Blackwing Lair Raider
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Hunter rush is getting really old. I'm seeing it almost every other fucking casual mode.
I'm having a hard time countering it as well. Every time I think I have a good deck to do it, I don't get the cards I need when I need them.
Here is the deck I've been running, I'll tell you the changes I've made, why, and changes other people could make to make it cheaper.Control warrior counters rush hunter pretty hard. I say pretty hard because it can still rush you down if they get a decent draw and you get a bad one, you need to armor up pretty much every turn or have a good reason if you don't. It is a pretty expensive deck to make though, I'll post it when I have more time in the morning.
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
The original deck is minus mountain giant, defender of argus, frothing berserker, and big game hunter and plus ysera, sylvanas, a second acolyte of pain, and shield slam.
Ysera is very much needed for this deck, I just don't have the dust to craft him atm. But he is needed because there have been a couple of games where it literally comes down to the last card, 3+ turns past fatigue, and the one extra dream card ysera would have given me could have won the game. So I put in mountain giant as another big threat, there is a lot of card draw in this deck so it can consistently get turn 5 giant or even turn 4 with the right draw/being greedy.
I de'ed sylvanas for cairne so I threw in a doa instead, just seemed like a good idea with the armorsmiths, acolyte of pain, and even nat pagel and it does do well in defending against hunters and other aggro heavy decks.
The original deck had 2 shield slams, I only had 1 so I had a second execute, but then opted to replace one execute with big game hunter. Reason being against more control heavy decks I was running out of minions so just that extra 4/2 body can help.
I replaced the second acolyte of pain with frothing berserker for the same reason, I felt like I needed more threats on the board and card draw was never an issue in this deck, actually there were a few times where I was forced to discard cards from having too many, frothing berserker is an excellent mid game threat.
Running this deck on more of a budget, bloodmage thalnos isn't absolutely necessary, he is there mostly for the card draw, rarely do you use him for spell power so a novice engineer would be fine in his place. Nat pagle, again not absolutely necessary either novice or loot hoarder can get the job done. Can sub back in the acolyte for the frothing berserker. Unfortunately tinkmaster is not replaceable, but at lower ranks he may not be needed as much, but he is probably the most important legendary in the deck. I'd recommend one faceless and a second azure drake on a budget. You can replace cairne with a boulderfist ogre for cheap. Gorehowl is required. You could replace rag or alex with another mountain giant.
Against hunters specifically you want to mulligan aggressively for armorsmiths, acolytes of pain, whirlwind, and slam/cleave. You may think fiery war axe too, but you really can't afford to be hitting things in the face. For example if you coin out an armorsmith and turn 2 you have your armorsmith on the board against a leper gnome and bluegill warrior and you have a fiery war axe in hand you would be tempted to kill one with the armorsmith and the other with fiery war axe. Really you should kill one with the armorsmith and armor up and kill the other the following turn with the armorsmith.