

Lord Nagafen Raider
I know what you are getting at but that is something that happens all the time in MtG. Exploiting the meta has been a thing as long as the meta has been a concept in card games.

But ladder isn't the same thing as competitive play. On ladder you are still always going to play against Leper Gnome. You are going to see decks that make no sense given the environment. There's no weeding out process. You are just going to have to come to terms with a setting in which anyone can play anything at any time.
Very good point

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
So is there any form of reimbursement? Just had my 3rd arena loss come from the game sticking on the opponents turn and i assume that's just a disconnect from them or myself.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So is there any form of reimbursement? Just had my 3rd arena loss come from the game sticking on the opponents turn and i assume that's just a disconnect from them or myself.
Nope. I actually asked about this during beta and got an official response that they had no plans to ever even implement tools that could be used to reset accounts, reimburse, restore accidentally disenchanted cards, etc. So even if you contact CS and get someone friendly, there will never be anything they can do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When you call people fags for netdecking, there is basically only one conclusion we can jump to.
If you show up to a local tournament with a 100% net deck, the entire room will laugh at you and call you a fag. I don't see why it's so acceptable in hearthstone. I get that there are less cards and less per deck, but to copy 100% someone else's work and thought makes you a fag period.


Lord Nagafen Raider
To be clear: There is nothing wrong with taking a concept and making it your own. It's the guys who copy paste 100% of someone else's deck that I'm referring to.


Tranny Chaser
How long have you been out of Magic? That argument is as dead as The Dojo and you sound exactly like a scrub for repeating it.

I've got in my area one of the friendliest stores I've ever been to and it's still predominately proven decks in every format. If I go to the competitive store it's one gigantic sea of fat temporarily embarrassed professional gamers running whatever just won a SCG 5k.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How long have you been out of Magic? That argument is as dead as The Dojo and you sound exactly like a scrub for repeating it.

I've got in my area one of the friendliest stores I've ever been to and it's still predominately proven decks in every format. If I go to the competitive store it's one gigantic sea of fat temporarily embarrassed professional gamers running whatever just won a SCG 5k.
2-3 years maybe? I don't see what would have changed the scene so drastically.


Lord Nagafen Raider
MtG hardasses are a thing I see.
Nothing to do with being a hardass. Do you think the top players in heartstone copy other people? No they practice what works and become the trend setters. If all you ever do it copy someone else than you will never be anything. I'm new but my philosophy is much different than most of you. We'll see where I end up.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Every area is different for MTG - MD is mostly like how you're talking Frenzic - but it varies from area to area. Generally the states with TONS of players from higher population concentration tend to push netdeckers to the fringes quite often. At least until places become SCG and equivalent venues.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Every area is different for MTG - MD is mostly like how you're talking Frenzic - but it varies from area to area. Generally the states with TONS of players from higher population concentration tend to push netdeckers to the fringes quite often. At least until places become SCG and equivalent venues.
Yea I wouldn't imagine it changed so much in a few years. I get that this game is a completely different beast. I get that most kids will look up the next best and run it. Still sucks to play against it. Every time I see a druid I assume its one of two decks. Every time I see a warlock I assume its handlock or zoo. I've never experienced that kind of consistent netdecking in any other ccg.


Tranny Chaser
If this was Magic and you could only build decks using M14 and everyone has been playing that same format for over a year you would see the same decks over and over and over there too.


Tranny Chaser
Given the card pool of Hearthstone I'm actually quite impressed with the range of options and complexity of decks and deck types.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea I wouldn't imagine it changed so much in a few years. I get that this game is a completely different beast. I get that most kids will look up the next best and run it. Still sucks to play against it. Every time I see a druid I assume its one of two decks. Every time I see a warlock I assume its handlock or zoo. I've never experienced that kind of consistent netdecking in any other ccg.
I think it's honestly more of a symptom of the class system - it's similar to how if you've ever played Commander/EDH once you see their Commander you almost always know what the deck is even before the first cards come down.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Nothing to do with being a hardass. Do you think the top players in heartstone copy other people? No they practice what works and become the trend setters. If all you ever do it copy someone else than you will never be anything. I'm new but my philosophy is much different than most of you. We'll see where I end up.
As someone who watches all the top streamers off and on and keeps track of their tournament results: Fuck yes they do. Not all of them and not all the time, but the tournament format for hearthstone is best-of-X, and every time you lose, you switch heroes (and thus decks) so you need X decks. Most players will have maybe one original deck in a tournament that is theirs (usually of their favorite class) and the rest are copied from other streamers, team mates, etc. Everyone ran Strifecro's Druid, card for card, in every tournament when it was a top deck. Even when it isn't card for card, the switches are usually 2-3 cards at most and that is usually a response to either what they expect to see in the tournament or a small shift in the meta since the deck was posted.

I have literally not seen a finals of a Hearthstone tournament since Blizzcon that did not have both players using at least one netdeck.

EDIT: I should mention I split it about 50/50 between playing my own decks and playing netdecks/my own variants of netdecks. I'm not indicating approval or disapproval either way here, just pointing out that the top players in HS do, in fact, netdeck.