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Trying to figure out how to convince the wife I need one of these:
ALASKAN MKIV Archives - Granberg International
ALASKAN MKIV Archives - Granberg International
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Fuck wish I had thought to take down my smoke detectors, is it usual for one to go off over shower steam? Only went off once but fuck that noise.
BigErronius what do you think about my Nest install? Should I do it on my own?
A new wood cuttin' wife?Trying to figure out how to convince the wife I need one of these:
ALASKAN MKIV Archives - Granberg International
View attachment 180902
Trying to figure out how to convince the wife I need one of these:
ALASKAN MKIV Archives - Granberg International
View attachment 180902
Tell her the alternative is to dig a giant pit in the backyard and to use a pit-sawTrying to figure out how to convince the wife I need one of these:
ALASKAN MKIV Archives - Granberg International
View attachment 180902
If you’re serious I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying one soon. My grandmother recently passed (rest in peace) and left me a modest $5k inheritance that the wife and I have agreed to spending on stuff we wouldn’t normally buy for ourselves (we’re both pretty thrifty and live well beneath our means).Tell her you can get a group discount, and we can both get one!
Yeah, steam can trigger alarms. Not sure how common it is, though. In my experience, an occasional nuisance alarm is to be expected. Repeated alarms probably means a bad alarm, or someone put the alarm close to the bathroom and you regularly create a fuckton of steam.
The Nest install probably depends on you. If you feel like doing all the footwork, then sure. If you're not sure, then don't. Also consider the cost of paying an Installer to come out vs the cost of repairs or replacement if you wire something wrong.
The first thing I would do is get a copy of the installation guide for your current thermostat. Read up on it, figure out how it currently works, maybe even double check where each wire is actually landed. It looks like you have a TH8000 series thermostat...maybe a TH8320?
The weird thing to me is that it doesn't look like you have any outdoor temp sensors installed (S1 and S2). Just skimming through the literature, it looks like this is how you set the temp lockouts for heat pumps so that depending on your outdoor temperature range, your aux heat runs w/o your heat pump compressor below one setpoint, or your heat pump compressor runs w/o your aux heat when it is above a setpoint. (Function 0350 and/or 0360) But I'm not an HVAC guy, so /shrug.
It's always a good idea, in my opinion, to write down all your existing settings in the current thermostat. But especially your O/B setting for your crossover valve (Function 0190, either 0 or 1) because it's probably specific to the make of your equipment (Trane, Rheem, etc). Yeah, it's super fucking tedious, but its your call.
Who’s “we” FRIEND? [I may be playing too much Red Dead Redemption.]i'm still mowing, this is only my second year mowing, so i forgot when i stopped, about when do we stop mowing-ish? is it usually dec? also i'm getting a lot of my bald spots patched up. grass seed doesn't really seem to be an issue, honestly i just buy whatever pennington/scotts or whatever on sale kentucky blue grass/tall fescue. But it seems milogranite really seems to work well as a "starter fertilizer"
I used to buy the scotts starter fertilizer to the lawn going but that didn't seem to be doing much. also it doesn't really seem to help if i use my own compost or just storebought compost for 2bucks a bag. Tho the store compost really attracts flies the first week out. (my compost pile is down to nothing now and its cold so i don't have much bacteria heat)
is this the fall/crabgrass preventer fert?Who’s “we” FRIEND? [I may be playing too much Red Dead Redemption.]
Depends on your grass type as far as when the last mow will be. A good rule of thumb is to let it get shaggy and mow it just enough to take the shag off of it. I mow my lawn at 3.5-4” (tallest my mower will let me go). The more leaf surface you leave intact, the better equipped it will be to do well over the winter.
Some people throw down a final application of milorganite/organic fert to “winterize” their lawn, but I’m not familiar with the practice or why they do it other than the freeze/thaw heaving works it into the soil really well.
Crabgrass is annual and dies the first time it frosts. As far as I know there isn’t a preemergent that will last long enough to stop next years crab grass if you put it down now. Here in NC we do 2-3 crab grass preemergent applications per year as they last 3 months. First one goes down in Feb, then 2nd one in April. If you’re seeding in the fall (cool season grasses) you can’t put down a third preemergent application or your seed won’t grow.is this the fall/crabgrass preventer fert?
i didn't do this last year, and hardly got any crabgrass this year (when i moved in i did remove, literally buckets of crabgrass, and those barren spots are starting to fill in, just now).
Gonna be doing a lot of attic stuff
1. install 4-6 led can lights for my kitchen finally, saw a great deal on amazon 50bucks for 6, no housing needed.
thoughts on placement?
this is the previous owners pic. i figure i'll just have 2-3 on each side of the L
Then i'll finally wire up my security cam system. it's an 8 cam system that connects to a central hub that displays on a monitor and wired to my network. i've layed out 5 cams on the outside perimeter, 1 per side +1 for the front door/entry. the 3 left over i'll have garage/basement/living room.
I have two walk-in closets for the master bedroom. I was figuring out how to power it, then realized opposite the closet is the laundry room, so i measured and found the outlet for the washer wired it up and now my closet has power.
Since i'll have so many wires running to here, i figure i'll relocate my router/cable modem to here as well and wall hang em too. (that also means i'll finally fish cat5 to all my rooms, currently the computers/game systems are connected wired, but the wires lay on the floor, heh) i saw when some people do this, they put a layer of plywood over the wall first, then wall hang their network stuff, is this b/c the plywood gives a nice sturdy surface if you mount the plywood to the studs? (my stud is to the left of the outlet, basically the middle.
yea, it just has the worthless microwave fanAll I see is that there is no vent hood. Triggered by your kitchen as it is unusable.
with the way these natural disasters are going...It's Kansas. You're lucky you don't have a dirt floor