Home Improvement


Vyemm Raider
30 bags should be plenty...

Yea Right GIF

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With that many bags, why not have a bulk place come out and deliver a yard? I would think it would be cheaper and less hassle.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
With that many bags, why not have a bulk place come out and deliver a yard? I would think it would be cheaper and less hassle.

Cause it is my first time. Definitely do this next time for sure. River rock is ~$5 a bag from a local garden shop and I'm sure they'd do that. So yeah, really just my ignorance of the process going in to it and not taking the time to plan this part out :)


Vyemm Raider
Cause it is my first time. Definitely do this next time for sure. River rock is ~$5 a bag from a local garden shop and I'm sure they'd do that. So yeah, really just my ignorance of the process going in to it and not taking the time to plan this part out :)
I get it, my first few outdoor projects, I grossly underestimated the materials required and ended up doing 3 or 4 trips to the store, you sort of get pot committed at that point since it feels like just a few more bags will do it, then once you put those down you scratch your head at how little that actually did.

Hell, even for bulk delivery I do it now. I had 10 yards of topsoil delivered thinking it was going to be overkill. 30 yards later, I keep thinking another 10 yards will finish things off.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The little bags are for potting. Whoever sold you on the idea of doing an entire area with bags is an asshole/dick. Id take a guess at Home Depot employing a douche bag like that, but you ruled that out when you said $5 a bag.

I personally dont think you'll like having that area rock within a years time. You'll get busy for a week or two, or go on vacation, and come back to a fucking forest of weeds inside the fucking thing and it'll take twice as long to pick out all the fuckers and then spray down the area with weed killer. Never mind the similar color scheme to your concrete driveway that you'll notice more and more every time you look at it. Or worse, even though no one walks on the little shits - you'll find them all over the fucking yard like someones just kicking them out there for fun.

As you can tell, I'm not a fan of rock covered flower beds. But its whatever. Im sure when you finish it, it'll look good. Just a lot of work. Add a couple solar lights for some pizazz.
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<Prior Amod>
my new new neighbor that moved in said he wanted redo the front lawn, i said cool (cuz it's literally all weeds), theres a lot of divots and holes and he said he thinks 30bags from home depot or as much as his suv can take should do it.

i laugh, he's from cali and this is his first house, obviously i don't hate him initially, i have to live next to this guy, and i just happen to have a few bags of topsoil laying around, i opened up a bag and put it on my soil and it just vanished (like we all know it does)

he said, how much you think i'll need?

a dump truck worth

oh and the same amount of sand too
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
my new new neighbor that moved in said he wanted redo the front lawn, i said cool (cuz it's literally all weeds), theres a lot of divots and holes and he said he thinks 30bags from home depot or as much as his suv can take should do it.

i laugh, he's from cali and this is his first house, obviously i don't hate him initially, i have to live next to this guy, and i just happen to have a few bags of topsoil laying around, i opened up a bag and put it on my soil and it just vanished (like we all know it does)

he said, how much you think i'll need?

a dump truck worth

oh and the same amount of sand too
Im surrounded by yankees from new york and Maryland. I imagine its much of the same attitude for your Cali boy. In a way, it feels nice that these people have worked all their lives and are still in the same spot as me ~20 years younger, that grew up here in the "country." Like either you guys all fucked up real bad, or I did well. One or the other. .. But what I really like about these people, is that they stay the fuck off my property and are super involved with the community standards for cleanliness. Ron Willard, big name around here - he built this community and the other community on the other side of the lake - but hes super conservative rich country old man that makes all the decisions. As long as that power dynamic is here, Im cool.


<Prior Amod>
Im surrounded by yankees from new york and Maryland. I imagine its much of the same attitude for your Cali boy. In a way, it feels nice that these people have worked all their lives and are still in the same spot as me ~20 years younger, that grew up here in the "country." Like either you guys all fucked up real bad, or I did well. One or the other. .. But what I really like about these people, is that they stay the fuck off my property and are super involved with the community standards for cleanliness. Ron Willard, big name around here - he built this community and the other community on the other side of the lake - but hes super conservative rich country old man that makes all the decisions. As long as that power dynamic is here, Im cool.
he doesn't even own the fucking house, he's still renting, for like 3100$

housing is that hard to get around here, ppl are willing to pay 3100 a month lulz

his rental agreement is that he takes care of the lawn, and he said me might as well make it look nice. (cuz i asked him why bother, youre just renting, the guy before just paid dudes to come everyweek for 20bucks)

i mean i'm all for it of course, a good lawn will just raise the neighborhood value, but this lawn has been weedy for years
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<Prior Amod>
Like this my lawn, the contrast with the neighbor is crazy

he is just scalping his lawn to "hide" the weeds (they grow back of course)

the worst part is he's using side discharge, guess where he's discharging his shitty lawn on, got out and blow the nasty ass grass back
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<Gold Donor>
My yard is all rocks. I pay yearly to have them sprayed with weed killer so tumbleweeds will not take hold. It's expensive but if you don't do it, this is what it will look like. This is my next door neighbors yard. Their yard is about the same size as ours (1.5 acres) and with the exception of the driveway it ALL looks like this. This is what a tumbleweed looks like before it dries up and flies away. Unfortunately we do not have an HOA , they aren't always a bad thing.
