Horizon: An American Saga, Part 1


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Which channel or app can I see this?
Good Morning Hello GIF by Saturday Night Live


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I think I saw an article the other day that said it's not doing well at all.
There is literally 0 way this didnt flop in theaters.

Its a vanity/passion project that is a 3 hour part 1 of a what he hopes to be a 4 part series (part 2 comes out in august). There just arent enough 60 to 70 year old men going the the movies.

That said, apparently Costner does expect it should make its money back the old fashioned way, on a long enough timeline from licensing to TV/Streaming/Vod/etc
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<Silver Donator>
There is literally 0 way this didnt flop in theaters.

Its a vanity/passion project that is a 3 hour part 1 of a what he hopes to be a 4 part series (part 2 comes out in august). There just arent enough 60 to 70 year old men going the the movies.

That said, apparently Costner does expect it should make its money back the old fashioned way, on a long enough timeline from licensing to TV/Streaming/Vod/etc
Yeah I just kind of just scanned the article and the gist of it was it not doing well and basically trying to turn Cinema into TV was a bad idea.

I think the thought was is it could have just been a great one shot series on a streaming platform. I guess with it just being a passion project for him, maybe he felt it proper it be shown on the big screen versus the small one. I don't really know much behind the production.

Like you said though it's not like westerns are that much of a crowd-pleaser to draw a large demographic to the theater.


<Gold Donor>
Read Costner put up 38 Million of his own money by mortgaging some of his property and it did 11 million opening weekend.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I've read this cost $100m but were they also doing stuff for parts 2-4 during the filming of 1 also? or in the end gonna cost $400m+ if it gets that far


privileged excrementlord
I heard this was way better than the results would indicate.
cracked 7 on IMDB which I would say generally indicates something is all right, but it seems critics really didn't like the fact that this is a part 1 of X.


Vyemm Raider
Say what you will but at least this was an original idea for a movie. Before it started, we sat through a preview for a rehash of ‘Twister’, cleverly renamed ‘Twisters’, a preview for a movie called 'Beetleguise' that I think I saw 36 years ago and one for some stupid Transformers flick. I think it's number 4 or 5. Not sure, don't care. M. Night Shamalamadingdong has a new one that looks different but other than that, it's the same old shit repackaged. Also, Horizon is a Western. If you don't like Westerns, you must be some commie pinko.
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Trakanon Raider
Say what you will but at least this was an original idea for a movie. Before it started, we sat through a preview for a rehash of ‘Twister’, cleverly renamed ‘Twisters’
If the third movie starts with Titty, it might be the first one I go to watch.