So, what you're saying is, you can't actually justify your retarded assertion, and you think we should all just accept it because you made it, just like you think we should accept your claims for magic sky wizards simply because you can make them.Your racist statement speaks for itself and the fact that you are trying so hard to walk it back shows that you know it's racist
Apparently you're quite happy with telling a significant proportion of this nation's citizens that they're second class, at best, and not worthy of the basic fundamental respect society demands for others, you pathetic bigoted piece of shit.Apparently you are quite happy with thought police.
Where does the free exercise clause say that you get to discriminate against others in your business dealings based on your belief in magical sky fairies?The Free Exercise Clause says otherwise. You got a problem with it? Move to another country.
Protip: It doesn't.
This is what happens when you're WRONG tad. People realize it, and point it out to you, so you'll hopefully grow a brain and stop being wrong.
Unfortunately, with you, brain growth is clearly being negated by religiosity, or stupidity. Probably a combination of both.