

Coin, Ringerleader, Shadowstep, Replay Ringleader.
Too bad there wasn't Preparation > Edwin VanCleef after that.
Or is Prep just strictly spells? I forget off the top of my head.

The Master

Bronze Squire
That'd be absurdly powerful. Turn 1 with coin, Defias, Shadowstep, Defias, Prep, Cleef would be two 2/1, one 2/2, and one 12/12. Granted that'd be your whole hand so the draw isn't very likely, but even the possibility would be ridiculous.
Too bad there wasn't Preparation > Edwin VanCleef after that.
Or is Prep just strictly spells? I forget off the top of my head.
Preparation is strictly for spells, Shadowstep is for minions (and reduces their cost by 2 so free Ringleader)

the only other turn 1 coin shenanigans is a Mage with Mana Wyrm -> Coin -> Mirror Images


So Trump has been putting out these full arena run videos, but I've been avoiding them since they're almost an hour each. But they're really well done (or at least this first one I watched). He edits out all the downtime so it's just actions and you get a really awesome play-by-play of what he's doing and why. It's also kinda fun to guess what he'll play and compare your choice with his.

What immediately jumps out to me is his awareness of what cards his opponent is keeping vs what the opponent is playing. It really gives him the little edges that let him win in the end.

Seriously, if you're tilting on this game (like me) or just want to generally improve, it's good stuff.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Thank goodness the majority of the time I'm playing I'm also watching tv because fuck annoying fucks that take ALL their time EVERY turn. Played against the same rogue twice in one arena run last night and every turn he would do that. Both times he had no removal or taunt in hand and I had lethal already on the board and he would just mouse over minions and jack off the entire time. First time facing him I go straight to his face to end it, hit him with 1 minion and before the 2nd minion could connect he concedes, literally 1 second away from losing and he concedes. So the next game he pulls the same shit and what do I do? I mouse over my minions and shit for a few, I had 5 on the board, and then I just mouse over the middle minion a few times and hope he realizes I'm flipping him the bird, he conceded. Normally I could not care less if someone concedes a second away from defeat, but why not just do it on your turn if you have no taunt/removal in hand and your opponent has lethal already on the board.


^ Shit like that is why I tend to tilt in this game. That and RNG...

Just went 9-2 after a week's worth of not so great arena runs. I didn't think my deck would make it to 9 (6 tops), but I guess watching Trump for 2 hrs first gave me the edge. Two things I learned from watching him:

1) ALWAYS think through your opponents response to what you're doing and your next turn. If it's still early game, think through your first 4 turns. That includes knowing what your opponent can play like weapons and removal.
2) There's no sense in throwing everything onto the board if you have the mana. It's usually better to hold something back and use your hero power instead of overcommitting. Along the same lines of overcommitting, don't take the second swing with your weapon to your opponents face (unless you have another weapon waiting to replace it).

I knew both of those things already, but for whatever reason, it never really sunk in until I saw Trump really think things through.


Here's a combo I haven't heard anyone talk about yet.

Power Overwhelming on your minion, attack the hero with it. Shadowflame the minion to clear their board.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Here's a combo I haven't heard anyone talk about yet.

Power Overwhelming on your minion, attack the hero with it. Shadowflame the minion to clear their board.
Can also power overwhelming your minion, attack, and then silence it to return it to its original stats and it doesn't die. For paladins equality with a wild pyromancer = cleared board for 4 mana. A little more obvious, equality + consecration clears board for 6 mana, and equality + avenging wrath can also clear boards.


I got hit with pyro + equality today. That one was definitely out of left field for me.

Silencing my own guys that have been hit with the 3/3 Aldor Peacekeeper (lowers attack to 1) can be pretty clutch.

Alternatively, I went against a paladin earlier who dropped an Aldor Peacekeeper on one of my 3/2s and then summoned his 1/1. So I bopped his 1/1 with my now 1/2, then I used a Young Brewmaster to bring it back in hand. He literally did the same play again, this time on my Young Brewmaster, turned it into a 1/2 and then summoned a 1/1. So I bopped the 1/1 with my 1/2 Brewmaster and put it back in my hand with an Ancient Brewmaster.


<Silver Donator>
Wow managed to go 0/3. All 3 games were close, 2 went to no cards left, 2 opponents were dead next turn but killed me first(top deck frostbolt and just me not having anything left when he still had a 3/4 so he ended up beating me even with the draw hp loss 2turns earlier). I guess I'm kinda happy the games were good, but that sucks losing all 3.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Holy fuck, I am done with arena for awhile, I guess being out of gold will do that, but everyone drafts aggro now and with no guarantee of removal or taunt in your own draft it is purely who draws the better cards. Just had my worst string of arena runs, 3 3-3's and a 2-3.


Trakanon Raider
It's mostly the same in constructed. I've tried to make decks based around card combos, but they just don't work when a creatures average lifespan is 1-2 turns. I would much prefer they slow the game down by increasing creatures life totals and toning down removal, but their tagline for the game is fast and simple, so it's unlikely to happen.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Combos are just generally bad in this game, you usually die trying to make them work, you're much better off taking 30 solid cards.