Spent 27k and has no mortgage. Never said his incomeStill, 27k a year and having your mortgage paid off is atypical
Edit, I'm switching atypical to impossible unless he's 50. He's living in grandmas house i bet.
Spent 27k and has no mortgage. Never said his incomeStill, 27k a year and having your mortgage paid off is atypical
Edit, I'm switching atypical to impossible unless he's 50. He's living in grandmas house i bet.
Smart people just work 40 hours a week and make $200000I feel like its a mix of money and time. The more free time you have outside of work, the less money you need, because you can repair things yourself, do your own yard work, etc, and don't have as many expenses to maintain the same overall quality of life. Also that stuff can be really relaxing if you make it into a sort of hobby for yourself.
Buf if you're working 60 hours+ a week it better be enough money to pay for everything you'd otherwise need to do yourself, and pay for disposable fun as a substitute for legitimate relaxation, or you're still going to have a shitty life.
This is the sort of trap that I'm in right now.
If he was single, with no kids I could see it, but how it's would be possible with those in Vancouver I can't see.
I'm single / no kids, fairly frugal, and my yearly expenses are right around 19K. Most of that is a truck payment and rent.
2 million percent thisIt's sad that so many people don't understand just how little money you can comfortably live on when you have no debt.
Yes.2 million percent this
Also, my property tax is not cheap
Property Taxes were $4,000
My house and my father's are worth roughly the same. He pays about $2k more in taxes. CT sucks.So which is it?
Are property taxes not cheap, or did you only pay $4000 in property taxes last year? Because those two statements contradict each other. Especially if the link I posted above is accurate and you only pay ~$3 for every $1000
That property tax seems high. Of course the assessed value is also pretty high.
Ratewise you actually pay less property tax than I do. And I feel like my property taxes are fairly low. It's ~0.85% roughly around here.
Fuck canada sounds terrible.
We pay about 2k on 300k house in wv, i guess it's cheap to be retarded.