator>
You need several though, since they all run 2 owls for silence and generally some sort of removal(explosive shot or deadly shot). I was clearing my dailies yesterday has stacked shaman dailies(win 3 and win5 games) so I played a shaman deck, had no problem with hunters, but I kept Leeroy in my starting hand in one game and drew it early in the other game, and just burned them faster with Leeroy/Windfury/Rockbiter/Lava Lash.