Where did you get this piece of information. I am going to suggest that you make a note of wherever this came from. Maybe write it on a sticky and put it on your computer if it was an internet source. Make a note and be sure to never believe anything they say again. They now have a proven track record of talking out of their asses.The cake store owners might honestly believe that their opposition to gays stems from the bible, but it doesnt.
1 corinthians 6:10 is pretty clear in opposing gayness. It equates it to thievery, swindling, and slandering among other things. Not trying to start an argument on rightness or wrongness of this verse, just want to correct your facts so you don't say it again and look foolish in front of someone important.
Cause cakes and medical care are the same. amirite?I have to take care of people in hospitals that I can't stand all day. Guess what? They come in, they get service like any other person. I'm not allowed to say, I'm not serving a swastika wearing, black hating skinhead. I still have to treat them as a human being. Shocking, right?
I don't know what happened at a cake shop in indiana. Please, fill me in. My google-fu is admittedly weak, but I went ahead and did a google search and nothing came up. I hope you are talking about the cake shop in colorado, because that'll make your smugness here so sweet.You haven't read this thread.
Like Astrocreep, may I assume that you don't actually know what happened at that cake shop in Indiana? Yes? I think it's pretty obvious.
Well, the counseling thing was a fallback. What they really wanted to do was bake cakes.Maybe they shouldn't suck at their jobs. Or conversly pick a field where they don't have to deal with that. It's not hard. If you're an asshole don't pick a field where people lives and happiness depend on you not being an ass hole.