This.This is going to come off as insensitive, but why the fuck are you pumping out children on that kind of income? To each their own and if you are happy then more power to you, but I would feel like I would be doing my children a disservice.
how...? do you get assistance from family or something?We are a family of four on $39k. This is the happiest we have been in our lives. Property taxes keep getting worse and worse, so that sucks, but we bought right after the crash, doing well for a home price. $139k then and now is $325k. Can't sell though since we would have to move to a very rural area to live, rents are $1600 here.
We are eeking by, trying to start new projects every so often in the hopes that one hits and we can actually have a retirement or send our kids to school. IT is fun and we are happy though. 8)
My first job I was making around $40k/yr. Got a new job and now I'm at $60k/yr but it honestly doesn't feel like I have any more buffer now than when I did before and bills are going to go up soon anyway for my rent and loans this year. Don't know where the fuck all the additional income is going so I'm still stressed to fuck about it.
This is going to come off as insensitive, but why the fuck are you pumping out children on that kind of income? To each their own and if you are happy then more power to you, but I would feel like I would be doing my children a disservice.
Make a fucking budget and figure out where every dollar is going. Then pick a dollar amount yo save every month and save it. Start small and work up to something like 25% of your take home. Most people that are in your situation (and it is about 85%+ of the US) just buy more expensive things as their income rises and the cycle continues.
I have a family of five, single income, and last year I spent $27,000.
Kids are elite at everything, play rep sports and each does a different instrument.
All it takes is a plan, bro.
Unless you are getting assistance I find this very hard to believe. .
Why? I have no mortgage and live frugal.
I make a lot but spend very little.
It's not hard when you have a budget and plan a bit.
I also do this in Vancouver, one of the most expensive city in the world, a six pack of Bud costs $14!
Why? I have no mortgage and live frugal.
I make a lot but spend very little.
It's not hard when you have a budget and plan a bit.
I also do this in Vancouver, one of the most expensive city in the world, a six pack of Bud costs $14!
Some of you guys must be way more relaxed about money than me. Its just my wife and myself and our combined is around $180k/yr and I still wish we made more money. Though that is now because we find ourselves living in an apartment seeking a house in orange county which is quite different than living in a house which was about half paid off in the midwest and only seeing about a $25k/yr bump in pay. I wouldn't say either of us worry about money and we have at least 18 months of living in the savings (which is ear marked for a house down payment obv) but it is always something in the back of our minds.