Metal studs suck dick. If you're running romex through metal studs, they want you to use bushing/grommets so you don't slice the romex all to shit. I'd consider using MC cable myself. I prefer using a stud punch to put holes in the studs where you want them, and then install bushings if you're using romex. You can try using the premade stamped holes in metal studs, but you can't always be sure that they'll line up unless you install the studs yourself and plan it out beforehand. If you use MC you can dispense with the grommets, but then you have to look at the MC itself and try to see which way the "weave" on the jacket faces. Some manufacturers make MC that will pull through metal studs easy in both directions, while other manufacturers use a weave that will catch BADLY in one direction but will let you pull it through easy in the other (this is easier to show people in person I guess).
I'm not sure about an all-encompassing guide for wiring a room.
EDIT: I just tried watching a few videos on Youtube thinking I could find one to post, but they made me cringe.