Yeah I agree with that. But firearms are a product/tool one can purchase, rather than a fundamental characteristic of the individual.
Like, the right to own firearms is a civil right and a fundamental characteristic of being human (right to self defense if we want to get really nit picky is the fundamental characteristic of being a human in question), but the actual product themselves aren't, if that makes sense.
But yeah I think trying to restrict firearms ownership is a violation of civil rights, and banks refusing to do business with firearms dealerships in some way infringes on that right, definitely.
Like I said in another thread about gun ownership a few weeks back, I don't see how anyone can watch the Ukrainian Maiden sniper shootings during the Ukraine revolution and not reach a conclusion that yes, even in this day and age, the right to bear arms should remain uninfringeable.
Fucking police snipers sitting in towers shooting down Ukrainian citizens armed with billy clubs and alumunimum shields was just an abomination in my eyes.