Bullshit. I never claimed doctors will be denying, or allowed to deny, care in emergency situations. You claimed that.
Look, unless there is some harm done to people being discriminated against, there needs to be no protection. The market will determine the fate of the business doing the discrimination like what happened to the cake shop and the pizzeria. If there is some harm done, the person should be able to sue. Creating all these special classes of people who enjoy protection is dumb.
We are talking about marriage counselors and shrinks. The gays are not on an emergency room's operating table.
My face when we're literally veering into some of you arguing that doctors should be allowed to deny service in an emergency to gay couples because "Muh free markets"
You're the one inserting the emergency conditions into the debate, not I, which is a non sequitor. It is against the psychiatric code of ethics to deny coverage based on sexual orientation. And psychiatrists are doctors.
Try again.
I'm a legal layman but wouldn't 3.06 allow anti-gay marriage counselors to call counseling a gay marriage a conflict of interest?
and what does this mean?
No, anti gay marriage counselors are not allowed to deny services based on their personal preferences. Its very clear.
as for your question: Its pretty simple: They aren't to make judgements on behaviors as good or bad, they aren't to condone or condemn someone for their life's choices.
It's interesting to see the breakup of who supports what in this thread. It's a lot different than most threads. This is also a a really stupid argument.
It is a stupid argument, because its so cut and dry. Your religious beliefs do not entitle you to deny services to people based on their race, their class, their gender, their sexual orientation, their biological sex, their religious beliefs, etc.
Abortions are wrapped up into this. A doctor doesn't have the right to refuse to conduct an abortion based on their religious beliefs. In fact it would be pretty silly for a Christian conservative or a Catholic pro lifer to be an abortion doctor in the first place.
So you are compeled to bake a cake, but the supreme court rules police have no duty to protect. Got it.
That's a completely separate issue, but I agree. Police should be required to protect citizens to the best of their ability. But that's not the Supreme Court's decision on the subject, so until they change their minds, or the politicians write a law contradicting that decision, that's where we are.