HeyBlazin , what kind of a price target are you looking at for your IWM play? Just looking at it in the last 2+Y, the August '22 high was ~200, the March/April high was ~210, and the Jan high was ~225. I'm guessing you're not targeting the ATH of ~243 in Nov 21...
Cramer had a good month, not gonna lie.
Something wrong?Fucking fuck this fucking fuck fuck FUCK
If I stressed over my trades because I sold before the peak I would have blown my brains out a long time ago. If you made money, be happy. The opposite sucks.Yeah my brain. I'm a fucking dumbass. I don't think there is a cure. Well for me it's probably indexing but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
I paper handed because shithead comments shook me instead of just trusting myself and getting a better exit.
Hey, misery loves company as they say.Buying the bottom and selling the top is a pipe dream. I try to hit at least 50% of that, though. That's why I was satisfied for PWM 8 to 15.
I cut the bottom. I just need to stop looking at any comments or social media because there is ALWAYS shithead bots saying a $10 stock is going to $3 or $30. I know much better at this point and have shorted myself to know that stocks generally don't ONLY go down.
In general you're going to hear about my losses because there's no fucking way in hell I'm going to step in here bragging until I at LEAST hit break even. Which is a longer way off than ever.
FWIW thanks for continuing to engage me as most people won't or don't. And I don't blame them.
Bro, we care.Wrote a wall of text but deleted it all. Nobody gives a fuck.
Win or lose nobody cares about your portfolio but you.
I'm not sure what you mean by sell to cover, but Fidelity will exercise all options in the money by no matter how little.Will fidelity automatically exercise a call a option in a sell to cover method if the account does not have the cash to support a full exercise?
Note: I am not advocating for this as opposed to flat out selling the option. I just can't find an answer anywhere on Fidelity. It just states that anything ITM by .01 will be auto-exercised
Looks like this is your answer.Yes, fidelity will auto-exercise any ITM option by .01 according to their website. However, what if *bought* calls are ITM and the account does not have a cash position to cover? Basically an Exercise & Sell to Cover.
- 500 Call Options for ABC @ 1.00
- Current price: 2.00
- Stock is ITM by 1.00
- Total Exercise Price = 50,000$(correct?)
- Account has: 25,000$ in cash. There is not enough liquid to fully execute. If I were to let them expire as opposed to selling them would it:
- Put me in some type of margin deficit and tell me I have X days to sell/correct it(which should be easy in our imaginary situation)
- Or would it automatically execute, costing me 50,000$ and then automatically sell 12,500 shares, amounting in 25,000$, the difference between the account balance and the cost to exercise. Leaving me with only only 37,500 shares
I know this is a somewhat silly question, but I cannot find an answer anywhere on fidelity. Obviously I can just sell the call options and take the money and obviously I can sell a portion of the call options to provide me with the proper balance to execute the rest, but I was wondering what the default behavior would be.