Well mine doesn't have Garrosh or anything. Even cheaper then the ones i saw StrifeCro playingSo you're playing patron warrior?
I'm warrior'd out. Priest can be infuriatingly awesome.Why wouldn't you stick with control warrior? They have a favored match against face hunters without giving up autowins to half the ladder. Unless it's actually midrange and hybrid hunter that are giving you a problem, not facehunter. Priest still isn't the answer though.
http://www.liquidhearth.com/staff/mo...h_Handlock.pngI agree but i made it to rank 6 last season for the first time. Granted my deck is tricked out with Tirion, Boom, Sylvanas, and Harrison Jones but it does okay. Sitting at rank 10 in this season so far. It can do well, just be prepared for that delicious 55% win rate to make the ladder climb take for freaking ever. I really want to play Handlock but I don't have a Mal'Ganis or a Jaraxxus.
You got a good list for control warrior anti aggro?This early in the season I'd probably run double zombie chow in handlock, aggro is urrywhere. I also would never cut down from two Ironbeaks. Sylvanas is really damn greedy in Handlock.
You can pretty easily get away with not running Jaraxxus, especially early in the season, as his main strength is burying other control decks in the late game with the value of his hero power. He is sometimes a heal against facehunter, but that is rare.
Turn 1 zombie chow, turn 2 silence enemy mad scientist/nerubian egg/haunted creeper and trade. Gigantic tempo swing in your favor.There's really not too many hard to deal with taunts in the meta, two owls gets to be a dead card too often. Being able to silence a watcher isn't that necessary or common of an occurrence many times to warrant the second owl. The watchers are mainly for taunting up or shadowflaming. I can see the logic in the double chow, but I find the double darkbomb works about as well, and has the upside of being more versatile, close matches it can be three to the face. Plus you have hellfires for sweeping aggro too.
As far as Sylvanas, yeah you can call it greedy, but it fucks with opponents badly, they have to play around it to the point that it can effectively be a board clear, or block them from using a sweep too easily or simply all the awkward plays they have to choose because she's on the board.
Of course with the early season and aggro, handlock can really get blown up quick at times no matter the build. Not particularly suggesting it as an early climber, just because he said he wanted to play hand but isn't because he lacks LJ and MG. Which aren't dealbreakers as that deck shows, that's all.
Handlock IS a good deck in this meta though, but probably at higher ranks more than to grind out the teens with.
Define anti-aggro. Basically any control warrior does well against face hunter and other control decks. Aggressive midrange decks are pretty much the achilles heel of control warrior though.You got a good list for control warrior anti aggro?
So silencing a single zoo minion to kill it with chow is worth running two? You're generally going to end up blowing up his board at some point and putting out walls he can't deal with if the match goes well. If not then zoo is likely to steamroll you regardless of if you drew chow and owl. The owl is probably going to get more value against zoo by silencing something he argus'ed than by nullifying deathrattles.Turn 1 zombie chow, turn 2 silence enemy mad scientist/nerubian egg/haunted creeper and trade. Gigantic tempo swing in your favor.
There is a lot more to ironbeak than silencing taunts or your own watchers.
Something that would do well against zoolock, flamewaker mage and face hunterDefine anti-aggro. Basically any control warrior does well against face hunter and other control decks. Aggressive midrange decks are pretty much the achilles heel of control warrior though.
Its a pretty standard template with some slots to tech out to your meta. Control warrior can be hell for all of those decks assuming you get a reasonably better draw. One brawl or two is a decision you have to make, that can be a huge card in this meta too.Something that would do well against zoolock, flamewaker mage and face hunter
I'd play something other than control warrior? Zoo is one of control warrior's worst matchups. I'd take a standard double brawl list, make sure it has geddon, and probably cut something for a whirlwind so you have an extra answer for imp-splosion. Maybe even find room for a healbot too. None of those changes would hurt your already good facehunter matchup. Tempo mage is probably a fair matchup depending on what he draws. Despite it being a midrange deck, you're in the most trouble if he comes out with a very aggressive start, particularly if he can hide a mana wyrm behind mirror images.Something that would do well against zoolock, flamewaker mage and face hunter
Incredibly impressive. Around what ranks were you playing? I, for one, struggle with Freeze Mage pretty much no matter what I play. I feel like I only win if the the Mage gets unlucky. Damnit... I may have to spend some dust on Doomsayers and try this out.Pretty good week for freeze mage! Not a good week for shamans apparently.