Comic book movies never try to fill in the gaps or explain shit. Not sure what comic book movies you're watchingMost movies, especially this genre, lack the balls to let people fill in the gaps with their own imagination on stuff. This movie did that and was better for it.
Comic book movies never try to fill in the gaps or explain shit. Not sure what comic book movies you're watching
And since I nitpicked, I do praise the hell out of the movie for avoiding a bunch of front-loaded exposition and instead answering the billion questions you have about htf everything went to shit slowly throughout the film - often with single lines of dialog.
My sister (never read a comic) even asked me if the "Westchester incident" = X-School. I had to google that shit to be sure.
It's not quite The Road with "one day, shit all died, but nevermind that" but it sure seems that way for a good chunk of the film.
The ending got me when she turned the cross to a "X"...
Her eating cereal and watching the security camera was the highlight of the movie for me. Her just like nonchalantly waiting for them to come in so she can wreck them, but just munching on her raisin bran first.
In the comics, she didn't have adamantium bones. Just the claws. So they won't grow, but she canIs Laura going to be child sized forever though? Can her bones even grow?