House of the Dragon


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i'm enjoying the show too, mostly because they are slowly showing more and more locations and not just small rooms.

The biggest issue is that there isn't a single character to root for. If every character got eaten by a dragon next episode I wouldn't feel sad. Except Haelena I guess, but thats more because she is kinda retarded and just sits around sewing than trying to gain power.

Daemon just storms off every time he is mad, Aegon is a moron, Rhaenyra sits around moping, Alicent only thinks about Ser Coles dick, Otto is just a worse Tywin who is bad at reading his relatives, Aemond just wants mommy tits, Larys is just bad Littlefinger with a foot fetish, and nobody else really matters? I have read the book so I know what happens and it'll be cool to see it all on screen but there is no Tyrion or Jon Snow or Vaerys or early Daenyrs in this show, someone you want to see succeed. All you have is constant fuck ups.
That's not an issue for me. I just want some good storytelling and a few great battles like GOT. Ultimately, this is how it ends.


Potato del Grande
another episode, another hour of pure character assassination made by shit writers.

The moment the episode starts all the invisible guards who were spread all throughout the red keep came out of the wood work to round up all the servants who live there. guess they were all on their union mandated smoke breaks during the murder?

also lol. you could argue it's a simple mistake but the truth is the writers are so fucking terrible they can't even keep track of the characters and they legitimately believe Otto Hightower is grandfather of Jahaerys? He is his great Grand Father FFS. in the same goddamn episode they even acknowledge this (where Otto screams that Aegon II is his obviously his grandson's son is......not his grandson)

Literally nothing in this episode happened in the book. literally nothing. Daemon has been in Harrenhal since before episode 1 per the timeline of this season. Baela (his daughter, half nog in this version) is in driftmark having trains ran on her cus she's a boy crazy whore, she isn't waxing poetic about her father's affection or lack there of. Aemond was never the target of the assassination so half the episode of dialogue with every character's reaction to his attempted assassination and the accidental murder of Jahaerys is entirely made up. No idea who this random whore is he's whining to, since he never whines about shit. he and daemon are about the coolest characters in the book
and when they end up killing each other and each other's dragons (this season or possibly the next depending on how long they drag this shit out) there will be nothing redeeming about this show at all. Until the epilogue episode at the end of the series when Cregan stark finally shows up.

Rhaenyra ordered the murder of the child because she is a pure evil cunt. All the bullshit character assassination of Sir Criston Cole where he's this manwhore fucking Alicent and he's is deflecting his own failing's on other king's guard like a complete tool (he never fucks anyone in the book, he is chaste, competent, honorable King's guard and none of these conversations happen). Sir Arryk/Erryk didn't have to be tricked or coerced into his mission, he volunteered to do it to salvage his family's honor due to his twin brother siding with Rhaenyra.

These little side plots with the people in King's landing suffering from inflation (idk what the fuck this is supposed to be) is actually
what happens after Rhaenyra takes over King's Landing. The first thing Aegon did when assuming the throne was to plunder the treasury and send 3/4 of it away for safe keeping in Old Town, Casterly Rock, and the bank of Braavos, he uses the remaining 1/4 to pay for running the kingdom and easing the burdens of the people, the smallfolk love him for it. When Rhaenyra takes over the treasury is empty. she has no coin and has to institute a bunch of extremely unpopular taxes, combined with how much she is hated by everyone, the small folk end up revolting against her and murdering all the fucking dragons, thousands of them burn by dragonfire just to kill the dragons, that is how hated Rhaenyra is. She literally rules King's Landing for like 6 fucking weeks, and manages to completely botch everything in that time. She is forced to flee king's landing with nothing but the clothes on her back, has to sell her crown to book passage back to dragonstone only to find all her people there murdered and then she gets executed and fed to Aegon's dragon sunfyre.

None of this Mylaria/White worm/misery story happens at all. all made up garbage. Again Rhaenyra trying to find out who ordered the murder of Aegon's 7 year old son is complete bull shit, she is the one who ordered it because she's an evil cunt.

they showed Alyn again and finally showed Addam...looks like they reversed these guy's age and aged them way i'm not sure how they are going to pass them off as the gay nog's bastards (they are actually bastards of the Sea Snake). Addam is the elder (he's like 17) and Alyn is 15. the reason they showed the crab catching/dragon flying overhead scene:
Addam ends up a dragon rider, so this is what you would call foreshadowing. Well it would be if they bothered to actually introduce these characters at all..
In the book he isn't a nog, the Velaryon's have all intermarried with Targaryan's for centuries in addition to having come from old Valyria themselves. Traditionally the Velaryon's as a house are not dragon riders but since he has some Targaryan blood he does end up being a dragon rider.

This is a whole plotline from the book where Rhaenyra's team, living on dragonstone with a bunch of wild and riderless dragons, try to boost their numbers of dragon riders by offering anyone who can tame a dragon to keep it and fight on their side in the war. Keep in mind the Targaryan's have lived on Dragonstone for centuries practicing Prima Nocta and since Targaryan's are basically gods to commoners everyone is totally ok with this, so there's tons and tons of Targaryan bastards spread around dragonstone and surrounding lands.
many many die and most of the dragons are not tamed, but 3 end up tamed by Addam (Velaryon) and 2 other bastards. of course this plan goes awry as the moment the tables turn in the war, the other 2 bastards swap sides and join Team Green. Addam ends up killing them/dying in another dragon massacre where the last remaining dragons basically die

This whole angry whining scene with Otto crying about shit never happened. Otto had been fired long before this and Criston Cole was already appointed the King's Hand. But in this version, somehow "Sir" Otto (he's not a fucking Knight, he's a lord) whines and cries about dumb petulent shit then gets fired?

The only event this entire episode that actually happens is the twin fight, of course in the book the plan was better (but if she's killed here, there would be no story to tell so of course serendepity, the two brother's have to run in to one another). Of course it happens in a stairwell on the way up to her room (so there isn't the spiderman pointing at each other meme, or murder/suicide bs) but also, Arryk/Erryk is her only king's guard pulling multiple duties, she hasn't had time to appoint anyone else so his loss basically leaves her completely unprotected for a while (Aegon has already replenished his full compliment of guards)

Other than character assassination IDK why they made Criston Cole fuck Rhaenyra in season 1 and no idea why they made him Alicent's lover in season 2. it's bullshit.

These writers sure are earning their alphabet people check by twisting every single event to make the tranny dyke Rhaenyra the most sympathetic character possible, its all so fucking tiring. With so much work they are doing to fundamentally change all the characters they are going to have to retcon the entire ending or else her getting her well deserved and wildly celebrated death will make no sense.
You need to prune your complaints.

Like the grandson thing, he calls Aegon grandson too so the writers know, it's just shortened for more natural speech. I can imagine someone doing this.

Some of it appears to be complaining about events being slightly out of order. Like Otto being sacked earlier... who gives a shit about a few paragraphs in Fire and Blood being tweaked?

A lot of it you are right about though.

Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
It's hard to compare it to GoT. The cast in that was enormous. And it had some of the finest actors ever in a fantasy show. A lot of the older crew were well established. And they struck gold with joffrey and kit harrington. I couldn't stand the queen of dragons but I think they cast her more for her tits than her acting abilities. At least she looked great naked.


<Bronze Donator>
What a stupid fucking episode.

first half of the episode is just catching us up to the book, ie Daemon taking harrenhal, the river lords declaring for this side and that and started killing each other, etc. All this happened before Aemond and Vhagar ate Luke and his dragon at the end of Season 1. Of course it wasn't written quite so retarded as these show writers did it (Daemon, the "king," husband of Rhaenyra single handedly stalks through harrenhal waylaying random guards to take the castle? sneaking around like he's playing skyrim? the fuck was that lol)

like usual almost every single scene, character, motivation, reason, rationale, and action has been changed from the book or invented whole cloth by demonstrably bad writers. Much like GoT in the latter seasons It's getting harder and harder to compare this show to the book its allegedly based on since what does appear is changed completely and so much of it is straight up invented.

Rhaenyra playing mother of the year here sending away all her children and niece to watch over them (she does send her last 2 sons away, much later, Aegon and Viserys, her children she had with daemon, but only after all the rest die, she sends them with no protection and they are attacked/captured).

Daemon's daughters getting more screen time this episode then they do the entire book btw (they basically are afterthoughts, hardly mentioned. one spends the war in the vale chasing boys, and the other chills in pentos.)

idk why they keep doing Sir Criston Cole dirty as fuck, or what they are doing to Aemond one-eye. I guess too many viewers were becoming his fan since he's one of the only decent characters on the show so gotta nip that in the bud.

wtf is this Rhaenyra sneaking into King's landing to have a heart to heart with Alicent? god this writing is so bad, this is a ripple effect of earlier bad writing. By writing the murder of Jahaerys so poorly where these 2 chucklefucks can just wander around the castle unquestioned and murder the heir to the throne, it leaves room that anyone can just sneak in without consequence so of course Rhaenyra can just sneak up on and murder alicent if she wanted to.

What actually happened:
Daemon utilizes his underworld knowledge of king's landing to exploit a singular weakness (ratcatchers know the ways through the hidden tunnels inside the red keep), into the Tower of the Hand, where Otto high Tower and his daughter the Queen Dowager reside. The king and his family all reside in Maegor's holdfast of which no one knows the secret tunnels. They exploit this knowledge to sneak into alicent's room, kill her handmaiden and tie her up, waiting for the Queen Haelena to bring her children to say good night to their grand mother. There they force her to choose one of her children to die and they murder the other one instead to twist the knife of her choice.

Aegon catches the murderer trying to escape, and then executes all the rat catcher's with knowledge of the red keep, ending this vulnerability. From this moment on they employ cat's to take care of the rat problem. And now "sneaking into the castle to do ____" is no longer an option, not that anyone is trying to talk at this point.

instead we get a show without any internal consistency that follows the logic of a goddamn sitcom, so the two girlbosses can wax poetic about some dumbshit that never fucking happened. So by this show's reasoning since the premise was so weak they had to do a GoT tie in with the story about "the prince who was promised," from a song of ice and fire, now Rhaenyra knows the Aegon II was named the prince and thus her claim to the throne is invalid, by her own reasoning. If this show had any consistency it would end right now, Rhaenyra would relinquish her claim and the war would end. but nope, she's still pushing for alicent to concede.

Keep in mind the book they are "adapting" was written by the couple who run the asoiaf wiki and rubber stamped by GRRM for a paycheck (GRRM himself only wrote 1 small section, which detailed Rhaenyra's death, in a collection of short stories about hubris and dangerous women) and the rest was written by the people who police the wiki. That's who these writers are competing against and failing miserably to. A fucking fan site.

Some of you are hatewatching Acolyte and others are hatewatching the latest season of the Boys. Me, I pretty much just hatewatch this show now, its my burden to bear.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the only book I did not read. Rhaenyra sucks, she can't make a decision to save her life. Show is kind of ass. Dragging and dragging


Tranny Chaser
. So by this show's reasoning since the premise was so weak they had to do a GoT tie in with the story about "the prince who was promised," from a song of ice and fire, now Rhaenyra knows the Aegon II was named the prince and thus her claim to the throne is invalid, by her own reasoning. If this show had any consistency it would end right now, Rhaenyra would relinquish her claim and the war would end. but nope, she's still pushing for alicent to concede.

No you autistic degenerate, the point is Alicent misunderstood the ramblings of a dying man. He recited the passed down prince who was promised prophecy that started with Aegon the Conqueror, and thought he was referring to her son as choice for the throne
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