Does this allow you to set time or fast forward? Ex: simulate trading sessions over the last week? What I did a decade ago was write some basic algorithms from a book I read (Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets), then set parameters for the algorithms and run it over a year from stock market trading data. I lost my shirt everytime and gave up on being a trader
. Is there any simulation product that supports that use-case?
Pretty sure it does, I don't use it though because like Chamath I'm in the arena! I'll save you time and write the code for you now that will be your best bet.
function authenticate(username, password) {
if (username === 'your_username' && password === 'your_password') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function checkBalance(username) {
// Simulated balance checking logic
if (username === 'your_username') {
return 10000; // Assuming you have $10,000 in your account
} else {
return 0;
function placeOrder(username, stockSymbol, quantity, price) {
// Simulated order placement logic
console.log(`Placing an order for ${quantity} shares of ${SPY} at $${price} per share.`);
// Your buy function
function buyStock(username, password, SPY, quantity, price) {
if (authenticate(username, password)) {
const balance = checkBalance(username);
const totalCost = quantity * price;
if (balance >= totalCost) {
// Sufficient balance to place the order
placeOrder(username, SPY, quantity, price);
console.log(`Order placed successfully.`);
} else {
console.log(`Insufficient balance to buy ${quantity} shares of ${SPY}.`);
} else {
console.log(`Authentication failed. Please check your username and password.`);
// Example usage
const username = 'your_username';
const password = 'your_password';
const stockSymbol = 'SPY';
const quantity = 10;
const price = 150.0;
buyStock(username, password, SPY, quantity, price);