Never using straw again for bedding except for maybe still during a harsh winter. Though I'd like to see if wood shavings still keep things warm enough.
Spent 6 or so hours today in the 90 plus humid heat trying to muck out my maternity pen ahead of a new batch of babies. Straw mixed with wasted hay, holds water like crazy, plus piss, and random crud that makes a binding paste. Basically below the loose straw/hay it's an inch of utter ick before I hit mud. So issue is trying to shovel it, resists just picking up because it's interlaced with everything else and can't really get the shovel to drive through. Using a fork or hoe to break it up a bit worked best but still very heavy pulling it apart in chunks the size of a 5 gallon bucket.
Too small to get the tractor in to just scoop it. Wasn't even all that old, but just rainy rainy spring and probably wasn't as throurough last time as I should, but I'll stick with goats just nasty.