Game of Thrones was so fucking brilliant. I still remember burning dvd episodes for my buddy, everyone wanted to see it, or was watching it. Tywin Lannister, Barristan, Littlefinger, Tyrion, I mean, I could go on and on. All of these characters were interesting in their own ways, even a fucking throw away character like Pod was awesome.
Name one thing about HoTD thats awesome. The dragons? I mean, thats really it at this point. GRRM's dragon names and lore are all top notch, if the show can somehow translate just SOME of that to screen, it could maybe be decent. Its crazy how there is literally not one "fan favorite" type character, or an intriguing character with little screen time, but has a major impact, ala The Mountain.
I dont see how they can completely turn it around in the next 6 hours. We are basically halfway through, unless things do a complete 180 after the time jump this show is going to be a failure.