The religious right have been on a tear trying to put themselves up on the cross as the persecuted people in our society, while they are the ones doing all the actual persecution.
I read Hot Air articles for some stupid fucking reason regularly, and they were doing that shit on there, whining that gays are the "politically popular point of view" or some such nonsense, and then proclaiming that the religious right has no rights and all that tripe.
I mean please. Get down off that fucking cross, this society has contorted itself to fit the delusional world views of the religious for generations, and the tiniest bit of pushback against that shit finally starts occurring, and they're all acting like Hitler is marching their asses onto the trains to Sobibor, and not the other way around. Tad crying everyone else is a fascist is a great example of that.
The funniest part is that that'sexactly how Hitler portrayed the Catholic German blue collar labor class that supported himas if they were the ones being persecuted by the Jews, thereby justifying the counter measures used to remove the Jewish "menace" from German society.
It is literally, 100%, undeniably, exactly the type of doublethink nonsense that Orwell was writing about in 1984.
Demanding you stop persecuting others based on their fundamental characteristics, and refusing to pander to your demands to do so, is not, and never will be, discrimination against your religious beliefs.
Its like stepping into an alternative reality trying to talk to these people about these issues. Christians love to pretend that its 250 CE, and they're all being thrown into the Gladiatorial pits with the lions and shit by Nero, when nothing remotely close, not even within the same fucking universe, is actually occurring.