

Blackwing Lair Raider
Hunter rush is getting really old. I'm seeing it almost every other game........in fucking casual mode.

I'm having a hard time countering it as well. Every time I think I have a good deck to do it, I don't get the cards I need when I need them.
Control warrior counters rush hunter pretty hard. I say pretty hard because it can still rush you down if they get a decent draw and you get a bad one, you need to armor up pretty much every turn or have a good reason if you don't. It is a pretty expensive deck to make though, I'll post it when I have more time in the morning.
Here is the deck I've been running, I'll tell you the changes I've made, why, and changes other people could make to make it cheaper.
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
The original deck is minus mountain giant, defender of argus, frothing berserker, and big game hunter and plus ysera, sylvanas, a second acolyte of pain, and shield slam.

Ysera is very much needed for this deck, I just don't have the dust to craft him atm. But he is needed because there have been a couple of games where it literally comes down to the last card, 3+ turns past fatigue, and the one extra dream card ysera would have given me could have won the game. So I put in mountain giant as another big threat, there is a lot of card draw in this deck so it can consistently get turn 5 giant or even turn 4 with the right draw/being greedy.

I de'ed sylvanas for cairne so I threw in a doa instead, just seemed like a good idea with the armorsmiths, acolyte of pain, and even nat pagel and it does do well in defending against hunters and other aggro heavy decks.

The original deck had 2 shield slams, I only had 1 so I had a second execute, but then opted to replace one execute with big game hunter. Reason being against more control heavy decks I was running out of minions so just that extra 4/2 body can help.

I replaced the second acolyte of pain with frothing berserker for the same reason, I felt like I needed more threats on the board and card draw was never an issue in this deck, actually there were a few times where I was forced to discard cards from having too many, frothing berserker is an excellent mid game threat.

Running this deck on more of a budget, bloodmage thalnos isn't absolutely necessary, he is there mostly for the card draw, rarely do you use him for spell power so a novice engineer would be fine in his place. Nat pagle, again not absolutely necessary either novice or loot hoarder can get the job done. Can sub back in the acolyte for the frothing berserker. Unfortunately tinkmaster is not replaceable, but at lower ranks he may not be needed as much, but he is probably the most important legendary in the deck. I'd recommend one faceless and a second azure drake on a budget. You can replace cairne with a boulderfist ogre for cheap. Gorehowl is required. You could replace rag or alex with another mountain giant.

Against hunters specifically you want to mulligan aggressively for armorsmiths, acolytes of pain, whirlwind, and slam/cleave. You may think fiery war axe too, but you really can't afford to be hitting things in the face. For example if you coin out an armorsmith and turn 2 you have your armorsmith on the board against a leper gnome and bluegill warrior and you have a fiery war axe in hand you would be tempted to kill one with the armorsmith and the other with fiery war axe. Really you should kill one with the armorsmith and armor up and kill the other the following turn with the armorsmith.

The Ancient_sl

So after a dozen+ games, I have decided that this shit is incredibly stupid and the cash shop is a goddamn travesty.
I had 2-3 people entirely on the ropes. And then Alexstraizia happens. It makes no sense within their decks, but then suddenly I have an 8/8 and a fuckhead who was at 1-2hp at 15 again. This is stupid. I don't mind losing to superior strategy, but I do mind losing to superior wallet size. That is a terrible precedent to set.
Lol, the precedent was set years ago when the genre was invented.


Vyemm Raider
So after a dozen+ games, I have decided that this shit is incredibly stupid and the cash shop is a goddamn travesty.
I had 2-3 people entirely on the ropes. And then Alexstraizia happens. It makes no sense within their decks, but then suddenly I have an 8/8 and a fuckhead who was at 1-2hp at 15 again. This is stupid. I don't mind losing to superior strategy, but I do mind losing to superior wallet size. That is a terrible precedent to set.
Ya cards like that are pretty retarded. Lord Jaraxxus is the most retarded fucking card I've encountered so far. At the very least they should be made 10 mana casting cost. The game is very poorly balanced and is clearly made by people who have no idea what they are doing for the most part. You can just tell by the fact that they made almost every card have a RNG effect which takes away from skill when it's not even necessary.

What pisses me off most is that you can't even decide if you'd like to go first or last, even that's RNG lol. Fucking retarded, especially playing as a rogue with combo's and you can combo off of the mana gem. This game could be 1000x better for sure and judging by what Blizzard wants to do with it, it won't ever be. The game should be like chess, pure skill, pure decision making.


Trakanon Raider
Fucking played against a Paladin I was dominating that then dropped a Tirion + Redemption twice in Arena. So annoying.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ya cards like that are pretty retarded. Lord Jaraxxus is the most retarded fucking card I've encountered so far. At the very least they should be made 10 mana casting cost. The game is very poorly balanced and is clearly made by people who have no idea what they are doing for the most part. You can just tell by the fact that they made almost every card have a RNG effect which takes away from skill when it's not even necessary.

What pisses me off most is that you can't even decide if you'd like to go first or last, even that's RNG lol. Fucking retarded, especially playing as a rogue with combo's and you can combo off of the mana gem. This game could be 1000x better for sure and judging by what Blizzard wants to do with it, it won't ever be. The game should be like chess, pure skill, pure decision making.
Who would ever elect to play against a rogue going second?


Trakanon Raider
Ya cards like that are pretty retarded. Lord Jaraxxus is the most retarded fucking card I've encountered so far. At the very least they should be made 10 mana casting cost. The game is very poorly balanced and is clearly made by people who have no idea what they are doing for the most part. You can just tell by the fact that they made almost every card have a RNG effect which takes away from skill when it's not even necessary.

What pisses me off most is that you can't even decide if you'd like to go first or last, even that's RNG lol. Fucking retarded, especially playing as a rogue with combo's and you can combo off of the mana gem. This game could be 1000x better for sure and judging by what Blizzard wants to do with it, it won't ever be. The game should be like chess, pure skill, pure decision making.
Says who? I hate most of the RNG as well, but this is a card game dumb fuck, it will always have some random elements. You talk so far out of your ass it's hard to comprehend. You live in a little glass bubble and you ignore everyone else's experience and perception and act as if your own is supreme and original. It's funny.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So after a dozen+ games, I have decided that this shit is incredibly stupid and the cash shop is a goddamn travesty.
I had 2-3 people entirely on the ropes. And then Alexstraizia happens. It makes no sense within their decks, but then suddenly I have an 8/8 and a fuckhead who was at 1-2hp at 15 again. This is stupid. I don't mind losing to superior strategy, but I do mind losing to superior wallet size. That is a terrible precedent to set.
Lol, the precedent was set years ago when the genre was invented.
Seriously, it's like this in every single CCG in the history of the CCG genre. The main differences are that Hearthstone allows you to gradually accumulate your cards for free, and you can't trade/buy singles from friends and dealers.

The main difference between MTG and Hearthstone in this regard is that in MTG, high powered rares are typically spread throughout the five colors, whereas Hearthstone has several high powered neutral legendaries, so you can cram them all into one deck. But anyone expecting to do ranked without the high powered cards needs to understand that no matter how effectively you build your budget deck, you're going to hit a wall.


Vyemm Raider
Says who? I hate most of the RNG as well, but this is a card game dumb fuck, it will always have some random elements. You talk so far out of your ass it's hard to comprehend. You live in a little glass bubble and you ignore everyone else's experience and perception and act as if your own is supreme and original. It's funny.
You are fucking retarded. Obviously there will be random elements to it but those random elements shouldn't be in the form of the cards themselves you dumb fucking faggot. The only thing that should be random is the shuffler. That's fucking it. The fact that game's themselves can be decided on coin flip cards is fucking retarded and to deny this is to admit that you are fucking retarded. For instance, I just lost a game literally because Tinkmaster turned my guy into a 1/1 instead of a 5/5. If he made it a 5/5 he dies next turn, if not I lose. Entire game decided over a fucking coin flip. How can you not see that this is fucking retarded? Probably because you fucking down syndrome. Please fucking kill yourself you dumb waste of fucking life.

Who would ever elect to play against a rogue going second?
The fuck are you talking about? Whoever wins the coin flip at the start of the game decided whether or not to go first. Obviously you'd probably want to go last vs rogue decks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You are fucking retarded. Obviously there will be random elements to it but those random elements shouldn't be in the form of the cards themselves you dumb fucking faggot. The only thing that should be random is the shuffler. That's fucking it. The fact that game's themselves can be decided on coin flip cards is fucking retarded and to deny this is to admit that you are fucking retarded. For instance, I just lost a game literally because Tinkmaster turned my guy into a 1/1 instead of a 5/5. If he made it a 5/5 he dies next turn, if not I lose. Entire game decided over a fucking coin flip. How can you not see that this is fucking retarded? Probably because you fucking down syndrome. Please fucking kill yourself you dumb waste of fucking life.

The fuck are you talking about? Whoever wins the coin flip at the start of the game decided whether or not to go first. Obviously you'd probably want to go last vs rogue decks.
How many trips to the rickshaw is it going to take before you learn to post like a vaguely civilized human being?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The other big difference from MtG is all your draws are live. You will never topdeck a land. I would guess that makes HS more consistent than MtG in one way.

Also, I got Lumi in the rickshaw by 8pm tonight. Any takers?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Right, which is why if you had a mode that allowed you to pick which position you started in everyone would pick 2nd to prevent strong coin openings from mages and rogues. So you would be back to having matchup orders decided on a coin flip.

I honestly have no idea why you are playing this game. You want a rework of many of the cards and game mechanics, and you know that isnt going to happen.


O btw speaking of MTG. Which version was the ones you guys recommended for getting into MTG online version

There's like DOTP 2012, 13, and 14 on steam


Vyemm Raider
How many trips to the rickshaw is it going to take before you learn to post like a vaguely civilized human being?
You were the one who instigated last time you complete fucking loser. I pretty much NEVER start shit, like ever. Only when fucking retards like yourself say some retarded ass shit like you can't seem to help yourself from doing is when I talk like I do. It's you that should be rickshawed since you're the one who instigates shit. I never fucking do. Please fucking die in a car crash.


<Bronze Donator>
Also, I got Lumi in the rickshaw by 8pm tonight. Any takers?
No way bro, way too easy to influence your own bet. Just mention cell theory, abiogenesis, and evolution and he'll go off.

I've been playing this a bit for the first. While I hate the RNG aspect, I understand it's the nature of the game. But it's a really easy game to play while feeding a baby, so I'm going to keep playing it for a little while at least!

Quick question: I've never played MtG online. Does their card acquisition work similar to Hearthstones, or is $$$ the only way?


Mr. Poopybutthole
No way bro, way too easy to influence your own bet. Just mention cell theory, abiogenesis, and evolution and he'll go off.

I've been playing this a bit for the first. While I hate the RNG aspect, I understand it's the nature of the game. But it's a really easy game to play while feeding a baby, so I'm going to keep playing it for a little while at least!

Quick question: I've never played MtG online. Does their card acquisition work similar to Hearthstones, or is $$$ the only way?
Cash only. But similarly to how Arena pays for itself if you do well enough, if you do well enough in drafts in MTGO, you can win enough tickets to pay for another draft, while gradually accumulating cards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You are fucking retarded. Obviously there will be random elements to it but those random elements shouldn't be in the form of the cards themselves you dumb fucking faggot. The only thing that should be random is the shuffler. That's fucking it. The fact that game's themselves can be decided on coin flip cards is fucking retarded and to deny this is to admit that you are fucking retarded. For instance, I just lost a game literally because Tinkmaster turned my guy into a 1/1 instead of a 5/5. If he made it a 5/5 he dies next turn, if not I lose. Entire game decided over a fucking coin flip. How can you not see that this is fucking retarded? Probably because you fucking down syndrome. Please fucking kill yourself you dumb waste of fucking life.

The fuck are you talking about? Whoever wins the coin flip at the start of the game decided whether or not to go first. Obviously you'd probably want to go last vs rogue decks.
Its unfortunate you had to lose that way, but you do realize there was at least hundreds of different card interactions that could have happened up to that point? A better play on his/her part and it may not have even mattered and a better play on your part you might have killed them the turn before or still had lethal the following turn.


Tranny Chaser
Magic Online is a gigantic festering pile of monkey sweat and I say that as someone who only plays Magic Online. A pack of digital cards costs 100% of retail. That is 3.99 for fifteen cards. If you want to play in a draft you have to buy 3 packs and pay at least two additional dollars. If you assemble a full set of any particular expansion you can redeem them for physical cards but other than that having to pay full retail is horseshit and has been horseshit the entire time MTGO has existed. The interface looks like it's 15 years old. It's unintuitive and figuring out all of the settings so you can exactly replicate all of the rules for physical magic takes quite a bit of time.

If you don't have a store near you it's functional. If you are a cheap bastard like I am most singles cost considerably less than the real deal. I like how the deck builder operates even if it occasionally forgets what cards are in what sets.

I've played Hearthstone and I haven't had a single bit of enjoyment in any game of it I've ever played so I quit. I like to watch other people play but for me it's just an exercise in getting pissed off. Hearthstone's presentation blows MTGO out of the water. It's friendly and shiny and has pretty graphics and sound effects and all kinds of shit just absent from MTGO. It hurts me physically how much better Hearthstone is put together. If Hasbro just copied their model and relaunched MTGO they could have one of the most amazingly popular digital productsever.But they won't.


Lord Nagafen Raider
you complete fucking loser. NEVER start shit, like ever. fucking retards l retarded ass shit I talk like I do. shit. I never fucking do. fucking die crash.
HAY GUYZ LOOK! Our friend Lumie is back and wants attention. He probably has some amazingly insightful things to share with all of us, so lets gather around and absorb his wisdom before one of those mean Moddy woddy's send him back tho the shaw!


Mr. Poopybutthole
You do realize that is the whole point of running alex in those decks right? It is a late game control deck and they may need alex to heal against earlier decks.
That's the thing. I wouldn't mind if it was just a powerful card under specific circumstances or fit a specific strategy. Had a rogue aggro deck pop it on me, a priest control deck, and then a borderline mirror match warrior where the only real difference was the guy had Alex. I disliked it in MtG (hi power 9) and I dislike it here. Again, it wouldn't matter to me if it was based around a theme, but having it show up in such disparate deck styles makes me wonder if it shouldn't be toned down so it doesn't end up in decks "because." And I'm well aware that Magic set the precedent, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be the case here.

Admittedly, I posted that last night after literally having 3 games in a row where the -only- deciding factor was that they had Alex, so my instant rage was still high.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Magic Online is a gigantic festering pile of monkey sweat and I say that as someone who only plays Magic Online. A pack of digital cards costs 100% of retail. That is 3.99 for fifteen cards. If you want to play in a draft you have to buy 3 packs and pay at least two additional dollars. If you assemble a full set of any particular expansion you can redeem them for physical cards but other than that having to pay full retail is horseshit and has been horseshit the entire time MTGO has existed. The interface looks like it's 15 years old. It's unintuitive and figuring out all of the settings so you can exactly replicate all of the rules for physical magic takes quite a bit of time.

If you don't have a store near you it's functional. If you are a cheap bastard like I am most singles cost considerably less than the real deal. I like how the deck builder operates even if it occasionally forgets what cards are in what sets.

I've played Hearthstone and I haven't had a single bit of enjoyment in any game of it I've ever played so I quit. I like to watch other people play but for me it's just an exercise in getting pissed off. Hearthstone's presentation blows MTGO out of the water. It's friendly and shiny and has pretty graphics and sound effects and all kinds of shit just absent from MTGO. It hurts me physically how much better Hearthstone is put together. If Hasbro just copied their model and relaunched MTGO they could have one of the most amazingly popular digital productsever.But they won't.
I am in a similar category. I enjoying watching HS far more then playing it. I know that it is possible to go infinite but I just can't seem to do it despite not being all that bad in MTG.