My primary residence is on a river. Every year I go down and cut the tall grass to create a beach area. Usually the same day or that weekend I set up furniture down there. One year I came down about an hour after I cut everything to find people chilling at my beach. The only way to access this area is walking up river. They played dumb, like hey man there were no signs. Yeah, well what about the fence, access via river only and freshly mowed grass.
Another, time I came down to find teenagers chilling on my furniture. Oh, we thought this public? I also have a little island they I have caught kids setting up forts on, only to be bitched out by their Mom after I told them to remove themselves and their property. The Mom was like they aren't hurting anything, I responded yes they are, they are hurting my view. Sorry, I don't want to stare at cardboards boxes when I am trying to enjoy nature.
These neighbors think I am an asshole, that is fine all the other neighbors get invited to my parties and think I am great.