Pretty much everything outside of sexual orientation is. I disagree with the law, mostly because fictional characters with no legal existence (even corps are people, good luck getting god to testify in court) dictating service exemptions is about the worst precedent you can set in this country, legally. The Rastafarians (Church of Cannabis) and satan worshipers are already working on this one like they did with the statue thing in the south a while back. I also expect that the first time a Mormon establishment turns away brown people because their magic gold disks say that dark skin is the mark of evil that this will be crushed instantly. The one good thing about the law though, is that it pretty much makes these bigots wear that shit out in the open where you can see it a mile away. Its the under the cuff passive aggressive bigotry that is more systemic and harder to root out.
This is all bullshit, anyhow. The Conservatards are tossing this red meat out there to rope in the Jeebus freaks for the forthcoming Clinton V Bush election.