Hard disagree with this. GOT was very compelling throughout the majority of its episodes, full of character development and gripping scenes. Even the dialogue heavy/action free episodes. For a while after s8 it was comically tragic how random GOT videos on my youtube feed were a reminder of how good peak GOT could be. It's taken me 5 years but I'm currently halfway through S6 on a rewatch and whilst it's not as gripping as my earlier watches it's good enough for me to get through 2-3 episodes a night. It's only now in S6 where the dialogue in some scenes starts to be a bit cringe (like Sansa and Jon talking how she used to be mean to him)
By comparison, the dialogue heavy scenes in HOTD feel like someone trying to do a bad impression of GOT. The stuff on Sunday between Alicent and Rhaenyra was dull. The whole series has been dull and boring. I don't recall any boring episodes of GOT. When I watched them with a friend I'd always turn to him and say "wow".
gonna have to agree with dogfucker here, the best of this show is on par or worse than the worst of GoT. The dialogue is of course atrocious, it makes the dialogue in the star wars prequels look Oscar quality, but really, there is just no one in charge so each turbodyke lesbian in that writers room just does whatever she wants week to week and there is no real continuity for anything.
Let me give you a simple example, look at this recent retarded take from the writers:
In the book, a young (14 y/o) Rhaenyra becomes smitten with Sir Criston Cole, lord commander of the King's Guard. This is standard teenage fancy, first crush sort of shit, nothing out of the ordinary. Now Cole is an honorable knight with sworn vows, so when she approaches him, he refuses her. This broke her heart, I mean all her life she was this princess who always got whatever she wanted, no one ever denied her anything! She runs to her uncle Daemon, and the stories differ here, some say Daemon took advantage of her in a moment of weakness and bruised self-esteem, another account says she begged her uncle to teach her the ways of sex so that she could seduce Sir Criston and make him hers, but regardless, she ends up dishonoring her self by bedding her own uncle.
That is the baseline from the book, and here is what they changed for the show:
They aged Alicent down, way down, to make her and Rhaenyra childhood friends. In the book Alicent is 10-15 years older than Rhaenyra and other than being aware of each other from Court, she has always been a step-mother figure not this childhood girl talk pillow fight friends.
They desecrated Sir Criston Cole, outright character assassination, not only does he break his vows and bed's his King's 14 year old daughter, but then he turns around and starts fucking his king's widow right after he dies, i mean they truly made him just a complete piece of shit.
They have focused the story and all the dialogue for this to be a battle between two queens, Alicent vs Rhaenyra, when in the book the conflict is and has always been Aegon vs Rhaenyra.
So you would think, ok, they made all these changes, so they are childhood friends who sort of developed somewhat of a rivalry, friends become enemies, that sort of thing, or at least complex feelings, when Rhaenyra's bestie ends up marrying her dad and giving him a bunch of sons, and then later ends up having an affair with her childhood crush and the man that took her virginity? There's some emotional paydirt to be mined here. They could of really did something with this, She took her dad from her, she took her first love, and now her son's a threat to her legitimacy? This isn't really book canon but there is a story to be told here, deep emotional complexity, betrayal, anger, I can see where the show is going with this. And it starts to make sense they are setting up this Queen vs Queen scenario.
And they fucking abandoned it entirely. 2 seasons of buildup for what this war is really about and they just casually mentioned this whole angle for the first time in the season 2 finale. In between a few wooden lines of garbage dialogue where alicent agrees to let rhaenyra murder her sons after she murdered her grandson? The best they can come up with to explain the underlying hostility is "oh Alicent just misheard her husband on his deathbed, my bad"
So really what the fuck was the point to making all these changes to the book if they weren't going to use any of it? And how the fuck did they arrive at whatever the fuck that was in the reddit quote?
Why the fuck did they do Cole so dirty if they weren't going to DO anything with it? It's not like Cole has much left, he's about to get killed off in one of the battles that they either skipped or delayed since they ran out of money and cut the episode counts down.
This is just a minor example of the changes they've made for the show, that go no where and have no purpose. Understand that they've changed literally everything and every character, nothing is safe, nothing is sacred, only that Rhaenyra must be made into this Mary-Sue who can do no wrong.
The adult who was in charge quit the show during season 1, and now it's chaos. Just a bunch of blue haired tranny's writing fanfic week to week.